A Song For A Sugar
I had my appointment at the hospital today. And it went very well. The doctor said that my blood sugar readings were excellent. So excellent that I no longer have to measure four times per day. Now only two times per day, and only Monday and Thursday. So that’s nice. That means a lot less stabbing myself in the finger.
And things in general are going so well that they have “discharged” me. Signed me over to my own doctor. I’m going to call in and make an appointment with him sometime in January, to check up on how things are going. But for now, it’s all good. And no more hospital visits.
The hospital doc I talked to today was nice. Well, they’ve all been nice so far. But this guy was cracking jokes and just very friendly. We got to the subject of my eyesight as well, and he told me that it could be up to 6 weeks before it would be returning to normal. I wish some of the other docs or nurses would have told me that. I knew that the blood sugar affected the eyesight, but since my blood sugar has been fairly stable I couldn’t really understand why my sight was blurry almost all the time. So now I feel a little more reassured that it’s normal and that hopefully it should get better. And who knows, maybe even better still after the cataracts exam in March. That’d be a dream come true. I’ll try not to get my hopes up though. I’d settle for the blurriness to go away.
After the hospital visit I went to the playground. Visited the jolly goats. And the humans too. I had to sign my timeslip for the month. Said hello to the fair Sigrid who was sitting at the old secondhand computer that the playground has gotten. At least I assume it’s secondhand. It looks old and not very powerful. But at least they have the internets now. I also talked a little to Per and Alice about the diabetes. Just briefly. And then it was back out to the goats. Would you like to see a video of the new buck would you like to see? I bet. youtube.com/watch?v=q4NsviPaEs8. He is really lovely and good company. The video also shows what happened when I pulled out a bag of old bread. You may can imagine…
And while we’re youtubbing I thought I’d show you one of the new Smashing Pumpkins tunes that I’m liking a lot: Song For a Son. Schweet stuff. I can’t believe they don’t play Plume at the 20th anniversary shows though. If not now then when?
And I am one of many
many more to come
Like the son, yeah I am one
November 27th, 2008 at 2:22
I am so happy you’re eye sight will get better in six weeks! And also that you don’t have to go to the hospital anymore. With the medication and new eating habits and a bit of exercise, you’ll be in great shape. I also saw the new video. The new buck is so nice and friendly. He even seemed to wait his turn when you gave all three of them bread. If only humans could be so genial!
November 28th, 2008 at 10:07
Thank you so much to your father for the offer. I might take him up on that! Raven loved her letter and I’m sure by next year she’ll be even more aware. Oh, and still haven’t heard anything fromt he English recipient. Maybe it just didnøt make it. Oh well.
Glad the eyesight issue was resolved. I thought that was the case what they said. But I’m glad they have confirmed it and YAY that you will be better sighted soon! Also YAY to you keeping your bloodsugar stable and low. I am so goddamn proud of you, Plume!
Oh, and I posted a response to an older entry… in case you miss it like I did your comment in my comment feature which I still can’t get to work as I’d like it. *boo-hoo*
November 28th, 2008 at 15:04
Oh yes, Desiree. We often confuse lions with golden retrievers here in Iowa, too! (From your post to one of Plume’s older entries.)
Mr. Buck is quite the dainty eater. The only Boer buck we know would have been up on the bench with you, then on top of you looking for more bread. When Hank the goat puts his feet up on his fence, he can look me in the eye.
November 28th, 2008 at 23:15
LuisLemmings – Yup, things are progressing nicely. And a polite goat, who’da thunk that could happen!
Desiree – We are only too happy to help out with the santa mail service. I hope the englishbound one turns up though. Otherwise those kids deserve extra presents I think!
My blog has a comment page where I see all the latest comments that people post, so even if you were to go back and post a comment on an entry from last year it’d still show up on top of that comment page. So, I didn’t miss it. It was a charming story of the Lion and the Raven. all it missed was a wardrobe.
Debster – I sometimes mistake goats for tigers. Mostly at feeding time, but I digress.
I think Mr Buck just isn’t quite used to the idea of humans actually sitting down and giving him food out of his pocket. Once he learns that then he’ll probably get more worked up. Like certain other goats. I name no names. But they begin with Magneth and Vanilj.