Archive for October, 2005

Finding Your Own Voice

Saturday, October 29th, 2005

And now the conclusion. Yesterday Pernille told me that I would have to say goodbye to Mads soon. And I thought “Nonono no no no” and feared the worst. I didn’t want to lose my dear Mads. Turns out he will be going away, but only temporarily. He’s going, well basically he’s going to fat […]

To Be Continued

Friday, October 28th, 2005

Everybody was kung-fu fighting that Prince was fast as lightning in fact it was a little bit frightning but they fought with expert timing. Doobie dooby doop-doop doop-dub-doop! Yes, sorry I don’t know how that last line goes. I love The Prince. Today Pernille told me that I would have to say goodbye to Mads […]