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Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

3/8 2020


3/8 2020

The newb squad hanging out in the shelter. It didn’t take them long to find back to their favourite spots in the goat pen.

3/8 2020

God in his glorious heaven must be jubilant that so many of his loyal followers are so eager to join him. Keep not wearing masks, what has science done for us lately? #2020
3/8 2020

I’m going to miss hanging out on this table.

3/8 2020

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

4/8 2020

God goat times today. A lovely day. Started a little chilly, but as the day wore on the sun did its thing and it became quite warm, bordering on hot. Lovely blue skies dotted with puffy white clouds.
When I got to the goats there were already visitors at the fence. They quite enjoyed seeing me come and lob greenery into the pen. They were happy they got to see the goats eat. And pretty much as soon as they left, another group of visitors arrived and sweet kids had lots of fun fun feeding the goats. One lady asked “how often do the goats eat?” to which I replied “as often as they can”. There were even more visitors later on, including some kids that jumped into the goat pen. Whicfh caught me off guard, but they were kids from the playground and had permission. I heard them say something about how te goat could headbutt. And apparently number 18 was the one to look out for. Haha. Milo’s got a reputation!
He might be a giant scary goat buck, but he’s also a bit of a scaredy cat. I was doing a little tidying up and was moving a big wooden board. And Milo freaked out and ran away and bleated at me like he thought I was carrying a big goat torture instrument around. Sheesh. You never know what the goats will be scared of. Someone on Mia’s page asked if I ever brought them toys, like balls. Hah. Every time I’ve brought a ball the goats have thought it was the devil itself. They do not like unfamiliar things.
But everyone calmed down and there was much sweetness and relaxing in the sun. Perfect day, good for the soul.
4/8 2020

It’s a beautiful day

4/8 2020

Visitors watching the goats eat breakfast.

4/8 2020

Psst. Hey kid. Bring me some leaves.

4/8 2020

It’s a good thing that fence is sturdy.

4/8 2020

It’s always the sweetest when kids are feeding the goats.

4/8 2020

Aww, isn’t this just darling? Nuller resting with his head on his mama Lily. They sat like this for so long. I love that they’re still so close. Even though Nuller is bigger than his mother now. But she still makes a great soft pillow. Fambly matters.

4/8 2020

I am signing off for today, off to dreamland. I will leave you with one more photo of sleepy Nuller resting his head on mama Lily’s soft fur. Everybody needs a goat for a pillow.

4/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone, with bonus grandma. Double the humps, twice the joy.

5/8 2020

Nuller! Tsk tsk. It’s been so long that I completely forgot to look out for Nuller-attacks. He managed to jump up o my back yesterday. He’s actually not super heavy, I could still let him do it but… considering all the back problems I’ve been having that’s probably not a good idea. Too bad, it’s such a great trick to do for visitors delight.

5/8 2020

Goat butt parade with Milo and Sky.

5/8 2020

I see Neil young is suing the Trump campaign. Good for him. Here’s my hot take: Political parties should not be allowed to use artists’ music or works without explicit prior permission. Doesn’t matter if it’s Trump or Biden or anyone else. A political message or standpoint is so important, especially to an artist, a politician should not be allowed to just take a piece of music and use it to promote their political ideology without permission. It’s not like politicians would be ok with someone using their image to promote a product or ideology they don’t believe in.
And it’s fucking ridicky when someone like Trump uses the music of people that obviously think he’s a racist cartoon clown.
5/8 2020


5/8 2020

Hello, my name is Lasse and I have never seen a Fast & Furious movie.
6/8 2020

Wait, does Darth Vader take his helmet off when he eats?
Is there anything in the Expanded Universe about this?
6/8 2020

There’s another us somewhere with much better lives..
I think Out Of Sand may be the best song everty written. Quite possibly. It’s like that scene from The Constant, I can’t listen to itwithout crying. I deeply relate to so many of those lines…
I put it on by accident just now and had a minor breakdown also visceral flashbacks to watching Twin Peaks The Return. I wish i could grab that magic again. A life less Lynch. You can never have it again. Who we were will never come again, dude.
The only line I can’t relate to is “fearful of dreams, there’ll be no sleep tonught”. I love the dreams, even the dark and scary ones. I love going to bed at 1 pm and sleeping all day and night. Drifting in and out of sleep, the dreams become so vivid. The border between reality and makebelieve get blurred. The other night I woke up in a dream and thought ‘oh I’m definitely awake for real this time, because this is too real to not be reality’ and then later I woke up again. Watching Twin Peaks is like watching a dream. I hope when I die my brain will keep dream for a long time, until all the e lec tri ci ty is gone
So anyway

6/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

6/8 2020

Good goat times today. A hot one! Upwards of 30C/86F. And we don’t get that too often in Denmark. I know some Americans will scoff at that, but coming off the coldest July in 22 yearse, this is quite the contrast. There was a lot of cloud cover, though, which made it less baking. But yeah it got hot, especially later on.
A fun day, and a busy one. Lots of kids again. I found out why. One of the playground staffers, I think her name was Else Maria or Else Marie, told me that this week they are opening up for the new fourth graders from 8-12 in the morning. I guess the kids who are starting fourth grade now are elligible to start using the playground, and this is sort of an ‘intro week’ for them. Before school starts up. So that means constantly kids everywhere. Which is a little taxing for my social phobia. Normally the kids I deal with are kindergarten/daycare/School groups who come to play and see the animals and they usually only stay with the goats for 10-20-30 minutes and then move on. And then I can decompress. No decompression time when the kids are there constantly. These kids aren’t visitors, they’re part of the playground. I’m not sure if my fb friends quite understand the concept of a public playground like this. But these kids stay at the playground and help take care of the animals and do activities and stuff. I believe they were having a barbecue at the playground fireplace today for example.
So anyway. It was a lot of fun. Normally the kids aren’t allowed in the goat pen without an adult from the playground is in there with them. But Else Marie asked me if it was okay that they came in with me and I could be the adult supervision. So of course I said yes to that. So I got to spend a lot of time with a couple of handfulls of kids and talked to them about the goats and how to behave around them and answer questiosn etc. Good times.
Okay, enough typing for now. I’m sure most of you have checked out from reading this already haha. I have more to tell about the day, but I’ll gof ind a cute picture and write more later on.
PS Hello my name is Lasse and I purchased iced creams at the supermarket today.
6/8 2020

Some humans just always have to be the center of attention, tsk tsk.

6/8 2020

Alrighty then. Part 2 of today’s good goat times.
So it was quite fun with the boys in the goat pen. I helped them pet Milo, which they were quite proud of. They called him the bandit, haha. Milo the bandit. Oh yes.
It’s nice when you feel like the kids are sort of looking up to you, for lack of a better term. I tried to give them a good experience. More kids joined us later on. there was a boy who was a little… he wasn’t mean to the goats, but you could if there wasn’t an adult around he might be the type to tease the animals. I tried to show him the proper way to be around the goats, to instill the value of being good to them. Being kind to animals is one of the most important things there is. Being kind to those you have kind of power or control or advantage over. Especially those that can’t say no with words. Anyway, I don’t know if I made any kind of difference, but one can hope.
There was a girl too who seemed to know a lot more about the goats and how to deal with them. For example she knew that Milo wasn’t a mean goat, just a goat boy trying to show he’s a big man. And she knew that Mia is ALWAYS sweet to all humans. And that she’s a different race from the others. One of the boys asked if the playground would have to sell the other goats when they grew to be Mia’s size. Haha. Six Mia-sized goats would be a handful. But the littles won’t get much bigger.
But yeah several different kids came in and out of the pen. When they weren’t in the goat pen they were with the bunnies. There was a bunny camp setup just across from the goat pen. I heard that one of the bunneis was named Vanilje, which I loved. Some of you may or may not know that one of my earliest goat friends was called Vanilje. The daughter of one of the original first goats when I started my goat adventues in.. gosh, 2004 I guess. She unfortunately passed away fairly young after childbirth complications. It’s nice to know there’s a little Vanilje bunny running around.
Oh there was an adult visitor who asked me about my facebook page too, so I gave her the address. I’m not completely sure if that was one of the playground staffers or a local visiting. But yeah, there are definitely people around there who are aware of Mia’s page. She told one of the kids that he could go look at all the beautiful pictures of the goats. When Else Marie was there she was also saying stuff about how amazing my connection with the goats was and stuff like that. Very sweet. I don’t often think very, if anything, positively about myself. It’s nice that I can bring some positivity to the people there, the kids hopefully, and people on facebook. That’s something at least.
I got to see Ophelia and Alice today too. I have barely seen them all summer I think. Being out in the horse field with the goats means I’ve been less on the actual playground grounds, and there’s been vacation of course, and I’m usually there early in the day and of course i’ve been away with family and health stuff at times. So it was good to see them again. Ophelia told the kids that since they were new at the playground they normally shouldn’t go in the goat pen without one of the playground adults, but since Lasse was there it was ok..
When I started packing my pack to leave one of the boys called out “Are you leaving now Lasse? Aw, then we can’t be in the goat pen anymore”. Aw. I’m sure they got more time later on with one of the other adults there. But it was nice to feel appreciated. They seemed to like talking to me about the goats and stuff. A couple of the kids were saying they wanted to work with the animals at the playground. Hopefully they can get to help take care of the goats and bunnies, and horses when they come back.
Okay I think that covers it for now. Big day. Lots of socializing and hot sunshine. Once school starts then the mornings should be a lot calmer. But it’s been fun with the kids.
6/8 2020

Here is Sky taking care of the rocks. And in the background you can see a couple of the kids at the bunny encampment next to the goat pen.

6/8 2020

It was great hanging out with humankids today, but I do prefer the furred ones at the end of the day. And the beginning of the day. And the middle of the day. And the remainder of the day.

6/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Here is the aforemention Vanilje, with her mother Mathilde, from 2006.

7/8 2020

Family health update… I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do these anymore. I actually got some bad news last night, but i didn’t want to post it before I knew more. And today it’s better news. But my mother was admitted to the hospital yesterday again. She was throwing up, and those kidney problems she had last were because of dehydration from t hrowing up and diarrhea. Also her blood pressure was way off. There was one measuring where both numbers were almost hte same, which basically means the heart is working as hard in active and resting state, if I understand it correctly. Which is pretty bad and can be dangerous. So she went to the hospital. My dad says they gave her a ‘shock’. I am not entirely sure what the medical or Englsih term is. But there was something wrong with her heart apparently… the good news is they got it sorted out and she’s coming back home today already. My dad and I both agreed that that seems early but.. you gotta trust the doctors I guess. Obviously we’ll have to keep a close watch on her blood pressure and other things, but hopefully it will be okay.
Meanwhile my dad still has pain problems ,which is worrying with all the pain medication he’s getting. He’ll be callign his doctor and on Monday and I hope they’ll give him an examination at the hospital. Gotta find out whats’ wrong. He’s been given a cane now to help him walking.
Hopefully we’re still on a good path, but it’s certainly not all perfect yet.
7/8 2020

Thank you everyone for all your support. Here’s some supersweetness as a thank you. Another picture of Nuller resting with his head on mama Lily. Melts my heart.

7/8 2020

We’re not scaremongering, this is really happening. Take the money and run take the money.
I actually managed to do exercise today. For the first time in.. months I think. I just have not felt up to do exercise. Doing exercise is hard.
Felt good though. And my random music playlist served up two great Radiohead songs to begin with. Excellent.

7/8 2020

and also, a goatlog

7/8 2020

The rare three-headed goat.

7/8 2020

Yo, anti-semite. Obamacare already did the pre-existing conditions.
But if people are dumb enough to believe Trump has ever read a page of the bible, they’ll believe anything.
And so forth and so on. Don’t forget to stand for the national anthem, pay respect to the flag, while he wipes his ass with it.
8/8 2020

Goats for the front page. Sassy and Mia, and the goat wannabe.

8/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Medium and Large from 2013.

8/8 2020

Well, looks like I have to wear a mask now. In the busses at least. It is now required in my city. Specifically in my city because my city is the one hardest hit by the upward trending curve. I don’t think the numbers are alarming yet, I think the last one was around 130 new cases, no deaths. But still, we’re a small country so I think it’s good they’re trying to change the curve. It so happens that a fairly large amount of the infected are Somalian refugees. And it so happens I live in a neighbourhood with a high concentration of immigrants and refugees. So it’s close to home. The other day, when I was buying iced creams, I was entering the supermarket and someone was going “…excuse me? Excuse me?” I thought they were talking to someone else, but then the woman came all the way over to me. She was trying to get me to use hand sanitizer. They normally have the hand sanitizer bottles right inside the store, but I guess now they’re just actively going around handing it out to people. It was a little awkward because of my visual impairment. But she was nice enough and squirted it in my hands. Pretty much the closest thing I’ve had to a date in years, am I right? *hand sanitized high five*.
Anyway. Now you have to wear the masks in busses, and they’re doing various other things to try and curb our enthusiasm for getting infected. I hope it works. With all the health problems my family is facing it would really not be good if we started getting the coroner too.
Oh I didn’t mention, but you remember I talked about Else Marie at the playground? She was actually wearing a helmet with a visir thing, or whatever it’s called. Like a police riot gear. It made me think welp, should I be wearing protection? There are a lot of immigrant and refugee kids at the playground too. But then Ophelia and Alice weren’t wearing any protective things. It is a concern though, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that someone with the virus could pet the goats and I don’t know if they can actually get infected, but the virus could be on the fur for at least a while. There were some news recently about the virus being found in mink farms…
anyway, no reason to get paranoid. I hope.
One of the measures is also that they’re telling people to not use public transportation if you cna avoid it. Maybe I should try walking to the playground again. Depends on how my back is doing I guess. But I got the face masks, so we’ll see how it all goes.
8/8 2020

No no no no no no. I have been updated to the new facebook. I can’t. I can’t deal with this right now. Please for the love of all that’s wholly let me change it back.
8/8 2020

Oh thank goat in heavyweighten. I found the witch to turn back to classic facebook. There’s enough stress right now, I really can’t deal with a layout struggle. Please, facebook, keep the classic version as an option. Please.
For now, I guess I dodged the bullet.
What a scare. I can’t overstate how important this is, I will wear a mask if it keeps me on classic facebook. #Dramaqueef.
8/8 2020

Meanwhile, in my spam folder:
“Congrats! you have been gifted a Burger King”
Quick question, the owner of a Burger King gets to eat all the burgers he wants for free, right?
8/8 2020

Sorry bout all the trash posts. Here’s what the crowd wants. Goat sweetness!

8/8 2020


8/8 2020

Duck! The horses aren’t back from vacation yet, so the horse field is empty now that the goats are back in the goat pen. But this tub of goaty drinking water is still left there… and our duckie decided to take a bath in it. It was pretty cute. Ducksy was swimming around in circle and flapping its wings. Good way to cool down now that the heat has arrived.

8/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone, with bonus auntie Kamel.

9/8 2020

‘I wish this wasn’t a dream’ I said to her. Feeling her physical weight on top of me. She didn’t say anything. It’s funny how people in dreams don’t react when you tell them it’s a dream. I think in real life if you told someone that we were currently in a dream they’d protest or call you crazy. In dreams they never react. Soon enough came that terrible feeling of the grasp of reality coming and pulling me out of the dream. Like a giant hand pushing you off a cliff.
It was such a beautiful dream, if I could have stayed there forever I would.

9/8 2020


9/8 2020

Dancing goats, starring Lily and Sassy.

9/8 2020

Okay, whomst of you sent Sassy ot try and pull my shirt off? I have a couple of suspects..

9/8 2020

Pretty sure the execute order is going to be a slip of paper written in crayon saying “Okay we’ll stop trying to repeal obamacare”.
But I mean as strategies go, trying to take credit for everything Obama did seems smarter than anything else he’s done. Too bad blackface is out now, otherwise he could have just dressed up as Obama and said ‘re-elect me and I’ll be Obama for the next 4 years’. But at least Kanye.
Pretty impressive that they’re willing to tank the entire postal service just to avoid mail-in votes, though. That’s dedication.
Okay I’m done for now. Sorry.
9/8 2020

, buut here’s Nuller trying to eat my hat again.

9/8 2020


That’s all for now.

2 Responses to “Heatseek”

  1. Debster Says:

    Oooh…. a big fluffy puffy cloud just for me! Hooray for blue skies and white clouds.

    Sorry to hear about your Mom and Dad’s health problems. That is always such a worry when it’s your parents that are sick.

    We too, are wearing masks when we are in stores or out and about in our community. We don’t want to get sick and pass anything on to my parents either.

    We had a hot day today with the temp at 91 F, but feels like 106 F!
    Then we had a thunderstorm and rain. We didn’t get the really high winds that areas north of us did.

    Some areas had 100 mph winds! I thought our 30 mph winds were bad enough! The goats headed for shelter when the rain started.

  2. Plume Says:

    Stay cool! At least hte weather isn’t so dramatic here. Although It still feels hot to me right now. But oh well, the weather’s the leat fo our worries.

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