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Week Too

Week two at the new place is done. It’s been another quite good week. The weather has been nice. Especially one day was remarkably hot and sunny. Mia and Mio have settled in nice. They seem happy there. And I’m enjoying spending time with them there. It’s just nice to have that positive feeling back. All that green space and the other animals and the nice people. It feels good. I’ve been walking every day, and that’s nice too. As long as the weather is good and my legs are fairly holding up.

I’ve had the gals out of their pen a couple of times. They seem a little anxious at the new surroundings, though. And since there’s so much good greenery in the pen, there’s really not that much reason to take them out right now. It’s like a different world.

A38 is slowly starting to stand up for herself a little more. Instead of running away every time Mia and Mio get close now she’ll sometimes bleat at them and nudge heads. Which is good. If she stands her ground she’ll be more likely to group with them, I think. She seems more scared of Mia than of Mio, funnily. She has a cute bleat too. I think she’s older than Mio, and her bleat reminds me of a surly sitcom grandma, with a gravely smoker’s voice. Just a little.

Otherwise not much going on. I’m trying to kick up the exercise a notch. As summer slowly ends. A last attempt at dropping some weight while it’s hot. Mental issues and goings on have kinda ruined the fitness regime this summer. Plus the pizza. But it’s okay, whatever happens happens.

Yeah, that’s all for now.

And videos.

And that’s all for this week, see you in the next.

4 Responses to “Week Too”

  1. Debster Says:

    I see Yogi is getting closer and closer to you. Are the other 2 goats jealous when they see you near her? She is so pretty with all her colors.

    Glad to hear everyone is settling in their new home. Wouldn’t it be great if we humans could adjust so quickly to changes?

    My sister’s birthday was Saturday and mine is today on the 28th. My parents, sister and her husband, and me and my hubby went out to eat at our favorite Chinese restaurant today. Yummy!

  2. Plume Says:

    Happy day after your birthday! And happy two days after your sister’s!
    Yeah, Mia and Mio get jealous sometimes when I’m near her. Not sure if they’re jealous because of me, or because of the treats! But I think things are slowly getting better.

  3. Debster Says:

    We felt the earthquake this morning at 7:02 am! It was located near Pawnee, Oklahoma. (And we are not anywhere near Pawnee, OK.) My husband and I were sitting in our truck in front of a school parking lot. We were waiting to be let in so we could work today.

    Suddenly the truck starts shaking! I asked my husband if he felt it or was he making some kind of movement? Sure was a weird feeling, just like someone was rocking our truck back and forth. Glad we weren’t moving and that I was sitting down.

    That’s all the excitement I can handle this week!

  4. Plume Says:

    Oh my ! I heard about the earth quake. I wonder what the goats would say if the earth sharted shaking. I have a feeling they probably wouldn’t be fans!

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