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Spring Has Sprung A Leak

Today is March the first. What does that mean? It means that my birthday is two weeks away. But more importantly it also means that winter is officially over in Denmark.

Theoretically anyway. I do think it’s been thawing. But it doesn’t feel much like spring. I overheard a weather forecaster talking about -12 degrees one of the coming nights. It’s supposedly going to be a very cold spring. Just fine, just fine.

Hopefully some of the snow and ice is gone. I never made it to the playground last week. I am missing the goats. I hope I can get to see them at the end of the week. I have doctor’s appointment Tuesday and hospital appointment Wednesday, though, so I will probably be quite tirededed out. Fingers crossed that it will all go well.

My front door was quite busy today. I had to open it thrice. Once for my dad dropping off goods. And twice for the mailmen. Yes, plural. Two mailmen came around today. The first one was the regular mail. He brought me my new MP3 player. Did I mention I was buying a new MP3 player? I can hardly remember what I put in my blog and what I put on Facebook these days. Or twitter. Yes, I have a twitter now. God help us all. You can find it in the links on the right side of the blog if you should so desire. I rearranged the links a bit. Fascinating. Anyway, about an hour after the first mailman came a second one. I wasn’t sure if I dared to open the door. After all the mail had already been there, so who could it be? But I knew that I was also expecting my Stephen King Under The Dome audiobook. The one I was not allowed to buy on Audible because of “geographic limitations”. I was able to buy it as an MP3 CD on amazon, where I also bought the MP3 player. And verily so, it was another mailman. The Stephen King CD was delivered as a pacckage I had to sign for, while the MP3 player was just regular mail. That’s why it took two seperate mailmen to deliver it all. This mailmen story is almost as suspenseful as a Stephen King novel, don’t you agree?

I have spent some time today setting up the MP3 player and getting it all to work. And I seem to have figured it all out. I can use it and bought and transfered my first Audible book to it. The Call of Cthulhu by Lovecraft. I’ve never read any Lovecraft, it seems like something I should do. At least give it a chance. I am just relieved that I can operate the MP3 player without too much fuzz. Everything new is a little scary and daunting when you can hardly see anything.
But so far so good.

I’ve been getting some other stuff done as well the past few days. Upgrades of antivirus and wordpress. Research about exercise. I have ordered a matt and a gym ball and some other tidbits. For extra exercise goodness. I feel like I have been fairly productive, which is nice. Lots of little stuff that should be quick and easy, but isn’t anymore. But as long as it works out in the end then I won’t complain. Much.

In other good news, the ointment I got for my right eye seems to have worked. It’s not really sore anymore, not much anyway. It’s hard to put ointment on an eyeball though. Not least on a blind eye that can’t see where the tube is aiming. But it worked, so that’s good. And I have stopped taking the anti-pressure eyedrops. Been taking them for months, but the hospital doctors told me to stop a week before the appointment on Wednesday. To see if things are stable on their own. And I have felt no increase in the pressure, no pains. So it looks like the right eye is stable on that front. I am still taking another form of eyedrops, and now the ointment too, though. But hopefully the right eye can soon be left to rest for good. Time to get to work on the left one I hope. As I have said before, I’d just like everything to be resolved so I know what I have to deal with.

I had a shooting star for dinner today. We are all starchildren.

3 Responses to “Spring Has Sprung A Leak”

  1. Debster Says:

    So maybe you are living in a Stephen King book! The two mailmen you had today – one of them was actually a mutant robot, but you don’t know which one it was.

    And then the mailman turns into a big dog with rabies who bites you, but you kill him and bury him in a cemetery for pets!

    It’s been a long day and I’m tired and goofy. Stephen King scares me. I will have to seek protection with my “were-goats” instead of a werewolf!

  2. Traci Says:

    email me your mailing address again, pretty please? I am moving soon & cannot find all my addresses for people.

    glad you’re finding some stability with things. I’m trying to be productive right now & get organized, start packing & et cetera. Going to listen to some Velvet Underground & maybe some SP since your “starchildren” comment reminded me! Have a good week Lasse!

  3. Plume Says:

    Debster – Haha. Nice. Although I think mutant robot isn’t quite King’s style. It would more be like.. from different universes or dimensions. One mailman is from the good dimension and he brings good letters and packages. The other mailman is from the evil dimension and he brings bad letters and package.
    Hmm, maybe I should write this myself. Stephen King makes a lot of money, why shouldn’t I?!
    I wonder if you weregoats turn into humans when there is a full moon? Then they sit around and drink tea and play poker. Yes. There’s another novel I should write.

    Traci – I sent you a pm. Of course you shouldn’t get me anything etc etc you really don’t have to and so on and so forth.
    I hope the moving will go well. Wouldn’t it be nice if ones entire book collection were audiobooks, that would certainly make the lifting easier!

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