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Palle Or AfroPalle

It’s been a rather lovely week. Beautiful, summery weather. At least one day with temperatures so high that it’s officially classified as a summer day. So that’s nice. Nothing much has happened and I haven’t been doing much. I have enjoyed the company of goats and the effectiveness of exercise in the warmth. That’s about it. This is really my kind of weather. I’m looking forward to it getting really hot later on.

But not much to report. Had a little fun with Palle. I had an afro wig that I had used for some spoof pics I posted on Facebook. I decided to bring it to the goat pen and let Palle try it on. I was curious how they’d react to it. I remember how they were scared of the santa hat at christmastime. Maybe that was just the red colour, because the black afro wig didn’t seem to bother them at all. It was amusing seeing Palle wearing it. But then he always looks funny no matter what. He hasn’t gotten any less cute just because he’s one year old now.

He’s still a little skinny, though. On Monday the goats busted out of the pen. Mia was put on a leash. When Palle was put back in the pen for some extra food she was hollering after him like only Mia can. Loud girl! After Palle had eaten the extra food I let him out of the pen. Instead of running straight to Mia he ran inside and started eating the food that was supposed to be for the others for later! He has a nose for food. But Mia was much happier once he got back to her.

On with the photos.

Mia standing on my shoulders. She’s much too heavy for that. But how can I resist?

Sif had a hair cut. Here’s Bodil showing her off.

Mia watching a woman feed the other goats, while she was still tied down. Not amused!

Mia’s giraffe impression.

I’m watching you!

Enjoying the grass together, after Palle came back.

That Palleface.

Mia on the staircase.

Mia on the bench. I think we need a wider bench.

Palle with the afro wig.

I am easily amused.

Bodil watching Palle and Mia sitting below.

She likes that bench, Mia. Seems to be her favourite place to sit in the sunshine.

Goat hugs with Mio.

Oh Palle.

I never get tired of that face.

And a goatlog. With Palle in the afro. Mia hollering after the others. Combing Kamel and picking wool from her. No wonder she gets hot in the sun! And all that fun.

And that’s all for this boat, sea you in the next one folks.

4 Responses to “Palle Or AfroPalle”

  1. Debster Says:

    Wigs on Goats! Now why didn’t I think of that. Palle looks so funny with that wig. Black is his color though. It looks like it was made for him.

    Poor Mia. How come she is tied up? Does she tend to wander too much? Then the others come up to her with apple breath from the person with the bicycle and Mia didn’t get any treats. No wonder she was upset.

    Sif looks nice with a haircut. And what about you? Your hair looks shorter, too.

    I like how all the trees and bushes are all trimmed up “goat high”. Goatzies love their leaves.

    Was that the parakeets I could hear in the background? Show me some parakeets next time, I could hear some chirping going on.

    Herman seems to be more social with people. Didn’t take him too long to trot on over to where the treats were being handed out.

    What did anyone say about Palle new hair style? Did anyone notice he looked a bit different? He was sure a good sport about wearing the wig.

  2. Plume Says:

    Yeah that wig fits him pretty well! I’ve been threatening to get a pink wig for Mia, but I’m not sure she’d forgive me!
    Yeah, Mia tends to wander off a lot. Normally we tie two up at a time, I’m not sure why she was the only one tied that day. She was fine most of the time, though. And at least I was there to keep her company. Doesn’t help when the others get fed, though!
    Yup, I got a haircut too! Ready for the summer. I’ll try to remember the parakeets!
    I didn’t make Palle wear the wig for too long. It fell off right as he was running up to the people at the fence, so I don’t think anyone really saw him wearing it. But now it’s on video!

  3. Debster Says:

    Parakeets, parakeets, parakeets! I want to see me some parakeets. They don’t have to have wigs on their heads either. Hee, hee

    The photo with you and Mio hugging is just so sweet. Her eyes are half closed like she’s really enjoying the closeness.

    And I can tell by her body language that she wants to be there and you’re aren’t holding her too tight or making her be that close. She really likes you!

  4. Plume Says:

    Mio likes her hugs! She’s always really calm with humans. She’d probably let the kids ride her. But of course I don’t let thme.

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