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A couple of big-ish developments. And more controversy. Again, I hope I don’t offend anyone. But sometimes you have to let off some steam. On with Facebooking.

I think I’ll be turning in now. Into a pumpkin, if I have learned anything from the fairy tales. Which I haven’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have kissed that frog. Kermit still hasn’t returned any of my calls. I guess that wasn’t the rainbow connection you were hoping for, ribbits? I guess I shouldn’t have asked if he wanted to play Froggy. I need to stop typing. S t opp typing. can you use it in a sentence? 5-10 with good behaviour. Please someone unplug my modem.
Well, I think i’m going to go around my news feed and post GET A ROOM coment in random comment threads untill I pass out from the elderberry fumes.
28/11 2016

Today will be a good day. You never know what it might bring.
28/11 2016


Good goat times today. Well, well, well. Big news, but not what you might have been expecting.
First off, no babies. And we have officially crossed the 5 month line from Fuzzy’s exit. I do believe I’ve heard it’s plus/minus a couple of days. So, there’s still a chance. But I have flipflopped back to thinking there won’t be babies. There’s still a little chance, but it’s not looking it to me.
That’s not the big news, though. Alice came by again today. One of the managers at the old playground. At least she was. I didn’t even know about it, but she told me she wasn’t working there anymore. Hadn’t been for three months I think she said. That’s kinda crazy. She was there when I started going. So more than 10 years ago. Everything changes. And it now sounds like the plans for the old playground no longer include having animals. It’s not 100% guaranteed, but it looks like Mia and Mio will be living at the new place permanently.
It’s a little bittersweet to think we won’t be going back, but I’m really happy about it too. I’d been hoping for something like this to happen. In fact I had been planning to bring it up, once I knew for sure whether Mio was pregnant or not. I didn’t think there was much hope of it, so I tried not to talk too much about it. Maybe I should have picked the same strategy about talking about goat babies! Well, at least staying there permanently seems to have come true.
I’ve been thinking recently, as the cold has come back, how I really wanted to experience a sping and full blown summer here. It was so nice when we arrived. At that point it had seemed like summer was over, but just as we arrived we got a period of lovely weather again. It will be great next year to get to sit in the sun and green with the goats. I am looking forward to that. Now we just have to make it through winter. Before today I was thinking “make it through winter, but then what happens?”. Now I know.
There might be some changes coming to the place, though. That was partly why Alice was there. To evaluate things. It seems they want to add a fifth horse. They’d have to take the goats’ spacef or that, though. They might build a new stable for the goats. That would be good. One of the few things that were better at the old place was the indoor space. Once I got them to open up both stalls and the little corridor between them, there was a good deal of space for the goats inside. Here at the new place they have much less space inside. But then on the flipside, they get to spend more time outside than they did at the old place. And the outside is bigger and better. But if we could get a new, bigger goat stable next year that would be perfect. I don’t think any of that is settled yet, though. We even talked a little about the old train carriage that the goats lived in at the old place. Unfortunately it would probably be too complicated and expensive to move it. And I guess it’s always very old and not in the best condition. Would have been nice to have a bit of the old place at the new place, though.
She also menioned that she sees me walking along the road sometimes when she’s taking the bus to her new workplace. Fun. She was the one who drove me and the girls when we did the big move.
Well enough yapping. I will probably have some further thoughts later. But you realise what this means? It means we’re not going to have to leave A38 behind.
Now let’s just see if we get any last minute babies.
28/11 2016

Lots of treats in this old gal’s future.

28/11 2016

Reindeer AT-ATs. This is all my wishlist for christmas. I want all the reindeer AT-ATs.

28/11 2016

If you deduct all the slices eaten by invisible alien ghosts then really I only ate 1 slice of pizza today. So far my diet is going great.
28/11 2016

I can’t believe all the Gilmore Girls were all dead all along. And so many questions left unanswered. Sad.
28/11 2016

It’s a strange thought that we won’t be going back to the old playground. I have spent so much of my life there. More than 10 years. It’s where I learned to love goats. From the current M&M, Mia and Mio, to the first M&M, Mads and Mathilde. And the extra M, Magnethe. Bloodlines that are all gone now, at least in my neck of the woods. So many memories, a few devastatingly bad but so many more good ones. Before I lost my eyesight I worked as weekend feeder a couple of days a month. I still remember clear as day when I walked up to Per and told him that I had to stop because my eyesight was getting too bad. All the goats and other animals and people. So much history.
I feel bad that there won’t be animals there anymore. That’s what happens when you take all the ressources away. Maybe if we hadn’t had that financial crisis things would have turned out differently. But there wasn’t much money, and they wanted to spend that on the youth club they built. Not the playground. It’s a troubled neighbourhood. It’s sad that the kids there won’t have animals anymore. But then all the ressources will go to the youth and kids clubs, and maybe that’s even better for the neighbourhood in the long run. I just think it’s good for kids to get to be around animals. But the place didn’t feel safe anymore really. And even the plans to rebuild wouldn’t have changed that completely. The goats would have likely stayed in the same building, and there likely wouldn’t have been any more staff to take care of them. In fact I remember on the day of the move when I was talking to Alice, she told me that they had just had to cut another member of staff. And now Alice is gone too. So I’m glad we can get to stay at the new place. They’re much better suited for having animals there. Maybe the old place can have bunnies again some day, closer to the club house and easier to manage. But big animals, like goats. They need more. Lots of green space and a better neighbourhood. Parks beyond the pens too. Hopefully we’ll be making many new, great memories there. And it’s a relief to know that the goats are well taken care of. They’ll still have a good life even if something were to happen to me, my sight or mobility or elderberry addiction or whatever. I was so worried about the move, but it didn’t take us long to settle in and for me to realise that it’s just a much better place for the goats. Even if it’s a little more inconvenient for me, it’s still so worth it. There are things about the old place that I will miss. But the goats call the shots, I just go where they go and do my best to keep them happy. I’m okay with that.
28/11 2016

It’s Cyber Monday, so if you want to buy my love it’s 50% special offer for you my friend.
I take Visa, Mastercard and pizza.
28/11 2016

Goodnight for today. It was so cold today that I could see the goats’ breath like steam. I don’t recall ever actually seeing that before. I hope it shows up on video. Also I hope it gets warmer soon.

29/11 2016

Today will be a good day. Face it and embrace it.
29/11 2016

Good goat times today. And no. No baies. No babies no no. I’ll give it to Thursday before I make an official denouncement, but it really looks like there won’t be babies after all. I’ll just have to look at old baby goat videos instead. Good thing I have about a million.
So cold too. Hurts-my-face cold. Staggering on frozen mud and skidding on frosty pavement. Just gotta make it through winter, just gotta make it through winter.
Good thing I have the goats to keep me warm. Crowding up on me whenever I sit down.
Time for soup.
29/11 2016

Member the time I posted a video of myself falling and cracking a rib and it got 16, 000 views which is 15,700 more than most of my goat videos get?
Link: Uncle fell
29/11 2016

I just thought I read the headline “15 year old arrested for licking shopkeeper’s neck”. That was unusual enough to get me to click on it to see what that was all about. Turns out I misread it. He stabbed the shopkeeper in the neck, not licked him. Oh. Hashtag Only the blind.
Shopkeeper is okay, btw.
29/11 2016

My nose is all stuffed. Maybe I should try sniffing some elderberry.
Smash cut to a year from now, finding me lying in the gutter injecting myself with pure elderberry extract.
29/11 2016

Let’s pretend this is a 2 player game and it’s the other player’s go.
29/11 2016

Taking flight. Scheduled landing in my bed asap. Fasten your seatbelts and start flapping you arms.
29/11 2016

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, guys.

30/11 2016

Well, no wonder it was so cold. The heat’s been turned off due to some emergency work. This is a good excuse for soup, said all the Lasses always.
30/11 2016

Here’s Mulle. I can always recognise her by the stripe. Also she’s the smallest horse. There’s definitely a hierarchy among the horses too. Sometimes Mulle has to do a Yogi bleat-it when the bigger horses push her away.

30/11 2016

The good news is that my nose isn’t very stuffed. The bad news is that sooner or later our sun will go nova and humanity will go exctinct unless we’ve managed to colonize other planets. Also I have a head ache. But I mean the fate of humanity is important too, that’s why I lead with that.
30/11 2016

If I order 2 pizzas and when I open the door for the pizza guy I yell back into my empty apartment: “Yes, this is going to be a great double date!”, do you think he’ll fall for it?
30/11 2016

Still waiting for season 2 of Siberia, by the way. I haven’t given up hope. if Twin Peaks and X-Files can come back, so could Siberia. It’s 2:19 am but I felt like I needed to make this statement.
1/12 2016

Today will be a good day. You have come this far, you can do this.
1/12 2016

Good goat times today. Aaand. No. No babies. It’s plusminus 4 days now. I think we can call it. Right, goat experts? Some people like to say I’m a goat expert, but I’m really not. I’m just an expert in hanging out with them and having fun with them. But five months and four days. Unless something crazy happiness I think we have to say that we won’t be having goat kids now. I know some of you will be sad about that and some of you happy. It is what it is. I would have loved so much to spend time with baby goats again, because there really honestly is nothing better in the world. But I’m glad that grandma gets a break, after two unplanned pregnancies in a row. For her sake it’s for the best.
Today was a rather gloomy day. After all the sunshine we’ve had. Back to cloudy. Which means it was a couple of degrees warmer. Nice for me, although it also means the mud unfroze. There was a stack of pavement tiles lying next to the pen. I had the audacity to steal one and plant it in front of the side door to the stable. Where the goats go in and out. It was quite muddy there too (though not as mufddy as in front of the main, white door). I dug around a little and put the tile there. That should help the goats a little. Of course I got myself completely mudded up in the process. oh dear! Well, that’s what hot showers are for.
1/12 2016

I’ve been pretty good about not posting about politcs on my Facebox, other than for comedy. But in case you’re thinking I’m not outraged and scared and mortified and sad and all that, don’t worry. I totally am. So just one quick note. The 2 Trump supporters who haven’t unfollowed me yet should skip the rest of this post, hashtag not my president.
Don’t read more if you can’t stomach incoherent, political rambling.
Those people who said they voted Trump but aren’t racist, you do realise that you now have legit neo nazis in the White House?
And according to a headline that I didn’t fact check because I’m too busy eating my fist, “every single cabinet member appointed by Donald Trump so far opposes LGBT rights”.
And that “climate denial will be the official policy of Trump’s administration”, according to another headline that I didn’t fact check because I was too busy eating my other fist.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But don’t worry, that iceberg will melt and you guys survived Obama so it’s fine.
I’m not saying any of that to change anyone’s mind, since I know people who voted Trump are most likely reading headlines that say the complete opposite. Or they’re okay with the bad stuff as long as they get their own back.
And so on and so forth.
In my next post I’ll discuss the new government we just got in Denmark and all the things that are wrong and horrible about it. Spoiler alert, I don’t think we have any neo nazis at least. But it’s not all a fairy tale here either.
And about the electoral college. I can see how it would suck for rural America to feel that their votes don’t count as much because they don’t have as many people as the coasters do (I may have all this wrong, I’m just rambling now). But with the electoral college it sucks for the coasters because their votes seem to count less just because they happen to live in a densely populated area.
It’s like if you have 10 friends going out for dinner. And 2 want pizza but 8 want sushi. Maybe one of the guys who want pizza is paying for the whole thing, so he gets to pick what they eat. His vote counts more. That sucks for the 8 people who want sushi, because they’re the majority but they don’t get to choose. If they did get to choose then it would suck for the other 2. In either case, someone is going to have to eat something they don’t really want. I don’t see how you can avoid that in a giant country like America. Both with electoral and popular vote you’re going to have a group who thinks it’s unfair and their opinion doesn’t count. So if you accept that both methods have a degree of unfairness to it, then why not go with the method where the person who gets the most votes actually wins? That’s kinda the point of democracy. You’ll always have someone who feels it’s unfair, but at least with the popular vote you’d get rid of the basic, deep, fundamental unfairness of the people with the least votes winning. You can’t get rid of the fact that one group will feel it’s unfair. But you can get rid of the idiocy of the person with 2 million more votes not getting to win. I really don’t get the idea of the electoral college, other than in olden times when suddenly slaves and women got the right to vote and you wanted to make sure there was a way to avoid having to actual let their votes count.
Am I conpletely wrong about all that? I am clueless and talking out of my ass and haven’t done any research. And if Hillary had won the electoral then I would have said the same thing Trump basically said recently “There were millions of illegal votes, but I won so let’s just forget about that and not fix the broken system”.
Feel free to educate me about factual errors in my thinking. I do realise I’m Danish and it’s none of my business. But that’s not how the world works. We are all connected and we’re all part of this world. If you let the rest of the world go to hell then it doesn’t matter how great you make America. You’ll end up burning in the same flames as the rest of us.
I’m going to cut myself off now, because this is like 1/10th of the rants I’ve been having in my head. The rest contains a lot more curse words. I think I have dug my own hole deep enough. I just needed to let off a fraction of the steam.
PS to avoid a libel suit I should point out that I don’t know if the alt-right legally qualify as neo nazis, but if you’ve ever seen the Breitbart headlines and you didn’t think something along the lines of “this should not be” then we’re never going to agree on anything I’m afraid. It should not be, and it should definitely not be in a position of power. Why drain the swamp if you’re going to fill it with sewage?
And that’s it. No more of this. I swear.
1/12 2016

And breathe. I think I need some A38 after that. I promise there’ll be lots more of her and much less auditioning for Full Frontal.

1/12 2016

Okay, I’m going to bed. I’ll be back tomorrow with such controversial topics as “How much pizza is too much pizza?” and “No, really I couldn’t eat another slice” and “Well, okay I’ll just finish that if you’re done” and maybe a Friday Flashback to “a plate full of tomatoes and cucumbers”. And you’ll never believe what happened next!
1/12 2016

Today will be a good day. I’m a little scared to look at my notifications, but hey we’re all just doing our best here.
2/12 2016

As long as I have this I am a rich man

2/12 2016

A Facebook quiz where you just type in what you want the result to be.
Which Of These Lord Of The Rings characters Are You?
*types in “Aragorn”*
Patent pending.
2/12 2016

Aww. RIP Andrew Sachs. I know Manuel would be considered a ghastly stereotype in today’s world, but I loved him.
2/12 2016

goatlog part1

and part 2

2/11 2016

Weather report from my dad: it’s probably -7 to -8 (20F) out.
Just gotta make it to spring. Just gotta make it to spring.
2/11 2016

I should probably disable all my dating profiles now that I’m in a committed relationship with pizza slash believe we’re all doomed.
3/12 2016

This year, my christmas card is going to be a burning christmas tree with a “2016” sign on top instead of a star and a Lasse-shaped hole in the wall next to it.
3/12 2016

I had the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing dreams. I love dreamland. I hope today will be a good day in the real world too.
3/12 2016

Left my heart in the dreamlands. Feeling a bit glum. Just want to get to bed and forget. Tomorrow should be good. If all goes according to plan I should have proper soup.
3/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys.

4/12 2016

Can’t talk now, soup.
4/12 2016

Very good soup, very very good. My parents were nice enough to cook me up a pot of soup and bring it over. So now I’ll be having mama’s classic soup for a few days. Perfect December food.
4/12 2016

There’s only three weeks till christmas. Which means it’s time to stop dieting and start buying holiday candy and chocolate.
What’s got two thumbs and five chins and is going to let itself go? This guy!
4/12 2016

End of Facebook. Begin photos.

And that’s all for this week, see you in the next.

3 Responses to “Permanence”

  1. Debster Says:

    Well that is good news about the goatzies getting to stay with Yogi at the new place. I think she enjoys being part of the herd even if there is a pecking order involved.

    We had our first 3 inch snow overnight and into the morning today! Sure made everything look so pretty. I had many wild bird visitors at the feeders today and at the heated bird bath.

    Not sure the goats and donkey were that pleased with the snow. It was wet and heavy and they don’t want to get their feet wet. It warmed up a few degrees above freezing so it is drippy and slushy now.

  2. Debster Says:

    Mulle is so cute in her coat. Our donkey Snickers would be like the goats when they see a flapping white trash bag against the fence – snort and run, if we tried to put a coat blanket on her!

    Although when I set Gracie the cat on Snickers’ back, Snickers just freezes in place. Gracie will sometimes lay down on her back and eventually Snickers will turn her head way around to see what is that on her back!

    I would think a nice furry cat would make a great “back warmer”. Plus Gracie never needs batteries or to be plugged in. Hee, hee. Gracie has really thick long gray fur and a poofy tail. She looks a little like a raccoon at dusk when the sun is setting.

  3. Plume Says:

    Oh dear. Snow. Well, i think Mia and Mio might even prefer snow to the mud. It’s a little warmer than usual for us right now, which keeps the mud nice and.. muddy.
    Aww, that’s cute. Donkey with a kitten topping. I bet that’s fun! I wonder what would happen if I put a cat on Mio’s back.. I think she would not be pleased! If a cat as much as walks by outside the fence it gets the death stare.

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