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Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

23/5 2022

Good goat times today. A lovely warm day. For the first time this year I picked some greens and brought them to the goat pen. The goats were very happy about that. Yum yum. We had lots of nice visitors too, several groups of kindergarteners who happily petted the goats and plucked grass and flowers to feed to them. Jacob, the playground leader who complimented me not so long ago, came over. Said hi to me too, but he came to talk to the kindergarten group. He told them to let everyone know that the playground was open and they would like for people to come and feed the bunnies and such. And then one of the kindergarten ladies said that she really loves the playground. That was nice to hear. I mean, she wasn’t necessarily talking about the goats. But while the conversation was going on all her kids were screeching with delight and running around feeding goats. So I’d like to think the goats are helping the playground be a happy and popular place. It’s always nice when we can help kids have a good time. that makes us have a good time too.
23/5 2022

Mia holding court.

23/5 2022

This is Sassy about 10 minutes after I got there in the morning. She is always the first one to sit down when the sun is shining and it’s warm. I still don’t know for sure if she’s Nuller’s grandma, but she definitely has that grandma energy. The “I’m old and i’m too old for this shhhh and I’ma sit down and unless you got treats I’ma just sit here and not bother”. She has very little patience for giving a fork. It’s funny, because when there are treats she is suddenly the tasmanian devil and caring very much about everything that’s going on. When I try to sneak treats to Sky and Sky complains and runs away because someone else is coming and I turn around, it’s almost always Sassy who’scoming running. And she will run. It’s like she has two speeds. Sitting still and running after treats. If I walk along she’ll just run around after me and I have to be careful not to trip over her. I mean, the others will run after me if I’m giving out treats. But Sassy will run after me if she thinks I MIGHT start giving out treats.
She also has shark jaws. They will all try to get into my pocket and get the treatbag, but Sassy will just clamp her mouth shut on it, like she’s trying to tear my pocket and the bag open. I literally have to push my fingers into her mouth and pry it open, she will just clamp down on it and refuse to let go. Fun fact: I have to replace the treatbag about once a week because SOMEONE tears holes in it.
She’s a funny old gal. I wish she’d be a little easier on Sky, but it’s hard not to be entertained. I love how they all have their little quirks and personalities and traits and voices. People who think animals are just dumb beasts with no inner life, they’re the dumb beasts with no inner life. Am I right? Anyway, sorry I ended up writing so much for a dumb picture!

23/5 2022

Everyone’s having a good time.

23/5 2022

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

24/5 2022


24/5 2022

I dreamt about a conspiracy theory that said that cowboys never actually wore cowboy hats. That the idea of cowboys wearing hats was falsified. And there was an old video where someone had painstackingly gone through every frame and edited out the hats so it looked like it was a video of a bunch of cowboys without hats.
So, analyze THAT.
24/5 2022

This is a rant about religion.
This is Lasse deleting his rant about religion.
24/5 2022

Here’s big bandit Milo. I found a new thing that he’s scared of yesterday. I brought some gardening gloves because I wanted to pull up some of the stinging nettles that are growing around in the goat pen. The gloves didn’t work perfectly, I got my hands burnt a bit. But when I took off the gloves and kinda shook them in Milo’s direction he started nervously bleating at me. I said ‘you can’t be serious’ and walked towards him with the gloves held out towards him. He bleated louder and quickly backed away. That little scaredygoat.

24/5 2022

So, where does an elementary school shooting rank on the ‘jesus, guns, babies’ scale?
24/5 2022

Really tempted to post the lyrics to Cop Killer with all the cop words changed to kid, but I wouldn’t want to upset anyone so. Just sit back and pray. Let’s get some open carry teachers. Does body armour come in kindergarten sizes? i guess the shooter is dead so we won’t be seeing him in maralago. Let’s get those gas prices down so the killers don’t have to take the bus to school. Make america full of bullet holes again.-
maybe this is even enough to get banned, we’ll see I suppose.

25/5 2022

Make sure to wash the blood off your hands before you put them together in prayer
25/5 2022

Well it’s noon and I’m done. Going to bed, I’ll probably stay there for a good 20+ hours because I can’t really world today. I queued up some nice posts on Mia’s page, I always try to keep the positive stuff going there. Sometimes it’s not exactly. But I am determined for that to be a place people can go and know they don’t have to deal with anything other than cute goats.
Hope you’re all coping out there. Sorry if I’ve been annoying but you know, you can probably get a kevlar vest to protect you from the words if they’re hurting. I don’t know all the answers, gbut I wish certain segments wouldn’t refuse to hear the questions.
Hang tight, see you on the flipside.
25/5 2022

Today will be a good day. Here’s to hoping. Here’s Mads from 2005.

26/5 2022

I thought I’d go buy myself more cake to cheer me up. I was half way down the street when I realised today is a holiday in Denmark and the shops are all closed. Welp. No cake for me.
Luckily the pizza place isn’t closed…
Had a long long sleep with a lot of good dreams last day/night. The first dream I had was being stuck in a lockdowned school during a shooting, though. Clearly my subconscious had some stuff to work out. That dream ended kinda sweetly with a little girl, a survivor I guess, planting trees, acorns maybe? Tell us how the trees we planted today would be forests for our future. Something something the children are our future. Plant trees, not guns.
Hope you’re all doing alright out there.
26/5 2022

Only in dreams

26/5 2022

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

27/5 2022

Ooh, the two first episodes of That Obi-Wan Kenobi Show is out. That will be good distraction. My eyes are wonky because I stayed up all night though, so I think I’ll save ’em for tomorrow. Please be good please be good.
27/5 2022

Where there’s a goat there’s hope

27/5 2022

Today will be a good day. Happy Caturday everyone.

28/5 2022


28/5 2022

Watched the two first episodes of That’s So Obi-Wan. Some thoughts.
I loved it! I see quite a lot of divided opinion on the first episodes, but eh that’s Star Wars fandom for ya. I really enjoyed them. There are some issues with canon and storytelling maybe, but I just love my star war. Especially from the this time period. Basically if there are stormtroopers, I love it. Even if they’re just marching around in the background. The empire era is my favourite.
I was surprised at the direction it took, though. I hadn’t even considered that we’d be following Leia haha. I see some heavy criticism of the actress, but I loved her. She was so cute and cool. I said on twitter, I want a Home Alone movie with Leia booby trapping the Alderaan palace to protect it from aqualish burglars, or whatever. I loved her. You all know I’m a Tatooine guy, but I really liked seeing more of Alderaan. And I LOVED seeing Jimmy Smits again as Bail. Wonderful. And seeing Ewan again of course. I wasn’t quite picturing Obi doing labour in the desert but a jedi’s gotta make a living too.
That Third Sister wasn’t messing around. I can’t remember if we’ve seen her before in any of the cartoons or elsewhere, seemed like she had a grudge against Obi.
I loved that creature that Obi was riding. Specifically the way it sat down one pair of legs at a time, that really reminded me of how the goats sit down!
All in all I really enjoyed myself. But I was always going to. I’m easy to please when it comes to Star Wars. I don’t midn fan service. I’m a fan and I like being serviced. And Star Wars has ALWAYS been full of bad storytelling, retcons, fan service, problematic canon and things you need to see ‘from a certain point of view’ to make any kind of sense of. Even before the first movie was released Lucas had ten different versions and couldn’t keep his story straight whether it was going to be one movie or a trilogy or a trilogy of trilogies or whatever. I just sit back and enjoy the ride, get my endorphin rush from the sound of stormtroopers marching and the sight of glowing jawa eyes. Gimme gimme!
28/5 2022

One of my favourite things is how Lily and Nuller almost always sit together, that mama and son bond. I am also very fond of how Nuller often kinda rolls around on his side when it’s hot. He looks like he’s practicing to be a fainting goat.

28/5 2022

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

29/5 2022

Big gal and little gal, Mia and Sky sitting together.

29/5 2022


That’s all for now.

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