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We’re well into June now. I’m just enjoying the sunshine and the goats. And the exercise. And the cheap, Danish tomatoes.

It hasn’t been all sunshine, though. I had a couple of walks in the rain too. I quite enjoy those when it’s not too cold. Summer rain is a lovely thing. I’m not sure the goats agree, though.

I had a really nice, little thing at the playground this week. I was standing at the fence, talking to Bodil. And she goes “what’s that down by the bench?”. There was a kind of a sign, or dedication. I hadn’t even spotted it myself. You know, because I’m blind. But it was for me! “Lassepladsen” it said. In little letters cut out of wood. Painted the same colour as the wall. Very discreet. “Just like you” Bodil said. Yup, I’m not one for flashing neon signs! In Danish “legepladsen” means the playground. And Lassepladsen would mean something like Lasse’s place or spot. And the d is silent so it has a good flow to it, almost rhyming. So that’s really super cool. Down by the bench where I usually sit.

I’m quite proud of myself now! Now I really am a part of the place. Forever, or at least until some kids vandalize it or something. I hope it will last. It’s pretty awesome.

Bodil said that it must have been Per who made it. He’s the artistic type. I didn’t see him there on the day, but how sweet of him it is. I like the way it blends in unassumingly. That’s sort of how I try to be. Just part of the scenery. It’s very fitting. And just really nice to be thought of like that.

Of course we’re out of the pen more often now. Been having some nice times with the goats out in the back hills. I mentioned that part of them has been bulldozed to make way for some “multi arena” thing for the kids, I think. They’ve actually built up a new hill at the side of it. Up against the trees. That was where I spent a lot of time with the goats last year. Now there’s not really any space there. But the goats figured out that if they walked up the new hill then they could reach high up on the trees. The yummy leaves that they previously couldn’t reach. So they quite enjoyed that. Kamel was the first one who went up there. She tends to wander off on her own quite a bit. With Mia and Mio tied down and Palle mostly staying with Mia and Herman sort of of in his own world, Kamel sometimes seems to get a little wanderlust. She reminds me of an old auntie waddling around. Dum-di-dum-di-dum. I feel a little bad when I run off after her and herd her back to the flock. I don’t want to spoil her fun. But it’s better if they stay together. I was told a while ago they went down and caused a traffic jam on the road below. Don’t want them going there. It was amusing too though, when I’d step in front of her and turn her around and she’d start running back and I’d half-run after her. And then Palle and Herman, who’d often start following her when she walked off, would get excited too and then I’d have three goats running along to get back to Mio and Mia, who was hollering after them to come back. Oh those goats.

Now let’s go go goats photo.

Mia sweetly.

With a mouthful.

Mia more interested in eating grass than in shooting a nice selfie with me.

Sunny Mio.

Goat gang related.

Kamel relaxing.

Kamel and Herman wandered up the hill.

Mia in the greens. That’s usually Mio’s spot.


Palle sitting in the shade.

And a closer look.

Kamel in the foreground with the family behind her. All resting in the sun.

Proudly sitting in my spot.

With Mia and Palle. In my spot.


Mia and me.

Mia and me too.

And finally Sif the ewokdog.

And a goatlog. With the goats in the greens. Kamel going up the hill and trying to wander off until I run her back. Mia panting. And all the funs.

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the next one.

2 Responses to “Lassepladsen”

  1. Debster Says:

    Lasse’s Spot! That is even better than being on “Cheers”, where everybody knows your name.

    People at the playground have been really thinking how they can let you know just how much they appreciate you. And they know you so well even Lasse’s Spot is painted gray so it blends right in with the rest of the shed.

    You can’t tell me you don’t have some real friends there at the playground. Your blog just really made my day!

  2. Plume Says:

    I am very happy with it! My own little place, in history and the pen. Must have done something right! They are really nice people and I’m glad I have them, along with the goats! That place is a part of me as I am now a part of it!

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