Light Over Land
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So, a little more detail about my latest surgery. My latest surgery, yes. Have you not had? That is so out of fashion.
It went pretty much like the others. Only this time I was more tired aftewards. All day I was knackered. Which is a little odd since it was supposedly the least complicated of the surgeries yet. But I guess it still took it’s toll. Also, when I woke up from it I had some kind of tube in my throat. I’m not sure if they woke me up too early or something. That didn’t happen the first times. But it left me with a sore throat for a couple of days.
Other than that it was all according to plan. They took out the oil in my right eye and flushed the blood and put the oil back in. So now my right eye is blood free. But honestly, that doesn’t make that much of a difference. I can see so little with my right eye anyway. The blood only really bothered me when I lay down and it pooled in the center of the eye. It doesn’t do that anymore, so that’s good. But other than that it’s really no better or worse. The blood in my left eye is more annoying. But unfortunately it seems they don’t want to drain that. There isn’t a lot in there, so the doctor seems to think it’s better to just let it disappear by itself. Or live with it until the oil comes out. Have I mentioned that it sort of lies in a circle around the edges of the eye. That’s a little annoying. More annoying is the way my sight gets all murky and unclear when I look down. I assume that’s the blood as well. But not much to do. The doctor says that now we can just wait. I think they want to see me once a week for checkups. And then in 6 months time, or however long it takes, they will remove the oil. And then we’ll see. I’m still not sure about the glasses. Whether I’m going to be getting temporary ones while the oil is in. Or wait until the oil is out and get proper ones. It really is the big question left now, how much the glasses will help. Hopefully my eyesight will still improve a little with time. It takes time after the surgery. But will the glasses help a lot? Or a little? Or nothing at all? I really have no idea. I know they won’t help against the “dead patches”. I will never have a full field of vision again. But how good will the vision I have become? It is a little maddening not to know. How good can it get. But I guess I should just be glad I am not blind. And hope I stay not blind. And then be happy with whatever little I can get better. And see how my life will shape out.
right now it is not a lot of fun. I can’t do so much. I’m not sure if I can go out on my own. I might try some shopping Monday. But it’s scary. I know my dad will be more than happy to come hlep me, 24 hours a day pretty much. But if you can’t go out alone then it’s hard not to feel somewhat trapped. Haven’t seen the goats in ages either. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go see them on my own either. But my dad will take me after hospital checkup on Wednesday. It will be good to see them again. I hope they do not forget me.
I have been listening a lot to the radio. I used to think that radio what somewhat, if not stupid, then at least irrelevant. But now it is very relevant obviously. To make the days pass.
I have had an electrician over to put up some lamps. When I moved in here there were no lamps at all. I have just had a couple of table and floor lamps. That used to be enough for me. But now I need more light. So now I have a couple of ceiling lamps. The one over the computer especially helos. I can see the keyboard better. Even when looking down. It’s nice to have some more light in here. So I can move around a little better. I am still very dependant on things being where I know they are, though. It’s a good thing I don’t live in a huge mansion. I’d never find anything.
So that’s how it is now. I am trying to keep my spirits up and stay sane. It is not always easy. But I’m doing my best. And waiting, hoping that things can get better. I’m not sure how much I will be blogging. Not every or every other day anymore, I’m pretty sure. Maybe once or twice a week. If there are new developments. Or if I need to let off steam. I hope you guys won’t forget me either.
This entry was posted on Saturday, August 1st, 2009 at 16:48 and is filed under Blogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
6 Responses to “Light Over Land”
1. Valja Says:
August 1st, 2009 at 22:50
Congrats on making it through all those operations. :) I have been offline for a while (we finally had the wedding and honeymoon, so I’ve been busy with things other than school for once…) but I have been thinking of you and will never, ever forget you, Mr. Plume! After I had my surgeries I remember thinking that I woke up worse than I had been — I spent a lot of time being frustrated because I lost the freedom I had had before the operation. Still, as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, I had to admit that I was actually recovering, and I could even do a few things that I couldn’t manage before. Time will tell, but in these situations it often brings good news. :)
2. Stu Says:
August 2nd, 2009 at 8:36
Thinking of you, Plume. I don’t comment so much any more, but I do still always read. You’re going through a real tough time with a great deal of bravery – I hope it all works out for you. Best Wishes.
3. Desirée Says:
August 2nd, 2009 at 13:46
I’ll never forget you, Plume, no matter how rarely or often you post! x
4. Debster Says:
August 2nd, 2009 at 15:00
Of course we’ll not forget you! You are our dear friend and we care about you very much. You must blog as much or as little as you are capable of doing.
Having the electrician come in was a good idea. More light makes it easier to see and keeps you from tripping over something.
The goats won’t forget you either. Most animals do have long memories and they know who loves them and brings them treats or gives scratches in all the right places. They will be glad you are there no matter what happens.
5. Milla Says:
August 3rd, 2009 at 1:20
You are my hero! nuff said
6. Plume Says:
August 3rd, 2009 at 19:54
Valja – Congrats yourself, I hope everything is working out well for you!
And I hope the surgeries will bring some good in time yes. That’s all we have anyway, time.
Stu – Thanks mate. I hope things are going well for you guys as well. It’s hard to keepup with journals and blogs right now. But all the best to you too.
Desirée – I appreciate that very much. Hope the kids and hubby are okay,
Debster – Thank you very much. I hhope I can keep regularly updating. Wouldn’t be the same without it.
The extra light is definitely helping. Maybe I can get the electrician to put up some extra lamps in the goat stable. On the other hand electric wires are probably not a good idea around goats.
I sure will be glad to see them again soon.
Milla – Aw thank you. I’m going to get myself a cape I think !