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Dream Cycles

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

11/5 2020

Good goat times today. Trying to get back to regular goating. Because being with the goats make me happy. I thought maybe they’d get started on moving the feathery fowls into the goat pen today, but they didn’t. At least not while I was there. We’ll see how that progresses. Meanwhile, I just hung out with the goaties and enjoyed myself. And they enjoyed the treats I brought. The weather has cooled down, but when the sun is out it’s quite lovely. I have to remember if maybe I can start taking the goats out of the pen again.. things are starting to open up again in Denmark, maybe we can get permission to get out toe the greens again. I know the goats would love that. Hopefully it’s not a permanent thing that we have to stay in the pen. We’ll see.
11/5 2020

Rest in peace Jerry Stiller. I forking loved that man. So much. I went to twitter when I turned on my computer and I saw pretty much every trending topic had something to do with Jerry Stiller. Festivus, Seinfeld, King of Queens. My heart sank. Wasn’t hard to guess what was up. 92 years old, that’s a good age. You can’t exactly say it’s a tragedy. But man. He was so funny. I still from time to time look at videos of his on youtube. Whether it’s actual broadcast clips or bloopers. I’m sure you’ve all seen them, but if you haven’t just go to youtube and search for Jerry Stiller bloopers. I can watch them over and over. He was so funny.
When I started losing my eyesight, at the time when it got so bad that I had to quit Facebook, I drowned my sorrows in escapism. Tv shows. All day listening to radio and watching tv shows. One of them was the complete series of King of Queens. Now, i’m not going to say that was a fantastic show. It was a fairly standard sitcom. But I enjoyed it and there’s a comfort in just binge watching ‘easy’ comedy. What elevated it to something more was when they got Stiller on it. It kinda felt like they just took Frank Costanza and put him in King of Queens. Jerry Stiller’s mannerisms were just so entertaining. He seemed like a sweet man too, the cast of Seinfeld always had such good things to say about him.
Hope you got your serenity now, Jerry. See you in del boca vista.
11/5 2020

Caught the creeper. Reach for the Sky.

11/5 2020

blink your eyes one for yes two for no i have no idea what i am talking about i am trapped in this body and can’t get out
11/5 2020

Goat butt parade

11/5 2020

I’m gonna name my fridge Kessel. So I can do the Kessel run in less than 12 bellyflops
11/5 2020

Just a couple of kooks

11/5 2020

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi DaY everyone.

12/5 2020

How’s it going?
I’m sleeping better. Not as good as before the crash. But I can sleep more than 1 hour at a tome. so that’s something.
My back is better. Not as good as before the crash. But not blinding pain after every movement. And I can walk to the goats. So that’s something.
Things could be better, but they’ve been worse.
I managed to get on the exercise bike when I got up today. One again starting pretty much from scratch. I just did 10 minutes. But when you add the 10 minutes of warmup and 10 minutes of cool down, that’s still about 30 minutes on the bike. So that’s something. Just gotta get back into the mindset of doing it regularly so I can build up better form.
Let’s hope it’ll be a good summer. Assuming the world doesn’t end.
12/5 2020

Brb, wprking on the script for the pilot episode of Rick & Murtaugh. Spoiler alert: They’re both getting too old for this shirt.
12/5 2020

That thing when out of the blue someone replies to a comment you left on a youtube video 5 years ago.
12/5 2020

O haj Nuller

12/5 2020

I for one am glad that Rand Paul is taking on Dr Fauci. Who does he think he is, some kind of medical professional?! Everyone knows if you bury your head in the sand you can’t get coronar.
12/5 2020

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a goat.

12/5 2020

12/5 2020

Transition into greatness?
Pfft. How about transition into obesity.
13/5 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

13/5 2020

Saw a meme that said something about how we should shut down the media for 30 days and see 80% of the world’s problems go away. Yeah. Wow. You gotta applaud some politicians’ strategy of making the media seem like the enemy. Look, I’m not saying the media doesn’t suck. Although we might not agree on which parts of the media are the bad ones… but you try and see what the politicians (of BOTH sides) would do without media oversight. You think you can trust what the politicians tell you? You think you can check the facts yourself? You think they’ll stay on the straight and narrow if they’re not watched? Fork, the leader of you country knows he can lie straight to your face without consequence, what do you think he’ll do behind your back?
13/5 2020

Hey look, goats.

13/5 2020

Oh Sassy. Sassy is usually the first one who sits down to lounge in the sun. Sometimes she’s just done. And sometimes she just collapses into weird positions that make me feel like I have to go over and check that she’s still breathing.
Well, I’m going to take a page out of Sassy’s book now. I’m just done for today. Going to bed early. Going to try a long sleepwalk. See where it takes me. Hopefully I can get some good dreams at least. See you on the farcyde.

13/5 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Thor from 2008.

14/5 2020

Hey Americans, your government just got the right to search your browsing history without a warrant! Good job, patriots!
Well, I’m sure they’ll use this power to stop all the domestic terrorism. And not to harrass immigrants and non-christians.
14/5 2020


14/5 2020

Here is some bonus content for the premium subscribers. A little preview clip of a future goat video. Since we were talking about growling goats the other day, here’s Mia expressing her displeasure that other goats want to eat her pumpkin seeds.
14/5 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Clark and Bruce from 2014.

15/5 2020

Imagine walking down the street in Copenhagen and there’s Bruce Springsteen with a guitar.

15/5 2020

There oughta be a law against using realistic doorbell sounds in movies and tv. That shirt is scarjer than a predator or a maga hat.
15/5 2020

Totally natural lifelike human pose

15/5 2020

Where my goats at

15/5 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Vanilje and Magnethe from 2008.

16/5 2020

I think my sleeping form is close to being back to normal. It can be hard to tell becfause my sleep schedule has always been quiet erratic, more or less by design.
But I feel like I’m getting the sleep now. And last night I had a bunch of excellent dreams. You know I love dreaming. I had a slightly naughty dream about a facebox friend. Start guessing! I also had great Star Trek dream. Which was like a big action movie. But the funny part was the end. We were having some kind of victory party because we defeated the blablawhatsit. And then it was announced that I was having a baby with Worf! Haha. I woke up thinking ‘oh I dreamt I was Worf’. But then it slowly dawned on me that no, I wasn’t Worf. I was the other part, the one who was going to carry the baby. I don’t think I was dreaming that I was wone of the ladies of the Enterprise either. I think I was just me and I was going to have a baby with Worf. Not sure how that’s going to work… but hey, a bunch of cute little Lasseklingon babies. Why not!
Always managed to exercise when I got up. Three times in a row now, hopefully I’m getting into rythm. I even managed to pull the powerbar out for a bit. That slayed me. Much more than the biking. Flexing the powerbar while biking really had me out of breath. Felt good. I have lost about 3½ pounds since last month, I think most of it is just water weight and randomness, but hey it’s something. Hopefully the summer will heat up soon. Trying to look at the bright side of things.
16/5 2020


16/5 2020

My latest painting

16/5 2020

Since everybody else is posting their avatars..
17/5 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone. Today would have been Palle’s 7th birthday.

17/5 2020

My mind is a constant rollercoaster between wanting to make everything better and wanting to make everything stop.
17/5 2020

Think goat thoughts.

17/5 2020

The rare two-headed goat.

17/5 2020

That’s all for now.

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