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Monty Python’s Flying Pancake

Spring has sprung back, kindly. The weather has warmed up considerably. It hasn’t been constant sunshine. But the rising temperatures makes me happy. Good exercise and good goat times. It’s really nice to be able to leave the sweater and scarf at home. No more chemical warmers either. Just sunshine in my pocket. And what more could you really ask for?

Not much. And not much has happened. Well, some stuff not for public consumption. But I’m trying to deal with it.

Dad made pancakes for me yesterday. That’s the stuff. I’ll fly away on a flying pancake I will. Just watch me go. Just you wait and see.

Let’s go on with the darling goats. They are the stars of the show, anyway.

Large in profile.

Holding Large.

Holding Medium.

Finger lickin’ good! Medium takes a bite.

Sweet one of Mia.

The two-headed boy.

Almost looks like Medium is envying Mio’s beard. Probably just the branch she’s gnawing on. There’s a fun bit in the video below where Medium is trying to get at it.

I love this picture. Look at Medium’s ear! It’s nuts I tellsya.

They are so sweet together.

Happy family.

And video. Only one this time, but it’s a long one. Twenty minutes of two lovely, sunny days. Lots of sweet and funny scenes with the two babies and the rest of the gang.

That’s all. Now I’m starting up the pancake and heading off into the horizon.

4 Responses to “Monty Python’s Flying Pancake”

  1. Debster Says:

    Mmmm. . . pancakes. Was it made in the shape of a goat? But wait, could you eat a pancake shaped like a goat? YES!!!!

    Those goat babies are growing fast and are so cute. They must not have any control of their ears either. Mia’s ears were always flying up in the air in her baby pictures.

    We’ve had a few days of nice weather this past weekend. We pulled weeds in the flower bed, put down the weed matting, and then bag after bag of white marble rocks. Looks much better and will keep the moisture in the flower bed and keep the cats out of it. For some reason they always thought of it as their own private litter box!

    My hummingbird missed his April 19th welcome back party. Hope he shows up in the next few days. I have a nice feeder full of nectar just waiting for him and his buddies.

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – Goat pancakes! I’d go for that! I wonder if theg oats would want human shaped pancakes?!
    They are growing so fast. Medium was pretty shy at first but he’s realy forward now. Humping his sister and nudging heads with the bigger goats. He’s a little troublemaker!
    I hope the hummingbirds show up soon! Maybe hummingbird shaped pancakes will lure them in!

  3. Debster Says:

    Yesterday when I looked at this blog, my “goat pancake” comment wasn’t here. I wrote a sentence or two about where was my comment???

    Now I see my first comment is here, but my second comment about my first comment isn’t here!

    What’s going on????

    Still no hummingbirds here. It was cool and rainy today, not warm enough for the bugs that all hummers want to eat.

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – I think there was a hiccup in the system. But all the comments are showing for me now. Maybe the hummingbirds will show up soon too!

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