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Allergene Pool

So on Wednesday I went to the doctor to get checked for allergies. In the good old days that would have taken lots of painful needlepricks I think. But in this modern day and age it only takes a simple blood sample. So that was no problem. I’m still waiting for the results. I should get them within a week. It will be interesting to see. I am quite certain I have allergies. I stopped taking my anti-histamines for a week prior to the test, so they wouldn’t interfere with the results. And I have definitely felt the return of the slightly runny nose, the intermittent sneezes. I feel like the back of my throat is more sensitive. Maybe I’m just imagining that. But the nose is stuffed more too. So I have no doubt there is something there. And when the results come then the doc can hopefully tell me how best to deal with it. For now I’m back on anti-histamines.

He’s very nice, my doctor. He always asks me how I’m coping with things. The eyesight situation. He asks me what I do with my time. So naturally the talk went to the playground and the goats. It was nice talking about them. Although it lead to talking about what happens when the goat kids grow up and no buyers are found for them. And that lead to him telling me about how he had to put down his family’s dog during a christmas and how his daughter was crying and crying. That was such a sad story. But so it goes with animals. They never live long enough.

Afterwards I went to the playground where everything is still good, for now. Magnethe and Snow White were both tied down on the lawn in front of the playground. I guess Snow White can’t be trusted to walk around on her own anymore. Last time I was there I did see her and her boys sort of starting to wander up towards the residential area. I imagine they’ve been up there causing havoc and spreading fear amongst the general populace. So no more freedom for Snowy. Of course she was not happy about that. Especially when her boys run off. When I got there I couldn’t see the boys, so I went around and looked all over the playground. But it turned out that they were just snacking on the bushes next to the lawn. They soon followed me back to their mamas and everyone was much happier. Even with a slight downpour. I had wet goat boys crawling on me. I did not mind.

Here’s a video: youtube.com/watch?v=04_55ch690Y.

And that’s yer lot.

6 Responses to “Allergene Pool”

  1. Bill Kennedy Says:

    I always enjoy “Plume’s Wild Kingdom” blogs. Good luck with your allergies. They are kicking my ass this year worse than ever. Not sure whether it’s because I live up in mountains surrounded by nature, or I’m just getting old. Either way, you kids stay off my lawn! Damn teenagers.

  2. Traci Says:

    Yay. Glad you didn’t get tons of needles poked in you. Hope you won’t have to do allergy shots or stuff like that & get them poked in you later. I don’t recall it being that painful when I did it for a while but it was such a hassle to go to the doctor every week.

  3. Plume Says:

    Bill Kennedy – You live in the mountains Bill? Now I’m jealous. Do you have mountain goats there? Because if you do then I may have to come live in the attic. Although I’m kinda scared of heights so living in an attic in the mountains might be a little problematic.

    Traci – Eep, I hope I won’t be having to do any of that. The anti-histamine has been quite helpful, so I hope I’ll just have to keep taking that or something similar. We’ll see how it goes.

  4. Debster Says:

    Isn’t it great to just have a blood test for allergies instead of all those pinprick tests they used to do? I’ve had both done. The pinprick ones were done when I was in grade school (I know, I know – centuries ago) and they are no fun at all. Especially the ones you react to.

    Hope you find an allergy medication that works for you. Sometimes the nasal sprays work well, too.

    Hay sometimes makes me sneeze and I usually try to wash my hands immediatley after I feed the goatzies.

    Who is this guy who can talk to doctor’s about the playground and the goats? I can remember someone who found that extremely hard if not impossible to do. I’d say someone is making progress in the art of making small talk. Congrats!

    And you must have made the doctor comfortable enough to share his story about his pet having to be put down. The doctor probably doesn’t share that story with just anyone. Some people wouldn’t understand at all how hard something like that is to do.

  5. Plume Says:

    Debster – The blood test was nice and easy, I’m grateful for that. I think my mother had the pinpricks done back in the day too. I have had enough needle pricks the last few years…
    I don’t know how good my small-talk is, but I guess a little is better than none. It’s always nice when I manage to do it. With Bodil too.

  6. Debster Says:

    Yes, I’d forgotten about Bodil. She’s so funny to listen to in your videos. She laughs a lot and I feel like I can almost understand what she’s saying even though I don’t know any Danish!

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