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Shouldering On

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

18/2 2019

Good goat times today. A beautiful, sunny day. It was cold in the morning, but as the sun worked its way the day started to feel almost like spring. More of that, please.
And spring was in the air, it seemed. Or maybe just hormones. Because there was a lot of ruckuss in the goat pen. It started before Ie ven let out hte newbies. Mia was trying to hump Sky and they were snorting and whatnot. I don’t know what got into Sky today, haha. She’s normally the quiet one. Today her and Mia were sniffing eachother and she was doing guttural noises likea buck. she had some headbutting with Nuller too. He’s a brave little boy, he doesn’t back down. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s getter bigger and bolder that got to Sky. She’s kinda lowest in the hierarchy of the bigger goats. Maybe she wanted to try and make sure she doesn’t get overtaken by the lil guy too. Or maybe some of them are in heat or maybe it’s because they were restless from the weekend. Who knows. But lots of silliness.
We had some visitors in the sunshine too. A kindergarten I think. I picked up Nuller and went over to the fence so the kids could pet him and ask questions and they were all very excited. I was holding Nuller in my arms and then I let him sort of stand up in my embrace. And then he jumped up on my shoulders. I was standing totally upright and he was perched like a parrot. One of the best displays of goat-on-you-shoulder I’ve ever done. And the kids loved it. One of their adults asked if she could take a picture, and of course she could. It’s nice to know we gave all the kids a good experience, and it’s a fun thought that this mgiht be a story they tell as they look at the pictures for who knows how long to come. I let Nuller off and sat down on the rocks and then Milo jumped up on my back, which amsed them all too since he’s considerably bigger. A couple of the kids thought that the eartags meant the goats were for sale. And one said ‘when we grow up we’ll buy the little one’ and another said ‘but when you’re grown up he’ll be grown up too’ and the first said ‘we’ll still buy him and love him’. Aww. Haha. Cute kids. But they’ll have to give me a sleeping bag in the attic if they take him away.
Lots of sweetness and fun and sun today.
18/2 2019

I love this kid. He’s been a quick learner. Bravely standing up to bigger goats, bravely climbing the human mountain. He’s picked up a trick from Milo too. The surprise-attack. Normally when I have goats on my back it’s because I invite them. I lean over, they get the idea, there’s a nice ‘slope’ to climb up. But the surprise attack is when I’m sitting upright doing something else and suddenly a goat launches itself towards me. It usually doesn’t go that well because.. well, it’s hard to jump straight from the ground onto a human’s shoulder if you don’t have the ‘leaning slope’ to jump onto first. So usually it’s just kinda like firing a canonball at me, they bounce off and hit the ground. Haha. But Nuller smaller size means a better chance of making it because he can fit better on the shoulder.
So now we’re running off to join the circus, byeee

18/2 2019

Don’t you even dare thinking about celebrating Presidents’ Day. IT’S A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Have some god damn respect.
18/2 2019

Mia and Sky, taking a break and enjoying the sun.
I’m going to take a break and enjoy the dreams. If you need to reach me, you better have long fingers.

18/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi Day everyone.

19/2 2019

I had a bunch of great dreams last night. My favourite was meeting David Lynch and having him sign my book. I think it was a Twin PEaks book. He didn’t just sign his name, he made some kind of doodle in it and he was putting a lot of effort into it. There was also some fighting aliens, singing comic books and unwrapping christmas gifts. All tihs and more.
19/2 2019

Hello, I’ve been waiting here for you

19/2 2019

Here’s Nuller’s first trip to Mount Human.
link: Nuller on my back video
19/2 2019

Has the light gone out for you? Cause the light’s gone out for me
20/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day everyone.

20/2 2019

You know, I haven’t had breakfast cereal in like.. 20 years? Oatmeal in… 30 years? What’s up with that?
I should buy cereal. They still make cereal, right?
20/2 2019

I need some new fake doors.
20/2 2019

zOmg. I LOVE The Storyteller. Don’t fork this up, Gaiman!
link: Neil gaman reviving The Storyteller
20/2 2019

How’s the Benny Hill National Emergency going? Are the billionaires still golfing?
If you’re running low on supplies I can mail you some stale bread and old raisins.
20/2 2019

Time to binge season 2 of Counterpart. I love that show. It’s like a cross between Fringe and a boring German spy drama. That’s a recommendation, by the way.
JK Simmons is so good.
20/2 2019

The Nuller investigation has uncovered some very incriminating evidence about suspected raisin fraud.

20/2 2019

Alright, I’m heading to The Crossing. Turn left at the dreamfork and follow the pizza crust crumbs. I’ll be on a cloud somewere playing crickett with Jim Henson and John Hurt. I heard they’ve got some good stories to tell.
20/2 2019

Today will be a good day .Here’s Popcorn from 2015.

21/2 2019

Are you taking pictures of me again?!
I guarantee they didn’t have a crazy cameraman following them around at their old place.

21/2 2019

O hai
link: Nuller video
21/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Fuzzy from 2016.

22/2 2019

Everything grows apart
22/2 2019

That was a nice jab on snl actually. If you Americans don’t want Mexicans running drugs into your country, why don’t you do something about the drug addiction problem you have? Why don’t you do something about the mental health problems that are apparently causing all the gun violence?
22/2 2019

a little sunshine to butter my toast

22/2 2019

I was supposed to see the goats today, but I tripped and fell into a dark hole. I’ve been doing better lately, but obviously there are still pitfalls. When I get hung up on how awful the world is and how dumb I am and they’re killing bees and I shouldn’t have eaten that and what was that sound?
I am going to go to bed and sleep for 20 hours so it can be tomorrow, because tomorrow is family soup day. So that’s something. Hope everyone out there is out there. Far out, man.
22/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

23/2 2019

Good soup times today. Nice to get together with the whole family, see my brother again, see the soup again. Now I have soup in the fridge for a few days. Might be the last of the season, since soup is a winter food. I’ll enjoy it.
23/2 2019

Stuck on you

23/2 2019

I’ve been having these episodes where it feels like time implodes into a single point, instead of a linear progression. You know? I wonder if my timeline is collapsing.
It’s been happening more often lately. If you guys see time behaving oddly, let me know. I’m not sure if it’s just me or
23/2 2019

Late night soup snack? Yeah, late night soup snack.
24/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

24/2 2019


24/2 2019

What I want to know is, what is the Space Force doing during this national emergency? Now, don’t get me wrong. I realise it’s not a SPACE emergency. But can’t you redirect the Space Force during such an extraordinary crisis like this one?
Btw, I think China is proof that building a wall works. As far as I know, there are very few Mexican drug lord caravans entering China. It really IS a great wall of.
24/2 2019

You know those people who get really close when they talk to you?

24/2 2019


That’s all for now.

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