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Skysaw And The World Of Tomorrow

Today I went back to the hospital. For the most likely last eye treatment. For now, at least. And I know that to keep up a good, dramatical structure I should leave the conclusion to the end of the post. But I figured I’d just come out and say it right away. It went well. And I can see better now than I could yesterday. I’m trying hard not to get too happy, because you never know. I could lose it all again. But for now, right now, I am happy.

But if you want the whole story, here goes.

I had to get up quite early. 6:20 am. And wouldn’t you know it. For the first time since I started taking antihistamines more than a month ago, I woke up with a blocked nose in the middle of the night. I took a quick nasal spray and fell asleep again. But it wasn’t a fun morning. Somehow early mornings are even worse when it’s completely dark and freezing. That’s just the kind of situation where all you really want is to bury yourself in your bed under a warm blanket. Still, I was pretty keen to get going to the hospital so I got up okay and got ready. My dad came over and shortly thereafter we went down and got in the taxi we had ordered the day before. It was still completely dark outside and I couldn’t see a thing as we drove through the morning traffic. Only headlights rushing by and the occasional lit building at the side of the road.

It was almost nice to see the eye ward at the hospital again. I have spent so much time there it almost feels like a home away from home. Well, not really. But everything was as I remembered it pretty much. I didn’t see Inge unfortunately, I would have liked to say hello to her.

There was a little bit of confusion because originally I had two seperate appointments on different days, one for eye photography and one for the secondary cataracts lasers. We got them put together in one appointment, so we only had to come in on one day. Handy. But we did end up getting directed back and forth a couple of times, trying to figure out exactly what we were doing next. But it wasn’t too bad. I got my eyes eyedropped and photos taken of both eyes. I think I may be getting that done on a regular basis. Maybe once or twice a year. So they can keep track of what is happening to my eyes. After the photography we went to the laser place and the doc there had a look at me. And then she took me straight in to the laser machine and I got a series of shots in the eye. Although, she had to get a colleague to help her first. I think the laser was a new piece of equipment or something like that. So she had to have confirmed that she was doing it right. That the settings were right. It wasn’t a problem at all, but it isn’t really what you like to hear when you’re about to have lasers shot into your one functioning eye. “Hmmm, how does this thing work..?”. But she seemed confident and nice enough. And aftewards she told me that it had gone well. I should wait a day or so to see what the outcome is. Because my vision could be blurry the first day. And there was a slight risk of some further unclearness that might require further treatments at a later date, but it didn’t sound like that was too likely.

And that was that. It all went by pretty fast. On my way out I was of course trying to judge whether I could see any improvement or not. But it was hard to tell, because of my eyes being eyedropped and just out of lasering.

But on the way home I sat in the back of another taxi, and I did feel like there was a little improvement. I watched the beautiful snow scenes rush by outside. Quite different from the dark, inpenetrable morning. Beautiful, beautiful snow-covered streets and trees. It made me so want to go for a walk. Maybe I should go skiing.

Now the end of the day is nearing. It’s dark outside again. And my eyesight is definitely better. Clearer. It makes a big difference sitting here at the computer. Yesterday I had to squint and lean closer. Sometimes I’d have to take my pupil dilating eye drops or use a magnifying glass to read some text. But right now I can read the text with ease. Using smaller fonts in places even. I mean, I still need to use specialised screen settings compared to what ordinary people use. But it’s easier. And it really makes a big difference. So I’m hoping, hoping very much, that I get to keep this improvement. It’s a marked difference from yesterday to today. And I can’t help being scared that it will go away again. But I was told not to have hope for anything at all. So this is good. I am glad I pushed to get this through. The eye doc at the hospital back in June/July almost said there would be no point to it. I’m glad I insisted on getting it done, I have the feeling that if I hadn’t done that then I wouldn’t have gotten this treatment. But I guess I was right, it was the secondary cataracts that made my eyesight go worse after the lens replacement. At least that’s what it looks like now.

We’ll see how it looks in the morning. I really, really hope I can keep this. It’s still bad, but it’s a lot better than if it was worse.

It’s been a good day. Let’s hope there are more of those ahead.

PS. I also want to thank my facebook friends for he support. I appreciate it.

6 Responses to “Skysaw And The World Of Tomorrow”

  1. Debster Says:

    Hooray! Good news from my Plume. Glad to hear you’ve had some improvement in your sight. I will keep my fingers crossed (even thought it makes it hard to type) that your sight stays that way.

    We’re in for some nasty weather. According to the weather forecast, we have a blizzard watch from Saturday evening through Sunday evening. I think we may get rain first, and then snow (I hope). It is going to be worse the farther north you go, so I hope we get by without much moisture.

    It was up to 50 F (10 C) today and will drop to around 6 F (-14 C) by Sunday. The correct weather terminology for that is called: weather whiplash”. Extreme niceness to extreme not-so-niceness!

    Can’t wait to see what our “summer kittens” think of snow – if it happens. Won’t they be surprised?

  2. jane Says:

    happy for you mr. plume! we have snow coming this weekend, too. i’m just hoping it will hold off until tomorrow so we can get some shopping done today. i’m so glad your eyesight is better!

  3. Plume Says:

    Debster – Very good news. So far it’s still good. I’m quite happy with it.
    I hope everyone gets throug the blizzard okay. It sounds dreadfully cold. Bette rkeep the kittens on a leash so they don’t blow away!

    Jane – Thank you kindly! Are you doing christmas shopping? I do my christmas shopping online, so at least there the snow won’t bother me!

  4. Katrine Says:

    oooh, I hope it stays improved! *fingers crossed*

  5. Desirée Says:

    Smiling from ear to ear! We’re all very happy for you! Best news ever! Yay!

  6. Plume Says:

    Katrine – me too! Thank you!

    Desiree – I’ve been smiling quite a bit myself !

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