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A Fringe Too Far

On Thursday I had my third cane training session. This time going to my parents’ house. A longer route with several road crossing. one of them a heavily trafficed one.

So it was a little harder than just going to Føtex around the corner. But it went okay. I learnt some techniques for crossing roads. Both the heavily trafficed one with traffic lights, and the smaller ones with no crossings. I won’t lie to you, crossing the road when you can’t see very well is not funny. But the cane helps a lot in that respect too, signalling to other people that you can’t see well. So hopefully they will show consideration. Although there were actually two cars that broke the law and swung out in front of me as I was crossing. I thought that was somewhat rude. Not only was their behaviour breaking the traffic laws but they were doing it to what they could only assme was a blind person as well. Maybe I was taking too much time getting going, when you can’t see the light turn green then it takes a little longer before you know that it’s okay to go. But anyway, I could see them swinging in front of me and I felt confident enough in the situation, I wasn’t almost run down or anything.

So now I should be able to go to my parents’ on my own, in theory. And from my parents it’s a pretty easy road to the playground, so I should be able to go there as well. I probably won’t be going there alone just yet, though. Maybe when I feel a little more comfortable. When I’ve been out with the cane a little more. But there’s no doubt that the cane helps a lot and as long as I keep some of my remaining eyesight then it’s quite realistic that I’ll be able to go out on my own in the future. So that’s good.

We have another session next Thursday and after that we might take a little break, slow down a little. Then I can try things a little more.

On Tuesday I’ll get a visit from their IT department. So they can have a look at my computer. Things are actually going pretty well when it comes to using the computer right now, so I don’t need that much from them I guess. I don’t think the screen reader is going to let me do things I can’t do right now. But it’ll be good to get it installed so I have it if my eyesight deteriorates again. Let’s hope I won’t be needing it. There are things I’ll never be able to do on the computer again. Play games. Look at pictures. Some websites. The screen reader would be a last resort, when it’s a choice between that or not using the computer at all. Luckily I’m not there yet.

They will probably look at my cell phone too. But I’m pretty sure my cell can’t run a speech program. And I don’t think I want to buy a new one. Even when my eyesight is really bad I can still make and receive calls and that’s all I really use it for. I don’t text, I don’t use the alarm clock anymore. So I will probably just keep that and live with the limited functions. And then we’ll see if they can offer me a DAISY-rom reader so I can read some audio books like that. It will be nice to have the IT stuff done, although I’m not looking forward to having a stranger snoop through my computer. I’m a bit of a control freak with that, bordering on paranoid. I don’t like having stuff installed without having control over it. But it’s for the best, I know.

In other news, it seems I’m getting new neighbours at last. The apartment next door has been empty for something like 7-8 months I think. Since the kindergarten left. But now there are people coming and going, working again, hammering, talking. I think it’s a family moving in. My dad said there were kids anyway. I’m sure that will all be fine. I know it’d be smart of me to get a closer kind of relationship (or any kind at all) with my neighbours, what with my situation and all. It would be good if I could go next door and knock if I needed help. But I can’t, it’s too hard, especially right now. I have no surplus of energy or motivation. I’m just trying to get through things. And with me not answering the door and not going out much I probably won’t be seeing a whole lot of them. So it goes.

I mentioned that on Monday I went outside on my own for the first time in many months. I have also done something else for the first time in many months. Watched a movie. Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy more specifically. I have had it sitting on my DVD-recorder since it was on the telly a year ago or something like that. I haven’t watched any movies since all the eyesight loss started. At least not since the oil surgeries. So that’s 3-4 months. If not twice that. But I was in the mood for it. And it was ok. I had seen the movie before, and read the books of course. So that helped me follow it. It is harder to follow movies when you can’t quite see them. Surprisingly. It’s frustrating. I can see some of the screen. But then there is the blind part in the almost center of my eye. So I can’t see all the screen at once. If something happens on the left hand side and I watch that and the action switches to the right hand side then I have to move my eyes there. It makes it pretty much impossible to watch soccer for example. I might be able to see some of the pitch, but the action moves so quickly (even though Americans might disagree on that…) that I just can’t follow it. I guess I could focus on the right side of the screen and hope the ball stays there…

I am still clinging on to some of my American TV shows. Sitcoms and cartoons are pretty easy to follow. It’s harder with the dramas. I love Fringe, but it’s dark and complicated and it can be hard to enjoy when you miss vital parts of the plot. There are new shows that I’d like to watch as well. Like FlashForward and Stargate Universe. But I’m vary of starting new shows because it’s hard to get to know the characters when you can’t really see them. Shows I’ve been watching for years, I now the characters, it makes it less confusing.

I really wish they’d start showing Lost now. While I still have some sight left. That show is very important to me. But it doesn’t start up until January I think. And if it’s true that they take a break for the winter olympics then maybe it won’t end until summer next year. That is one complicated show, I know I’d have a hard time following it even now. I dread to think how it might be 8 months from now. I hope I’ll be able to follow it. I desperately want to know how it ends.

I know it’s only TV. But before I started losing my eyesight TV and computer and books and candy and soda and the playgground was pretty much my life. Lots of it is being ripped away from me. So I’m just clinging on to what I can. Trying to accept my new situation without losing everything from my old.

Well, enough for now.

5 Responses to “A Fringe Too Far”

  1. Debster Says:

    You will have to do what the monkeys at the zoo do when they don’t like what people are doing (cars passing around you when you’re crossing the road).

    If you don’t know…monkeys throw POOP! So have some extra poop when you go out for a walk!

    Maybe look at the IT person coming not as a loss of what you can’t do, but as a pleasant way to pass some time talking about computers to someone else who shares your passion for all things computer. Speak “geek”.

    Well having new people next door will be interesting. With your way with children don’t be surprised if you find yourself talking to them. They’ll probably ask some questions about the cane, but it will be your chance to give them some info.

    Sounds like you are doing well. We’re very proud of you, my dear danish goat boy.

  2. LuisLemmings Says:

    Oh, Debster! You big shilly!! Plume only did that once and he promised never again. Think of the mess and the smell. Not very pleasant I should say. But I am happy Plume is making headway with his cane work. I am still praying he will keep some of his eyesight. My heart breaks for our friend though. Of all the people in this world to happen to, he should NOT be the one.

  3. Katrine Says:

    It’s great that you will be able to get to your parents place on your own! I hope the new neighbors are nice (I’m sure they will be), and as Debster says, if they have kids tha kids will probably talk to you ;) Who knows, maybe they even have an animal?

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – Well I always make sure to carry extra poop around with me, so I’ll make sure to do that next time!
    And I’ll try to make the best of the IT visit. And the neighbours. I’ll do my best not to throw poop at them at least. That might not be the best way to start off things between us!

    LuisLemmings – Correction: Only once that you KNOW of. Don’t think I write about everything in my blog. You don’t want to know..

    Katrine – My fingers are crossed that they will have a goat. I know it’s unlikely. In fact I don’t think it’s even allowed. But still. Just a little one.

  5. LuisLemmings Says:

    Someone said “poop.” Tee hee hee!!

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