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Sanity Engine Update

Today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe from 2007.

22/10 2018

Good goat times today. Dark mornings. For once I’m actually looking forward to the daylight savings switch. It’s a new thing that I’m heading out to the goats this early. But I like getting them out bright and early to get them some extra time outside. Just need it to be a little lighter.
Got them out for some good times. Several visitors with kids coming up to us and asking questions and petting the goats. One little girl was very fascinated with Mio’s backside. To the extent that she squatted down and, I don’t know, tried looking up her butt?! Haha. Humans have such poor manners. Grandma took it all in stride.
She also strode right back up to the residential forbidden zone. I saw her walking towards the corner around which was the slope up through the trees to that place. I watched her walk slowly in that direction and wondered to myself if that was where she was heading. And it was. Goats don’t forget, when it comes t food. I felt bad for them all because there’s so little green left, so I let them spend 10 minutes or so up there,, muncning on the hedges. Then I dragged grandma down. Once again she was not pleased with me. But she didn’t hold a grudge long this time. Maybe because she was busy trying to find another way up there. Which she did soon after, through some denser trees. Sheesh. She had her mind set on that place. There was a woman coming out of the apartment block, but she didn’t seem to take any notice of the goats. I still don’t feel quite comfortable letting them be up there. Too far from home. But we survived. And found a good place on the playground grounds where there was still some good greens left after all, so the goaties got a good bellyful. But it won’t be long until all the greens are all gone.
Might not be long before I have to start wearing my bulky winter coat too. Could have used my gloves today. Quite cold. But it was better when we got back to the pen and I could sit in the sunray in the goat house, next to Mio. That is a good and warm spot.
22/10 2018

Tsk, tsk. Grandma in the forbidden zone.

22/10 2018

New hat, who dis?
I felt like a change to go with the new shirts, so I got me a new coconut cover. Not sure having a black cap works. Not sure about the symbol either. Honest opinions welcomed. Is it good/bad/whatev ? I may buy something else or go back to the old one.

22/10 2018

I’m not saying that I have on occasion made mashed potato from powder and eaten it straight out of the pot without even putting it on a plate.
But look at that squirrel *runs away*
22/10 2018

Okay, whoever wins that mega lottery jackpot thing is going to be responsible for America’s healthcare for the next few years. Line up the gofundmes. What better way to have universal healthcare? Just make sure all the lottery winners are people with hearts. Or, forcefully transplant hearts into them if they don’t. Or, I don’t know where I’m going with this.
22/10 2018

Not sure the new hat is a good fit, but we’ll see how it goes.

22/10 2018

The old goat and the snowflake
I am heading to bed. Don’t wait up, it might be a long one.

22/10 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi Day everyone.

23/10 2018

“Under a proposal first reported by the New York Times on Sunday, the Trump administration would narrow the definition of gender to male or female at birth and it would be unchangeable later in life.”
I have a theory why they would do that. I mean, other then the inherent bigotry of the Trump administration.
Get this passed. And then a little later on you come up with some reason why women shouldn’t be able to vote. Too hysterical, too emotional, pms, they’re scary we don’t understand them they report us when we rape them etc. And with the transgender ‘thing’ outlawed you won’t have any women ‘pretending’ to be men in order to vote. Now, the Republican party has already gone a long way to keep persons of colour from voting, what with the insane suppression and all. So, now all that’s left is finding a reason why gay people shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Maybe something about homosexuality being a mental illness or something like that. Then we’d have the Republican wet dream of only straight, white males being allowed to vote.
I mean, I’m satirizing but does anyone really doubt that the current Republican leaders would fucking love if only straight, white males were allowed to vote? It’s already clear that they can’t win in a fair democracy. They need electoral colleges and voter suppression and extreme gerrymandering to have a chance. It’s clear they think it’s a mistake that the ‘blacks and women’ have the vote.
Hitler couldn’t happen again, they say while preparing to make legislation against transgender people and cheating minorities of their power to vote.
I’m not saying they want another great World War, but everything else is pretty fucking Hitlerific.
So anyway, I’ve been awake for a few hours that’s already too much time in the real world.
23/10 2018

and, goat cleanse. Gotta have goats on the front page.

23/10 2018

Don’t say I don’t contribute anything valuable to society, without me there would be 37% less goat posts on social media according to a recent study that I just paid someone to make up.

23/10 2018

Here’s a little preview of a video that’ll be up on Mia’s page eventually. She got a bit goofy.

24/10 2018

Sheesh. Had to update my antivirus program. I’d been running the 2014 edition of it. Which was fine, I was keeping the virus definitions up to date. But it wouldn’t update the definitions anymore so I had to install the 2019 edition. And as expected, everything gets worse. All sites and programs and operating systems. Everything gets worse and worse, and harder to use especially for visually impaired me. Lasse’s Law. Everything gets worse, the end.
If it wasn’t because I want a firewall I’d uninstall the whole dang thing.
24/10 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day everyone.

24/10 2018

I need you so much closer
24/10 2018

ni kan skratta om ni vill, håna oss, vi rör oss, ni står still

24/10 2018

Not feeling so good. Just had to throw up. Not sure if something I ate or something I thought. Anyway, good excuse to just go to bed. Hope I’ll be ablr to get up tomorrow. If not, send goats.
< 3 ALL
24/10 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

25/10 2018

Sorry if I’m a little absent. Feeling sad and frustrated. I think I broke my brain yesterday. It’s okay, I put a band-aid on it.
Getting a little worried about how good it feels to spend 20+ hours in bed. Warm wellness dreams. Not very productive.
25/10 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn and mama Grandma Mio from 2015.

26/10 2018

Good goat times today. A Dark and rainy morning. Not much walking along the highway on a morning like that. But you gotta do what you gotta do. And I needed the goat time. Had to lure them out with the feed bucket. From the stables through mud and rain to the safety of the goat house. And that’s where we spent most of the time. Just chilling and relaxing. Eating hay, the goats mostly. They don’t like it when I eat their food. Dropping goat berries and cuddling, luckily not at the same time. Oh, Sky got the coughies and let out a couple of coughs and raised her tail and farted along with the coughs. Oh my. Sorry to sound weird, but I think those were the cutest farts I’ve ever heard. Like a lil trumpet.
I am super super tired now.
26/10 2018

This is grandma’s “I can’t f%&¤&¤ believe it’s still f&%%¤/& raining, what the actual f¤%&#/%/” face. Or maybe I’m projecting…

26/10 2018

This year for trick and treat I’m going to eat all the candy in front of all the kids and tell them to relax and teach them about tricke-down economics.
26/10 2018

This is Milo’s “HELP, it rained on me!” face

26/10 2018

Distant-Future Indiana Jones sweating as he pours over ancient, inscrutable memes of a long-lost internet civilization.
26/10 2018

If you gotta go you might as well do it outside in the rain where no one will know

26/10 2018

I think the kids got tired of being cooped up with the big ladies in the goat house.

26/10 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe and Mandela from 2006.

27/10 2018

Engage normality engine
27/10 2018

You have to admit, it’s pretty impressive that google was able to simplify the Voight-Kampff machine into a single checkbox.
Either that or google is run by replicants and checking the “I’m a human” checkbox does NOTHING . THINKG ABOUT IT SHEEPLE ITS ALL A CONSPIRA
27/10 2018

Is it safe to come out?

27/10 2018

Heading off to the bed place. Probably going to be a long one. I’m feeling better in general. But still. A sense of hopelessness. I just want to sleep. But I guess it’s better that the pot is simmering instead of boiling over. Anyone wanna borrow my Big Book Of Metaphors while I’m out?

27/10 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

28/10 2018

Turned on the news and kinda wish I’d just stayed in bed. Even vividly feeling being stabbed with a kitchen knife beats reality. I still don’t really want to be a part of this world.
28/10 2018

Me watching Mio watching Mia watching the rain

28/10 2018

I hate the thought that I might be bringing people down with my posts. But I mean, you might have noticed I’m a bit of a mess lately. Not expressing my feelings wouldn’t help that. I try to keep the politics off Facebook, but I just have to vent sometimes. And mass shootings, well you can’t close your eyes to that shit.
I hope the goat posts make up for some of the downers.
And anyway, not long now until the dems win a 100% majority in the midterms and everything will be good lalalalallala I can’t hear you lalalalala

28/10 2018


28/10 2018

Gotta stick together

28/10 2018


That’s all for this week.

2 Responses to “Sanity Engine Update”

  1. Debster Says:

    Sometimes I have to give myself a news break and just not listen or watch the news. I try to be kind to others and hug my goats.

    Life is too short to spend worrying about the things I can’t change.

  2. Plume Says:

    That is probably a smart thing to do. I am not very good at tuning out all the noise from the news and around. But at least everything is quiet when i’m with the goats. Apart from the bleating.

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