Today will be a good day. Have a Mads Monday. Here he is from 2006.
18/11 2018
Good goat times today. But cold. It’s dropped from 10C/50F to 5C/41F. And that’s the drop that hurts. Literally hurts my skin. Time for gloves and bald cap I guess.
I had an appointment at the eye doc in the morning. The halfyearly exam. Nothing new. Things are stable. No news is good news when it comes ot the eyes.
My eyesight is even worse after getting eyedrops, so maybe it was a good thing there wasn’t any sun today. Sun+eyedrops=MrLassgoo. Magoo. Hello? Get off my lawn, kids.
Took the goats out for some greens. I put the leash on Mio, but it turned out I hadn’t needed to. She managed to walk in on the wrong side of the fence around the basket/soccer rink. So she could not proceed further along to the forbidden zone. I saw her looking up there, like she was wondering why she couldn’t get up there. Good thing she didn’t realise, like Milo and Sky the other day in the goat pen, that you can actually walk around the fence. Then I had some fun running back and forth on the pitch with the kids and Mia. There was no ball this time so I guess they felt safe enough to enjoy themselves. They’re so frigging cute when they start running at fullspeed ahead. Zoom.
And now I’ll just sit back and wait for my vision to return to normal. Which is 80% blind, but hey who’s counting I have leftover pizza so it’s foine.
18/11 2018
I have no idea if this photo is in focus or not. But I mean, it’s not every day you spot a polar bear in Denmark so I just had to take a picture.
18/11 2018
My dad was with me at the eye doctor this morning. I need help getting home when I have had my eyes dropped. There was something wrong with the machine that patients use to register that they have arrived. Several times my dad got up to help people making it work. Not really surprising to me. My dad is the kind of person who gets up and tries to help people when they’re having problems with something. Like he has been an invaluable aid to me after I started losing my sight too. I’d like to think, hope, that those are some of the values he has instilled in me growing up. Now because of my vision problems and anxities I may not always, at all, be the person who gets up and helps strangers. But I do try to help when I can. When someone posts on Facebook about a problem I always have this urge to go googling and trying to find solutions, even if it’s a person I barely know and a problem I have no experience with. But this desire to help and do good, that is a good quality to pass on to your kids.
When I was growing up my father was very active in the Danish political party of social democrats. Bloody European socialists! Again, I associate that party with helping those in need. Welfare. Taking care of the poor and downtrodden. Helping refugees, taking care of the environment. Health care. In Denmark we also have a red and a blue side to the politics. Only in Denmark the ‘good ones’ (from our point of view, obvs) are the red ones. The social democrats are on the red side. For welfare and hunanity. And then there’s the blue side which is more about CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE TOO and THE CARAVAN OF ISIS IS AT OUR BORDERS. Etc. Everywhere you go everything stays the same. Things may not be as insane in Denmark, but give us time. We’ll get there.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I appreciate people who get up and try to help others. It’s a cold, dark world. We all gotta rake away the bad leaves so the fires don’t spread. Thanks, dad.
18/11 2018
Kindness matters. Now I am off to the dreamscape. Let the eyes rest and the mind wander. Follow the pizza crust crumbs if you need to find me.
18/11 2018
Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi Day everyone.
20/11 2018
Facebook is having some major malfunction issues. This is a great opportunity to actually get some stuff done now that there isn’t the social media distraction to occupy the attention.
*spend next 5 hours checking Facebook every 5 minutes*
20/11 2018
20/11 2018
20/11 2018
This is what I always see when I stretch my legs.
I have pretty bad legs. I attribute it to a long, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle and then suddenly after my diabetes diagnosis I started overworking my legs on my exercise bike.
In any case, I practically need to stretch before and after a 5 minute walk to the supermarket or I’ll get cramps. And the 45 to an hour walk back and forth to the playground obviously demands some stretching. And when I’m leaning against the fence, stretching my legs, if I turn the head I always see those 3 staring at me. Sometimes they’re lined up in the goat house or like this on the platforms. But always staring intently at me. Hoping for a post-stretch treat.
20/11 2018
Last night I dreamt that I was lying in bed and a bee kept trying to land on my face and I’d blow air at it to make it go away but it kept coming back.
I also dreamt that there was a new TV show called Mr Robot starring Bender from Futurama.
These have been Lasse’s Dream Highlights, proudly sponsored by A comedic Idea That I’ll Think Of Later. Can’t think of a good idea? Just think of it later!
20/11 2018
[image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature]
20/11 2018
Today will be a good day. Happy hump day everyone.
21/11 2018
To quote the wise Danish sages, Aqua. Life in plastic. It’s fantastic.
link: plastic in dead whale article
21/11 2018
Also, just saying. If you’re on social media being gleeful about a 75 year old getting divorced, then you’re probably not going to heaven.
#NicerBoats #PardonTheCheezburgers
21/11 2018
Getting marketing email from online pharmacy with the subject line “Buy your christmas presents from us”.
Alrighty. You get a prozac, you get a xanax, who wants the hemorrhoid cream?! It’s beginning to look a lot like dandruff
21/11 2018
Also also, if someone could explain to me why “Santa’s My Boyfriend” has been stuck in my head for days that’d be great, thanks.
21/11 2018
Thanksful every day
21/11 2018
Heading to the bed zone. Very tired, not sure when I’ll make it up tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good time. See you later, mashed potater.
21/11 2018
Today will be a good day. Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends.
22/11 2018
Hope you’re having a merry Thanksgiving. As with many holidays there are negative things about it, but I like to try to forget those and focus on the positive things. I often have a hard time remembering to be thankful for what I have, so for my Thanksgiving is chiefly a reminder of that. So, I am full of thanks for… my family, friends and goats. Foremost. Three vital components of my life, I don’t know what I’d do without you all. And I am thankful that I have everything I need and more than I deserve. I am blessed in many ways. Thank you all for being part of my life.
22/11 2018
I had a dream…
I dreamt that I got my eyesight back. In most of my dreams I can see perfectly. But in this dream I had the blindness. And then, slowly my blind eye started working again. And I was so happy. But then I thought ‘this must be a dream’. And I tried waking up, but I couldn’t. Everything was so real. And I went to my dad in the kitchen. We had some kind of agreement that he was going to go pick something up for me later, so I thought in order to prove that this wasn’t a dream I’d ask him to tell me what he was going to pick up for me. Because if he knew then he was my real dad and not a dream. But of course, our agreement was part of the dream. so my dream dad knew what it was and told me and I thought it proved that it was not a dream and I was so happy. And then I woke up and the blindess was back.
What a wonderful, terribly cruel, happy, totally crushing dream.
22/11 2018
Today will be a good day. Here’s Bob from 2012.
23/11 2018
Good goat times today. Cold and dark. Longing for the sun. But the goating was fun. Grandma started towards the forbidden zone. I came after her with the leash. It’s funny how she knows exactly what’s up when I come at her with that thing. She actually started running away. Well, as close to running as she gets. You know when someone is walking really fast, trying to run without making it look like they’re running? That’s what it looked like. She got away me though, and into the thicket jungle. I managed to chase her out of there. Haha. It would have been funny except that while crashing through the branches and bushes my blind tag got stuck on something and it tore a tear in my coat sleeve. Gosh durnit. It’s not a huge tear, but it’s going to let cold air in. Already today I felt like I should have worn a sweater under my coat. And it’s not even below 0 yet. So. I don’t know, maybe I’ll have to buy a new coat. Might end up being an expensive little chase. I’m sure grnadma Mio was very sorry, but she was too busy chasing the next green high to express it. A little later on I had to put the leash on her and drag her out of the communal garden thing down by the goat pen. She’s lucky she’s so cute or I’d replace her with a potted plant. Not sure what a potted plant costs but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t hurt the budget as much as a new winter coat. Please contribute to my gofundme, one like = one thoughts and prayers.
I am thankful the goats keep me on my toes. At least chasing grandma and running in circles with the kids keeps me warm. They go quite worked up today which sent Mia into a little hissy fit, trying to hump one of them and then trying to hump grandma and then jumping up and trying to headbutt anyone within reach. I love when she lets her inner kid out to play.
23/11 2018
Clearly full of remorse.
23/11 2018
Out goating. With the leash ready.
Now I am tired. I’m going to go to the dreamspace and catch some sleepgoats with my giant butterfly net.
23/11 2018
Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut under the clouds in 2015.
24/11 2018
24/11 2018
Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.
24/11 2018
A friend posted a meme saying something about how a baby having an allergic reaction would have to pay for their medication while a junkie gets free medication if he ODs. It was.. a little manipulative, with a big picture of an innocent baby and the text saying “A junkie who ODed for the 15th time”. It kinda made me wonder if the point of it was that we need to help the baby, or that fuck the dumb junkie.
The thing that struck me was a couple of comments, though. One saying that we should let natural selection take care of the junkie. And one saying that it was pretty fucked up that diabetics have to pay for their needles but junkies don’t.
It just made me think about how I am, in fact, a diabetic. And I am so because I spent a lifetime abusing a substance that’s bad for me (sugar) and making very stupid choices. So, should we let natural selection take care of me too?
I don’t get insulin injections, but I think I would get the needles for free if I did. But that varies across the world of course. I just think the goal of a humane society should be to take care of both the baby and the junkie. Maybe that means you have to pay a little extra in taxes, or maybe that the rich and corporations have to pay ANY taxes? I guess natural selection is a more cost-effective health care system, though.
I get the knee-jerk reaction of how unfair it is for the baby and their parents. But the junkie probably has parents too. You think they’re not desperately trying to get help for their kid?
24/11 2018
Lazy goat Sunday
24/11 2018
Gummi bears don’t fear the reaper either, but you don’t hear them bragging about it.
24/11 2018
Hashtag still lazy
24/11 2018
I know I think too highly of myself, but I wish I was god so I could make everything better for everyone all at once. How hard can that be?
It’s just so… frustrating. With the almost limitless potential of humankind, how we still just spend so much of our time and energy doing stuff that’s bad for ourselves or others.
I wish I could change
24/11 2018
I remember a time when we had only 3 tv channels on the dial. Heck, I remember a time when we had 1. ONE. I remember the commotion and disturbance in the ether when Denmark premiered their second national tv station. TV2. I remember when no one had cell phones. Internet was something you could book an appointment for at the library. I remember a time when there was silence and when you closed the door you were alone. And if they wanted to track you they had to follow you around on the street. And cookies was something you baked at christmas. I remember not being able to talk on the phone while the dialup was dialed in.
Better or worse, whose to say. One step back two steps forward into a brick wall.
24/11 2018
That’s all for this week.
November 28th, 2018 at 23:29
We had a nice Thanksgiving. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, hot wheat rolls, cranberries, broccoli salad, raw veggies plate, and baked beans. We had coffee or hot tea later with either Dutch apple pie or pumpkin pie.
Lots of yummy leftovers for the weekend, too. We were at my sister and her husband’s house with my Mom and Dad and me and my husband.
On Sunday morning, we woke up to 8 inches of blowing, blizzard-like snow! It started late Saturday with wind, snow, and no visability. Glad we were at home and not trying to drive somewhere.
We made sure Kip and Buckeye had plenty of hay and a heated water bucket. They are sharing a place with the donkey now for more shelter. I don’t think they liked the snow any better than I did!
They are all really furry. Hope that doesn’t mean a long, cold, snowy winter. I may need to grow a furry winter coat myself! Hee, hee.
December 2nd, 2018 at 19:08
That sounds like a jolly good time. The feast, I mean. Not so much the snow. I just accidentally typed ‘fast’ instead of feast. There’s quite a difference between fasting and feasting. I combed Mia the other day and got good deal of wool. No snow here yet, but we’ve had frost. I’m about ready for some of mama’s soup.