I call these "signs". I'm not sure that's the proper term really.
But you know, stupid pictures for stupid people on stupid messageboards, mostly.
It's a bit of fun, innit? Feel free to steal them. CAUSE I KNOW THEY ARE BADASS.
The pictures:

That's gangsta! This wasn't actually originally a sign.
But some people on some board stole the original, unedited picture for a gangsta thread.
So why not?
And yes, that's me. Dressed up for new years a long long time ago, would you believe it.

Three signs I made when I was sad one day. Aw.

Hohoho. You've been naughty.
A scan of a The One cover. Best Computer mag ever.

an advertisement for the Ultima 8: Pagan game.
The Guardian in the Avatar's hand.

My brother and I, one happy christmas long ago.

And now for something completely different.