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Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

12/10 2020

I dragged this pavement tile from the platforms and over to the goat house. Now that the mud season is setting in I figured it would do more good here. Something to jump on when getting out of the house.
And of course since it’s slightly above ground level it didn’t take a second before there was a goat jumping on it. Here Nuller has conquered the mountain.

12/10 2020

More like Supreme Court INjustice amirite.
Sorry, too broked to come up with better.
Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends. Can you guys put America in the corner and not let it have dessert until it grows up and embraces democracy?
12/10 2020

Let Sky take the wheel

12/10 2020

Don’t blame me, I voted for the People’s Penguin Party.
13/10 2020

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

13/10 2020

Good goat times today. Chilly morning, but lots of sunshine along the way so it warmed up fairly well. Pretty quiet day in the pen. Barely any visitors, which surprised me a little since it’s the fall vacation now. But maybe people are out travelling. Or bunkered down to avoid the pandemic. We seem to have flattened the curve and the numbers are looking fairly good again. So I was expecting visitors. But oh well, that just meant I had the goats to myself! Still enough greens to bring them breakfast in the morning. And pears, tomatoes and treats to top things off. They don’t go hungry, despite what they’re telling you.
13/10 2020

Did someone say I wasn’t hungry? FAKE NEWS!

13/10 2020

Well it’s spooktober, so here’s a scccccaaaaary spiderweb in the doorway of the goat house! I have cleared it out a couple of times but it keeps coming back. I guess we got a resident spider. It’s pretty sturdy too. Not as flimsy as I usually imagine spiderweb is. So you’ll never see me with a spider on my forehead, probably..

13/10 2020

Here’s what was beneath the spiderweb. The new squad. I couldn’t really get a good photo of the spiderweb and the goats both in the frame. So instead you get two poor photos for the price of none!

13/10 2020

‘ola, Nuller, olĂ©

13/10 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone, with bonus grandma.

14/10 2020

I propose we move Halloween to November 3rd this year, since that’s going to be the scariest day of the year.
14/10 2020


14/10 2020

Look what Id one diddly got in the mailaroony!
Thank you so much Cyd Burk and Thresher Art !
It’s a beayutiful piece. So colourful and vibrant! Thank you deer! Proudly added to my collection of arts.

14/10 2020

Hey Cyd Burk it was actually extremely lucky that I got your artpiece. The mailman literally just dumped it outside my door. The only reason I got it was because yesterday (when it came) I had decided to do a second shopping trip because I was running out of diet pepsi. I was just about to leave when I heard someone outside my door. So I wated 30 seconds, because humans scare me and I don’t like opening the door if I hear people outside. So I waited till the coast was clear and opened the door. And there was the envelope in front of the door. If I hadn’t decided to go on a second shopping trip then I wouldn’t have opened the door and someone would have definitetly stolen the envelope. It wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes out there.
The weird thing is, we have mailboxes in the downstairs hall. The mailman is not supposed to bring mail straight to our door. But even if he did, he’s definitely not supposed to just drop it in fron of the door, he’s supposed to put it in the mail slot.
So yeah. if anyone else has sent me anything and it hasn’t arrived, maybe that’s what happened to it. It was pure luck that I got this.
PS I digged your Ferengi sticker!

14/10 2020

Been getting my meme mojo back. Hadn’t made any for so long, maybe all 2020. But been making new ones now. Posted a few, got a few more ready to post in good time, and ideas for more. Must be feeling a little better if I have the surplus to make goat memes. That’s the theory anyway.

14/10 2020

Nuller doesn’t mind stepping on the little people to get ahead. Or a treat.

14/10 2020

I really, really shouldn’t be reading about Killer BOB at 4:12 am. Geez.
What the writer of the article says about being scared of BOB all their life, I can relate. I’m the weirdo who loves all dreams, even nightmares. There are only two kinds of nightmares I don’t like. 1) nightmares about people or animals I love being hurt or dying. And 2) nightmares about Killer BOB. He visits my dreams sometimes and it scares the shirt out of me. It must be coming up on 30 years since I watched Twin Peaks the first time as a young boy. In all that time no other monster or horror or ghost story has affected me like him.
It’s funny when you think about how sweet the actor seemed. Rest in peace, Frank Silva.
Now I should get a little sleep. Oh f
link: KilleR BOB article
15/10 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Thor from 2008.

15/10 2020

Good goat times today. Cold and grey, though. At least it was dry.
And the goats were quite silly. Starting with Nuller mounting his mama Lily in the morning. Sheesh, Nuller! And then later Mia chased Lily around and was trying to hump her too. She also went after Sassy. Freaky goats.
Mia and Sassy knocked heads too, and for once Mia actually started jumping up to butt heads. Normally she just stays on the ground, because she’s so much stronger than the rest. Apparently there was something in the air today.
15/10 2020

Super freaky

15/10 2020

I.. am not smart. I finally got my back better, and now I start letting Nuller jump on it again? Sheesh. Someone slap some sense into me.
Hey, not you! And that’s not where my sense is located!
My back has been doing pretty well. I’ve been taking the bus to the goats and walking home and it’s working out very well. Just need to not let this happen anymore…

15/10 2020

Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like coagulatin’,
I’m sittin’ here, just contemplatin’,
I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
Handful of Senators don’t pass legislation,
And marches alone can’t bring integration,
When human respect is disintegratin’,
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’,
And you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.

15/10 2020

Passed a dramatic scene on my way home today. Walking along the road, I saw smoke up ahead. Quite a lot of it. At first I thought maybe it was fog. But then I saw people on the side of the road and a car, maybe two. I’m not sure what happens. Maybe they crashed together. Or maybe there was a fire in one of them. It looked like maybe a van. Well I don’t know. I turned and walked up on the grass and kept my distance. I still ended up coughing from all the smoke. Heard sirens too.
I have checked the local news and haven’t seen anything about it. Hopefully no one was hurt. But it’s a really dangerous T-section cross there. In fact, just last week a young woman died there. Hit by a car. The driver was arrested. And two years ago another young woman died in that exact cross. It was heartbreaking to read about. A 23 year old and a 21 year old. Young women just getting started on life and then it’s gone in a flash. Apparently there’s a really really bad traffic culture in this neighbourhood. People drive like shit. There was an interview with an old experienced bus driver, he said he doesn’t let his family drive there because it’s just too dangerous. Scary.
I don’t cross the road in that T-section when I’m walking to and from the goats, but I do pass that road just before that crossing. A stark reminder to be careful when you cross the road. It makes me sad that people care so little about their fellow humans. The police have raids there now and then and they always catch a bucnh of people doing stupids hit, from driving too fast to not having a license to having weapons or drugs in the cars to HAVING THEIR FUCKING BABY IN THEIR TRUNK. I shit you not. Jesus. And it never changes, every time the cops come back they catch a ton more people.
15/10 2020

On a brighter note, the nice postal lady is back. She’s been gone for months. Most of summer. I wasn’t sure I’d ever even see her agan. But I sure am glad she’s back. She’s so kind and sweet to me and always nice, remembers my name so I don’t have to show ID when picking up a package. Normally I am convinced everyone hates me, but I feel like she likes me. Of course it seems like she’s super nice to everyone. She just seems like a nice and positive person, and that sort of thing can have a ripple effect. Be nice, you never know how it can come back to you.
15/10 2020

Well it looks like I’ve lost access to the old fb layout. The fix I was using has stopped working.
So maybe you’ll never see me again.
Or maybe I’ll come back tomorrow and try to fix as much as I can from this garbage pile.
15/10 2020

Thank you to Cyd and Maggie for their advice. I am back on classic fb. For how long, who knows..
The new version is a nightmare with my settings. The dark/light mode messes with my hgih contrast theme. The notification pages are practically unuseable with my enlarged fonts. Stupid icons made for tablets and people with eyesight. Everything a mess
I know some people will say that they’ve gotten used to it. But unless you got my degree of visual impairment and setup, you really don’t know.
When the time comes and i’m forced onto the new layout for good, it will severaly impact my facebooking. I’m sure I’ll find a way. But i’ll probably have to dial back my involvment on Mia’s page, and my general facebook use. i’m already bad enough at keeping up with friends.
I’m going to bed now. I am pretty depressed right now.
Oh and I guess if you read through all that you deserve even more depressing news. My dad is doing worse. In so much pain he can barely walk even with his cane. Said he was losing weight too. I am very worried. I guess they’ll give him another injection. I really wish they ‘d take him into the hospital to do a complete major checkup of everything. I am very worried for him and I can’t deal with stuff and I know I’m a big baby but , I don’t know how to end that sentence.
Thank you all for helping making my life bearable. Honestly, you don’t know the half of it. Sometimes I feel like I can’t go on, and having a support system here is a big help an the positivity of Mia’s page, it means a lot to me and when it’s shaken and broked it affects me a lot. And my parents aren’t doing well and the next 5 months are going to be dark and cold and the world is in the dumps and
deep breath.
I’m going to go sleep. Thank you all again. I’m sorry I’m like this. See you tomorrow, hopefully for goat fun and games. Feeling blue,. may order pizza.
15/10 2020

*deep breath*. Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

16/10 2020

Family health update.
Talked to my dad again. Apparently I caught him at a bad time yesterday. He says he’s a little better. But still not good, still not good enough. And then, today my mother was sent to the hospital again. Chest and breathing problems, I think. But she’s coming back home again today. So I guess it wasn’t more serious than that. But it’s serious enough. And I worry about them both. Quite a lot.
Thank you all for the good thoughts and support. I appreciate you all.
16/10 2020

Mia and I would like to extend our heartfelt thank you to everyone for heloing to keep the Treatbag sane because if he went insane then he might forget to put treats in the treatbag.
I am really thankful in these hard times to have good people that care about me. Thank you.

16/10 2020

Okay, I told them you were sane. Now can I have my treats?

16/10 2020

Knock knock. Wh’s there. my head. My head who? Stop knocking on my head assh****
17/10 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Herman from 2014.

17/10 2020

Feeling kinda frustrated, sad, stressed, depressed, fat, dumb, below the average height of Scandinavian males, soft in the middle, anxious, derivative, under the sea, under the sea.
But fine, it’s nothing. I’m going to go to bed early and dream it all away. Remind to google ‘is hibernation for humans?’ tomorrow.
See you then. Dream powers activate.

17/10 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

18/10 2020

Strike a pose, Milo

18/10 2020

Poop powers activate, Milo.

18/10 2020

Not the best of days. Crappy pizza, crappy football, rude people on Mia’s page, and sadness carrying over from past.
Feels like today was a day that could have been skipped without much lost. I don’t know. That feeling wnen you’re looking for a light at the end of the tunnel but it turns out the tunnel was painted on the rock by the coyote.
Wait. Was it the coyote or the road runner that painted the tunnel.
The eternal question.
Anyway I’ll be fine, just feeling blue.
18/10 2020

Thank you for being on my side. My army of goats and fbers. I am thankful for this.

18/10 2020


That’s all for now.

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