Archive for April, 2006

Three Roses By Any Other Names

Thursday, April 27th, 2006

Not so much to say today. Just a ton of goat kid pictures. First of all, formal introductions. Because Magnethe’s threesome has been named. I, unfortunately, didn’t get to do it. I really did like Marzipan, but oh well. A South African theme was used. I’m not sure why. But here goes. The girl. She […]

Three of a Kind

Monday, April 24th, 2006

Okay. I have kept you waiting long enough. It’s time for pictures of Magnethe’s little babies. This batch of pictures is from Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Their first three days in this world. Again I must apologize for the brightness/contrast, but I am just not good at taking pictures in that stable. It’s worst when […]