Ah. The art of the internet greet. I particularly like the snow greetings because snow is so wonderful. But any sort of greeting or sign will make me happy. Email me if you want to contribute. I will love you forever. Or until the next best thing comes along.
The pictures:

That's the original. From Jane. She started the idea. She gets no royalties but she got a snow pic back and a lot of warm thoughts.

And Skye gets my undying love of course. How sweet is that?

This is from Bethany. She doesn't get much snow. In fact it was the third snow of her life. And her first thought was to get a picture for me (disclaimer: it is impossible to count thoughts, said thought might not have been the first). Carved in a hay bale in Texas. Brilliant. It warms the heart no matter how cold it is outside.

And from Starla June. Another sweetheart. Kicking ass old school style.

Heey! This is from myself to all of you. You guys are the best. Collectively speaking.

This is a perfect snow greeting from secondstory. Thanks, mate! I'm jealous of the quality of the snowhandwriting.
A birthday card from the wonderful Jane. She's the best. And this is going to be worth a fortune when she's a famous rockstar!
(added 2004-12-29)

This is very special. It's another one from sweet Jane. She made this on her honeymoon! I am flabbergasted. I am honoured. I am happy!
(added 2004-12-29)

Not only has Maile contributed with bras and panties on her head, she has also sent me greetings! No less than 5 submissions in all now. Maile is in the lead!
(added 2005-01-19)

A beautiful snow greeting from Katherine. I can't link to her, but if you know her then you know she's grand. And this was taken with something as rare as a normal, old-fashioned non-digital camera. They don't make 'em like they used to!
(added 2005-02-16)

A snow greeting from all of me to all of you. Because whatever happens one thing will always be true. Plume loves joo!
(added 2005-02-18)

And Plume loves Julie too! A sweet, sweet snow greeting. I love when snow makes people think of me. That is dear.
(added 2005-12-23)

Merry christmas! A new update! How wonderful. Thank you Carole! First snow, snow wonderful.
(added 2006-03-19)

A new update for the new year. Wonderful snow by Lindsay. It is a joy.
(added 2007-02-15)

Yay Jane! The greetz live again!
That's all please feel it in your heart to contribute.