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Zoo Zoo Zoom

I have had a couple of nice days. Let me tell you about them, as if by blogging.

Remember my foot therapist? And how he stopped? I haven’t had foot therapy since December because after he left the place was pretty much empty, the person who owned it was impossible to get a hold of for a long time. But my dad found the new place where my old therapist works now. The problem is that it’s a bit farther away. The old place was very easy for me to get to. Just 10 minutes by bus, a bus route that I have taken probably thousands of times. So I know it and feel comfortable with it. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to find my way to the new place, so on Monday my dad and I went on a little reconnaisance trip. To find out whether it was realistic that I could go there on my own in the future. It so happened that the bus line 3A that goes out there is the old number 14, a bus that I have taken a fair number of times in the past when I have gone to the big Bilka shopping center. I could still remember most of it so that made everything much easier.

The office of the foot therapist is in the back of a sewing machine store, so that was sort of peculiar. He wasn’t in when we were there but the sewing machine store owner showed us in and was quite helpful. All in all it was a good trip and I think I should be able to go there by myself. The first few times my dad will probably take me, just until I’m sure I can do it by myself. I got an appointment in a couple of weeks. So that will be nice. I’m glad I can keep using the same therapist. He’s a good guy and I feel comfortable with him.

After that was all done with I went to the playground and spent some time with the goats. They weren’t in the goat fold. They were in the sheep fold, as I call it. Mio and Bob were tied down but the others were walking around freely. And in fact someone had left the gate to the fold open so when I got there I was greeted by Kamel and the buck who had both left the fold and were just walking around outside. They seemed to enjoy it.

It was a little sad to see Bob tied down, for the first time I think. But he didn’t seem unhappy with it. As long as there is fresh new grass and bushes within reach it’s really not too bad. Makes it harder to escape from the buck though!

I missed the sunshine. It was overcast and a bit chilly. I would like summer to kick in again soon. But goats are good in all kinds of weather.

After that I went back to my parents’ place for a nice little dinner. So that was a good day all round.

Yesterday was quite nice too. Mainly because I got a completely brilliant package in the mail. From my Facebook friend Lynne. It was supposed to be a birthday package but it was just a little late. Haha. That’s okay though, because I didn’t expect anything at all. And certainly not all the nice stuff I found in the package. There was a Darth Vader plushie. You probably have to have read our FB chats to understand what that’s all about. And a goat beanie. You probably just have to have known me for a day or two to know what that’s all about. Also a goat magnet which is now on my fridge. There was also a couple of nice cards. And Scottish treats. Yes. Lynne is from Scotland. There was something called “Scottish tablet” and I have no idea what it was but it tasted like a little slice of heaven. Amongst the other treats there were also toffee. Now I have only had Danish toffee before and that has been some soft, chocolatey sorts. But this stuff was hard like wood. Never tried that before. I have probably lost a tooth or two, but it was worth it. All those treats probably weren’t good for me, but ah I can indulge once or twice a year. It’s not every day you get treats from Scotland! Lynne is a great friend. We have long, silly talks. She loves pygmy hippos the way I love goats. We’re planning to make a zoo together. Although I think we’re going to keep the humans in cages and let the animals be free.

We’ll see!

OH and guess what? I took pictures at the playground. I haven’t done that in a long while. Since losing my eyesight and all. But it was nice to do again. Remember when I used to post a billion pictures of goats? I’ll limit myself to just one this time. Here’s Mio:


3 Responses to “Zoo Zoo Zoom”

  1. Debster Says:

    Hmmm…maybe you can have foot therapy and learn to sew all at the same time. Hee, hee

    Always nice to get unexpected packages thru the mail and from Scotland no less. You’ll be wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes to the goats, laddie.

    Pygmy hippos and pygmy goats. More people who are afraid of large animals. That what I tell people after I tell them we have pygmy goats and a miniature donkey. “We’re afraid of BIG animals.”

    The weather warms up here to almost unbearable and then the next night we have to turn the furnace on again. Looks like we are to have a few nice days without any rain. I think our soil has enough moisture in it now ready for planting crops. We had such a dry, hot summer last year. The goats are loving all the green, green grass to nosh on.

    We washed a deck and a house this week so they will be clean and dry and ready to seal the deck and paint the house – as long as the sun is shining.

  2. Debster Says:

    We got the deck sealed, but it was rainy today, so will have to wait on painting the house. We have a huge bunch of replacement windows to stain and varnish in the shop from two different clients.

    Happy Mother’s Day to your Mom – otherwise known as the “dear danish goat boy’s Mom”! We are going to my sister and her husband’s house for brunch on Sunday to celebrate with my Mom. I will have to let you know what we had on our brunch menu tomorrow.

    I have been watching the hummingbirds in the evenings after we’re finished with work. They are so much fun to watch. Besides the twittering and buzzing noises they make, they also come flying by at breakneck speed and it must be their wings making a whistling sound. Or it sounds like a car coming around the corner on two wheels very fast! A very small car by the way.

    Also heard a whip-poor-will this evening about dusk. He was calling out his name multiple times. We also watched the Canada geese flying by as they headed to a field for the night.

    We watched the cows and their calves and they watched us. The little white calf is one of the biggest calves in the pasture. She was trying to steal milk from a cow who wasn’t her mother. Sneaky little devil – a milk thief! The other mother cow turned around and saw that the little white calf was not her baby and moved away.

    Frankie had his head stuck thru the fence . . . again. He always seems so surprised that he can’t get his head and horns back thru the fence. I wonder if he thinks the fence shrinks once his head goes through? Silly goat. He finally tucked his chin to his chest and I helped push his head back thru the fence. The grass always looks better on the other side of the fence.

  3. Plume Says:

    Debster – I’m not sure I could pull of a kilt. Boy, if I had a nickel for everytime I heard that. Haha. Well, maybe I’ll have to try some haggis some time.
    You washed the deck? That sounds like something they’d do on a boat. You don’t live on one of them houseboat thingies do you? I have a feeling the goats wouldn’t enjoy that.
    It sounds like your place is like an old radio theater, full of sound effects. Except you don’t have to bang two coconuts against each other, you have a donkey for that.
    I wouldn’t blame Frankie if he gets a big head, such a good looking goat must be hard not letting it go to your head! The other day the little hook on Bob’s collar that his leash was on got stuck in a fence so he could barely move. And of course the buck picked just that moment to start butting into him. Pook Bob couldn’t flee at all. So I had to get up and get the buck away and then set Bob free. It’s a dangerous life, being a goat.
    I hope you didn’t miss my entry with the goat alarm broadcast video by the way. I think a signal like that might be in order when goats get stuck in fences. ALERT ALERT!

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