Mary-Kate And Osama
Damn. I was trying really hard not to take a nap today. But my head was hurting so much and I was so tired and then I took a nap. So now I probably can’t sleep again tonight. Hours in the dark with prickly feet. Great.
But other than that it’s been a nice enough day. It snowed this morning. Just as I left the apartment to go help my dad out with their printer. A nice, slow, steady snowfall. It’s been a long, long time since I last was actually outside when it was snowing. So that was good.
I wasn’t really able to help my dad with the printer. It is old and full of spilled coffee. So the conclusion was that they’ll buy a new one. Perfect consumers.
Then I went back into the snow. And up to the playground. Had a good time with the animals. As detailed in this video: First inside with the wonderful goat boys. Then outside with the lambs. And then a little bit with Gertrude.
I love having the lambs run around. Sussi & Leo. They are still really cute in that silly lamb way. Mama Polka is tied down out back. And the lambs aren’t quite sure how brave they are. They’ll run off exploring. And then 5-10 minutes later they’ll realize that mama isn’t there and they’ll baaaah and run back to her. And stay with her for 5-10 minutes. And then they have built up enough courage to go adventuring again. And that cycle continues all day, I bet. So periodically you’ll hear them baaah like crazy and then you know they’ll come sprinting back to mama. It’s awfully cute. I hope the goat boys will be big enough to run around on their own soon. Then I can try to follow them.
Tomorrow is new Lost. And Friday is new eye laser treatment. So that’s what that is.
February 5th, 2009 at 14:37
Those lambies are getting cuter even as they grow bigger!
You are getting snow and we are supposed to have a brief warm up in weather. Go figure!
Time to feed Buddy, the growling parrot, his breakfast. He is not a patient bird when it comes to breakfast.
February 5th, 2009 at 22:40
Debster – They sure are. Too bad they didn’t baah for me in the video. I love that silly sound.
Say hi to Buddy from me. Plume wants a cracker.