
February 16th, 2025

Good goat times today. Absolutely freeezingly cold, and overcast. Jeanette was inside doing some sewing work, the couple of times I talked to her she mentioned how bitterly cold she had felt it the couple of times she’d one out. Yeah, brrrr.
This week is winter vacation in Denmark, so I wasn’t sure if we were going to have anyone come by at all. But we did get a group visiting, maybe from the neighbour school, or maybe it’s a daycare or something. None of the usual kids, but one of the usual adults. She’s a very soft spoken lady, many of the adults are a bit on the loud and outgoing side, you know to keep cotrol of the kids. But this one seems almost shy, but she always makes a point to come over and say hi to me when she’s there with kids. I like her. And the kids got to pet and feed the goats, which is always good.
Got some more silly running from Bella and Luna. Luna has been very animated lately. She’ll butt heads with Bella then bleat at her and run way, and sometimes it rusn into a sprint across the hills. Sometimes she’ll end up sprinting in the direction where Sky is, and even though she’s not runnint AT Sky, Sky will still run to get out the way, and bleat back at her. I do love when they get active like that. Good way to stay warm too.
Another good way to stay warm? Soup, and how to eat it.
10/2 2025

That’s one way to at your breakfast, Sky.
I put her bowl on the ground, but she couldn’t reach it, so I put it there instead. I guess that worked.

10/2 2025

I am the owner and CEO of Soupelay Industries. We are in the business of importing and exporting soup. We import it into my mouth and export it into the toilet.
Yeah well the stupid facebook post store called and they’re all out OF ME.
10/2 2025

Fun fact: The movie version of the book that inspired grandma Mio’s name was Christian Bale’s first movie role, also starring Christopher Lee.
Other fun fact: Mio is a boy’s name, but grandma Mio was in fact not a boy.
10/2 2025

Not a whole lot left of teh christmas tree. But it’ll be good for nibbling on for a long time.

11/2 2025

Got an hour forty on the bike today. Going well at it. Starting to feel my stomach tighten up, getting rid of the worst bloat of the holiday slash sickness slash inauguration depression. So that’s good. Going to keep working at it to get it even better.
While doing my stretches and cooldowns after the exercise, I finished Cujo. I really enjoyed it, I think it’s a well told and captivating story, if you can get past the dog part. Which admittedly is hard. I can see why King, as the narrator, put in a bit at the end about how Cujo was a good boy and was not to blame for what happened. Clearly he knew that people would not be happy if the dog had jus been evil.
I did feel bad for Cujo, I also felt bad for a character that died at the end, without going into spoilers, it was a very innocent character. And I can’t really explain why, but as I was listening to that, I started getting flashbacks to Mia’s passing. So I ended up crying in the shower afterwards.
It’s easy to see all the horror of the world and forget the good. It’s easy to get trapped in thoughts of the saddest days, and forget the years of happiness. It’s better to have loved and lost,,, right?
I am tired of the world, but it seems the world is not done with me. Kicking screaming gucci little piggy.
Alright alright. Think of the good times. May they outweigh the bad.
Oh and hey, thank you to everyone out there with whomst I can share the good and the bad times. I appreciate it.
11/2 2025

The Gulf Of Denmark has a nice ring to it. Once we’ve bought California, we should just keep expanding.
I hope it’s ok if we pay with crypto.
11/2 2025

Always exciting to load up the MP3 player with a new stack of books. Next up is another Philip K Dick. A Scanner Darkly. And then i’m going to start on Jeff VanDerMeer’s Southern Reach trilogy, which was one of the recommendations for books where “things aren’t what they seem”. I’ve been wanting to read these for years, so hopefully they’ll be good. Also lining up Stephen King’s Christine, another of the old Kings that I need to fill in the gap. Sometimes I feel like just stopping everything else and just reading books. But I do need to go goating and then I need to do editing and I need to exercise and sleep and other things.
I’m glad to be reading more again. I keep a record of teh books Ive read, and there were a few years were I read around 10 books, and that’s a very low for me. The number starting going up again with a couple of years around 20-25, and last year I got to 44. Not that I’m reading to fulfill a quota or anything, but it’s just nice to be reading more. Reading while I do stretches and exercises after biking has given me more time to read, and it’s a reward to look forward to while working hard on the bike.
11/2 2025


12/2 2025

Tired and headachey, slightly dizzy. It’s too cold. The forecast ahead says all days around freezing or below. There’s a night that says -10C/14F. You know yo’re in trouble when the C and the F is almost the same.
Bleh. I think i’m going to take a page out of Bella’s playbook, and do some napping.
12/2 2025

Urk. Feeling worse. Headache and tiredness gotten worse. Feeling woozy and the kind of tired where you eyes hurt, nad had a queasy taste in my throat. I thought I was just tired because I didn’t eat enough yesterday, after exercising. But now i feel like I might be coming down with something. Or maybe it’s the hypochondria. Maybe I just need sleep. I have eaten. Feels like I may need a little break. I’ll see I guess.
12/2 2025

Oh hi. I got myself a nice 12 hour nap last night. I guess I needed that. I still wasn’t feeling super great when I got up today. Decided not to go out in the freezing cold. Plans change.
But I did decide to give the exercise bike a try a little later on. I figured I’d have no energy for it, but I actually got a good ride going. Got an hour forty and decent effort.
Pretty beat now. Still tired, but not in the way I eas yesterday. Still a little headachey. I don’t know. I still figure I didn’t get enough to eat, I ramped up by diet this week and probably went too far. Or didn’t get enough water, even though i’m trrying to drink a lot.
I don’t think I’m sick, I just need to get enough fuel. And to that end, I’m going to cook me up a pot of soup.
13/2 2025

I made the mistake of looking on twitter. And saw Mark Hamill trending because the bigots think he said Luke is canonically gay in Star Wars. He didn’t say that of course. But that it would spark such outrage from those segments isn’t surprising.
I couldn’t help thinking though, with my stereoytpical view of certain statse in America.. I bet they would have less of a problem with Luke doing his own sister than with him being gay.
Humans are so stupid.
Me included, obviously. I’m dumb as a doorknob.
And I don’t really think that about American states. I was just kidding. Other than that one state. You know the one.
Btw my long sleep last night involved some wonderfully vivid dreams, including one where John Lithgow was dancing. Oh never have I wished dreams came true harder than that. Imagine a Danish John Lithgow. I would be so happy.
13/2 2025

🎶 who’s the sleepiest goat of all, it’s Bella! 🎵
brb, composing a theme song

13/2 2025

Got a Pepsi & Protein delivery today.
It’s always good to get a load of protein on Valentine’s Day.
Happy valentimes!
14/2 2025

Sigh. Bad news again. My brother has been taken to the hospital. My dad stopped at my place, before going out to the hospital. He was worried that it was a blood clot or stroke or something like that. But he called mom, who was with Peter wand went with him to the hospital, and it sounds like it isn’t that serious after all. Maybe an infection, probably connected to the hip surgery. But we still don’t know for sure.
Hopefully it’s not too serious. Just sucks that he’s having so many issues, I had hoped the hip surgery would get him feeling much better, but so far it’s been up and down.
Hooves crossed for better news later.
14/2 2025

An update on my brother. He’s not doing so well. Dad says they can’t really get through to him. I think he was asleep when I talked to dad. They are not sure exactly what’s going on, but I think there’s a lot of infection in his system, the doctors are working on it. He is in good hands, we just have to wait and see for now. Hopefully he will be better soon. Send him all the positive energy you can, thank you everyone.
14/2 2025

I am about to head off to bed. Latest news is that my parents have gone home. Peter has been sleeping all day since he went to the hospital. The doctors are talking about doing tests on his.. spinal canal? I am not sure the right term. But maybe that can shed some light on what is going on with him. Hopefully tomorrow will being better news. I am pretty weighted down with depression and worry, but one day a day. Tomorrow is another.
Thank you everyone, again.
14/2 2025

Hey, sorry to leave you all hanging. I distracted myself today with exercise and cleaning out kitchen cabinets full of ancient dirt and clutter.
But good news today. My brother is doing better. He’s awake and aware, able to have conversations with my parents. And they are moving him from intensive care to a kidney ward. They still don’t have a diagnosis, they don’t know exactly what’s going on. I’m not sure if they’re suspecting it’ a kidney issue, or if that’s just a precaution since he had a kidney transplant years ago. But he’s feeling better, and I’m feeling a lot more confident that they’ll get it all figured out and get him back on his feet.
Thank you everyone for all the support. I appreciate you care about me and my family, both the fur and the people kind. It feels good to know so many people have our backs. And fronts, in some cases.
Gonna grab me some soup now.
15/2 2025

no news is good news

16/2 2025

My brother continues to improve. Awake and alert. There’s some kind of infection in his body, but the doctors still haven’t figured out exactly what’s going on. But apparently there is talk of sending him home tomorrow. I feel like that sounds way too early, but what do I know… A couple of days ago he was ‘unreachable’ in intensive care. I’m worried they’ll send him home and then he’ll collapse in a coma or something. I know my parents will do their best to keep an eye on him, if they do end up sending him home. We’ll have to see. I guess it’s good that he’s doing well enough that they’re considering it.
I had pizza today. My plan to get more hardcore with my diet kind of collapsed first with burning out with lack of fuel, probably, and then depression and worry. Been eating way too much. But I’ll try again next week. The forecast says we might get a little warmer temps soon. I woud appreciate that. Sick of the freezing.
And trying to ignore the news, because the news are the news and the news ain’t good.
Despite my concerns about them wanting to send Peter home tomorrow, I do appreciate the Danish health care system a lot. Can’t help wondering what’s going to happen to the US one now. But that’s news to me.
Thanks everyone for all the support. Still so happy to have a perfect circle of facebook friends.
As all the social media platforms get worse and worse, and everything gets fragmented, I hope people will still be able to find the support systems they need. I miss diaryland and livejournal and AIM/MSN Messenger. And Napster and remember when MTV played music videos AND YOU CLOUDS MAKE ME ANGRY *SHAKES FIST*. And don’t get me started on cloudflare maliciously targetting non mainstream browser now and
okay okay I’ll shut up.
16/2 2025


That’s all for now.



February 9th, 2025

J DVa-nce says Denmark isn’t being a good ally. That’s pretty forking rich, coming from an administration that has threatened us with military force. Keep your allies close and your enemies closer…
It’s not so long ago that I went down the rabbit hole of the internet looking at historical things and wondering how those things could happen throughout human history and thinking that surely the things that have happened in the past could not happen again. I couldn’t even understand why a country would want to invade others, want to take over others. Why would you want that. Now Denmark is a tiny country, we could never take over anything. But even if we were a giant country I wouldn’t want us to take oer other countries. Why would I want more territory? I feel Embarrassed about Denmark’s past as a colonising country, about our relations with our territories away from home. Honestly if Greenland or the Faroe Islands wamted they independence I’d be all for that, although I know it’s a much more complicated issue than my little naive emotional childlike self can really comprehend. The point is, why would you want to take territory. it’s not a computer game where you have to conquer the map to win. If you’re having a hard time making the country you have work properly why would you want to complicate it by adding more territory. Do you think that’s what Jesus would want you to be doing? Taking over territory by force, military or economic. You think that’s in line with the teachings of christ? I just don’t get it.
And now.. we have the greatest country on Earth wanting to take over Canada, wanting to take territory from Denmark, wanting to let Russia have Ukraine, or parts of it at least. Renaming gulfs of stupidity. Rewriting the map to glorify yourself. The meek shall inherit the Earth my ash.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to end the week with another insane political ramble. But i didn’t expect to see the vice president of America shirttalking my country as I was preparing for bed. But here we are.
2/2 2025

Good goat times today. Freezing cold. But at least it was dry. The sun trying, mostly failing, to break through the cloud coverage.
The big girls were in a playful mood today. Bella and Luna running around like crazy for a while. They were butting heads and then Luna sprinted away and Bella followed and then it went from there. I went down into the big pen and ran around with them for a while .Great fun and good way to stay warm. It’s been a long time since they have been this active. Nice to see.
Now I think it’s time for soup I think.
3/2 2025

Bella and Luna, taking a snack break.

3/2 2025

Visited the feathers today too. This picture really shows how two of the newfeathers look a lot like Red Sonja. I’m guessing it’s Sonja on the rightmost, the biggest one. But I am not sure. And if they were all out running around together I’d have no chance of seeing who’s who. I may have to get a collar for Red Sonja too….
Although it’s been a while since she was out of the caged area. I miss having her around.

3/2 2025

Enjoying Cujo so far. It hits the spots that I love from Stephen King, settings and characters are great, the plot slowly unfolding. Remains to be seen if the plot goes off the rails, as it sometimes does in King books. To be clear, I don’t mind when the plot goes off the rail a lot of the time.
It pains me a little to read the sweetness of the lovely dog Cujo and knowing it’s going to go bad. He already has got rabies and it’s starting to affect him and it’s honestly kind of painful, probably more painful than a lot of horrible fates of human characters in King books. Don’t hurt the doggie! He’s a good doggie! Aww.
I know it’s just a book, but maybe I should put it in the freezer. Wait, can an MP3 player survive in a freezer? I guess it’s a moo point.
You’re welcome, Friends fans.
3/2 2025

Closed the gate so Sky could have some peace with her box of hay. It’s funny, no matter how much hay they have inside, if I bring out that box for Sky, the two others will want to go for it too. You have a whole buffet inside! Sheesh.

4/2 2025

Got an hour forty on the bike today. Plugging away. Then I did a little cleaning in the kitchen, which was sorely needed. When you can’t see the filth, it’s easy to ignore.
Hard to ignore all the news coming through, all the filth. It’s wearing me down and it feels like there’s no hope for humanity, tra la la. Sing along. We’re alllll fkked tra la la.
Alrightey then. One day a day.
4/2 2025

I think Bella wants to go back to the fenced off area behind the chicken coop. Maybe I should take them on another trip in there some time.

4/2 2025


5/2 2025

An anthem for the times

5/2 2025

Not a good day for the headspace. But hey shake it off shake it off shake it off, oh now I’m dizzy.
Stop the world, I want to get drunk.
5/2 2025

Good goat times today. A gorgeous sunny day. But freeezing cold in the morning. It did warm up a little later on in the sunshine. Always good to see that great balls of fire.
Bella and Luna did a little funny running again, good to see them so animated. Luna especially, she’s like a little dancer when she’s butting heads with Bella and then sprinting off.
We had our regular visitors from the neighbour school today. With Svend, Cecilie and Beren. They all love seeing the goats. Although Svend puts up some big theatrical EWW when he sees goat poop. He likes making statements. “That’s goat poop. That’s diiisgusting”. But he stays and pets the goats.
Came home and did and hour and change on the bike. Tired legs now. I earned myself some soup.
6/2 2025

Sunshine on Sky.

6/2 2025

Bella, always the tireddest goat. You can see the picked clean corpse of the christmas tree in the background of the top pic.almost

6/2 2025

I just want to fold myself into a tiny square and stuff me in an envelope and mail me to a far off place
7/2 2025

Woke up feeling kind of blah. Stuffed nose and hoarse voice. But not too bad, i think it’s just aftereffects of being out in the freezing cold, it happened last week to and I was fine.
Mentally not doing so great. But hey oh it’s off to eternal darkness of the soul we go.
My brother is back home from the hospital. I think he’s doing well, but my dad was a little worried about him and actually spent the night in his apartment, keeping an eye on him I guess. But I think he’s ok. Mom sounds ok too. Dad was complaining he had to make new holes in his belt because he’s been losing weight. I told him maybe he should go to the doctor and have a chat about that, because losing weight isn’t necessarily a good thing. If you’re not trying hard to do it, like I am currently.
I finished watching The Hobbit trilogy. In my head I was composing a long post about my feelings about it, but I think I’ll spare you all that and just say that while it has a lot of flaws, I did mostly enjoy it. Love the world, loved McKellen’s Gandalf, a thrill to see Serkis as Gollum, the dragon stuff was great. Definitely lot of stuff that could or should be cut out, but I still admire Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth works. A good fantasy time. There, that was me being concise.
7/2 2025

Think goat thoughts.

7/2 2025

Got an hour forty on the bike today. Vroom vroom. Freezing cold outside, but working up a sweat in here. Going to cook up a pot of soup soon. These are the days of our Lasse’s lives.
8/2 2025

One detail about The Hobbit that I neglected to mention is that I don’t think I’ve actually ever read the book. But my mother read it to me when I was a kid. The thing that stayed with me the most from it was the part where they enter Mirkwood and they’re told they have to stay on the path or they’ll never find their way back to it. I don’t know why that stuck with me so hard, but all these years later I still remember the feeling of dread when they got off the path, and wondering if they would ever find the path again, if they would be okay.
Maybe it’s a metaphor for finding your way in life, if you lose your path maybe you are lost forever.
Or maybe Tolkien was just a great writer.
I am thankful for the memory of having it read to me in any case.
I also remember playing the text adventure version of The Hobbit on our Commodore 64. It must have been one of the first text adventures Ie ver played, a genre that I fell deeply in love with. Because it was like being part of a book. I know Nintendo and Sega consoles were great, but I’m glad I grew up with an actual computer with a keyboard so I could experience text adventures. The Hobbit adventure was a pretty revolutionary one, it did things that few adventures, even much later released ones, ever did. Like having characters move around independently. Gandalf would just show up and you could say things to him or give him things, and he’d wander off. It was pretty enthralling getting to step into Middle Earth and being part of the tale. I never did get close to completing it, but it remains a fond memory of my early computing days, the fascination of the endless potential of text adventures because you were using that most powerful computers of all, your brain. No matter how many bits your computer had, the graphics could never be as good as those that were created in your mind by reading text,
I miss text adventures. I have tried looking them up, you can play some online. You might even be able to play The Hobbit online. But, even those that can display white text on black background so I can actually read it, it’s just too hard on my eyes an the fonts are often bad and it just doesn’t work. Maybe some day they’ll make audio texrt adventures, like audiobooks.
Siri, Say Kentilla.
Alright, that’s all. Here and back again.
8/2 2025

Time to grab some protein skyr. The skyr’s the limit, amirite?
Well am I? I’m not breaking eye contact until you answer me.
8/2 2025


9/2 2025

Don’t you hate when you accidentally light a stick of dynamite instead of your cigar?
9/2 2025

Celebrated Super Bowl by watching the new documentary Schmeichel, about our great national hero Peter Schmeichel, star of the real sportsballs game, soccerballs.
i still get the chills when I watch footage from Denmark winning the 1992 European Championship. I imagine most American couldn’t really understand what it was like. Are Americans ever underdogs? There was no way that Denmark should have been able to win that championship, and a whole country exploding in euphoria was a great thing. It’s not like sports are that important. But still. When I look back at my life, 92 stands out as my favourite year.
It’s a different game these days. A different world. I miss 1992. Conveniently ignoring all the problems I and the world had. Who cares, we won the championship.
Anyway. Good luck to the sportsteam in the footballwithoutfeetsports game. I know you can do it! You’re definitely going to win, and also it was so unfair that you lost, and how about those half time nipples and those commercials sure made me want to buy the products. I am comfortably distracted from the dumpster fire around me, huzza huzza huzza.
9/2 2025


That’s all for now.
