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And The Dark

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s some grandma love.

4/7 2022

Good goat times today. I wasn’t sure i could get myself to get out, just feeling a mess. But I also know that being with the goats is the best thing I can do to feel better. So I made myself get out and goat and it did indeed feel a lot better. A little rain, some nice sunshine and lots and lots of goat cuddles. Good for the soul, if you believe in that sort of thing.
4/7 2022

She can always make me smile.

4/7 2022

Is it me or is Mia looking… whiter? Today. She had so many dark strands or tufts in her fur, but i feel like she’s looking whiter. You cna still see some of the darkness, especially around her shoulder or neck. But maybe she has been groomed or even trimmed. In fact today I felt like all the goats had been groomed, their fur was a bit more neat and trim than usual. Maybe someone brushed the winter wool out of their coats, I suppose I should have been giving them a good brushing. Or maybe I’m just imagining stuff

4/7 2022

I am unfortunately not suprised to hear about a new mass shooting in America. It kinda seemed inevitable on Fourth of July. Or, maybe just.. in America. I don’t know how bad it is yet. We can only hope it’s not too horrible. And that the next one isn’t. And the next. And the next.
One of the things that really got to me yesterday, other than the you know actual horror of something so tragic happening so close to home, was seeing the news stream afterwards. I know, social media is a cesspool. And you should really not look at it. But it’s still soul crushing to see how incredibly fast people just.. shit on everything. The bodies weren’t cold before American politicians were using it to further their own agendas. AGAINST GUN CONTROL. Can you fathom the sick irony of using mass shootings to try to avoid gun control. And then all the bias. Very very predictably there immediately was a lot of people, in Denmark and abroad, talking about certain religions and races and all that shit. It turns out the Danish shooter was a young Danish male by all accounts severely mentally unstable with no apparemt political or religious or even personal motive. But even after that information was public, you still see the constant infowar about races and religion and motives. It’s soul crushing how heartless and stupid and willfully destructive people can be. And it’s a constant stream. you can see the post coming in live, second by second. A giant river of shit just drowing all humanity and flooding us, it doesn’t even drag us down into the sewer it makes the whole world the sewer.
Ugh. It really pains me to see high profile American politicians trying to say that more guns would have solved this. We have a mass shooting every what 5 years? 10? If you’re not involved in criminal things your chances of being shot are virtually none. But yesterday 3 people were killed, four seriously injured. Looking at the information so far it took America less than 24 hours to outod that. And that’s just counting high publicity mass shootings, not general gun crime. If I thought there was any way to get through the thick skull of Lauren Boebert I’d be an asshole and tweet at her but I know she wouldn’t even see it and wouldn’t care if she did. She gets the publicity, the gun nuts will demand more guns. Wannabe fucking clint eastwoods who are hoping they can get in a shootout with a bad guy with a gun. You keep feeding the cancer and hoping it will somehoew miracously eat itself.
Ugh. I shouldn’t post this. I was actually starting to feel better. I just queued up a bunch of happy goat posts on Mia’s page. Then I looked at twitter. Social media is part of the cancer. But closing your eyes to it won’t solve it either.
The true answer of course is that you can’t solve it. Because people are making money from it. From social media. From guns. From fearmongering. Put drunken rapists on your supreme courts and see the society you get.
And it’s not like Denmark isn’t full of problems. We’re just lucky to be a small problem, most of our problems are small. Our guns are small so the shooter has to actually reload before he can murder more people.
Okay. okay. I hope you are all having an okay Fourth of July, my American friends. I love America. I want the best for America. And I want the best for the world. And I don’t see how we’ll ever get it.
Hope you’re ok, I’ll try to get back on a better track. Sorry if any of this offends you, but hey you can always tag me on social media. This is the water this is the well. Drink full and descend.
4/7 2022

HappY Yogi daY everyone.

5/7 2022

Think goat thoughts. Here’s a little Sky.
I haven’t slept a whole lot the last couple of days. I’m going to go to bed now and sleep a lot. Dream a little dream or two or three. See you on the other side.

5/7 2022

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

6/7 2022

I am gutted. I didn’t think the world could just keep getting worse. I just found out that while I was escaping reality in my dreams, one of my good facebook friends passed away, along with her husband. I know a lot of you in the goat circles knew and loved Suew Weaver (also known as Maggie Sayer) and her husband John. They did amazing work with their animals, Sue was famous for her goat memes and she did writing and. Fuck I can’t believe it.
I am not even sure what exactly happened. I know she, maybe both of them, were sick, but I’ve been having a harder and harder time keeping up with facebook any everything. I did not know things were that bad, if they caved to sickness or decided to end their suffering together or what… horrible memories of Tanya’s recent passing… I can’t believe it.
I feel like every time I manage to come up for her I knocked back under and start to drown again..
But this isn’t about me, of course. Lots of love and thoughts to their family. Thank you to everyone working to take care of the animals now.
I will miss you, Sue. You were one of the greats. I can’t believe you’re gone. Thank you for everything you did for your animals, and all the happiness you spread.
Fuck this world, man.
6/7 2022

Have a goat day everybody. To summon maximum goat healing power, here is both grandma, auntie and Palle in one photo, along with Mia.
And thank you everyone for the love and support, as always. I appreciate it.

7/7 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s another shot with auntie, grandma, Palle and Mia. Lots of goat love.

8/7 2022

it hasn’t been the best of times lately. Globally, locally, personally. I didn’t make it out to goat yesterday or today, I’ll try to make it up next week. Right now it feels like a coin toss whether I am able to barely function or not.
Also found out that my dad’s dementia is progressing, apparently gotten a bit worse. He’s had to stop working at the charity stop downtown. He’s still going to go and hang out there, but he can’t do the work anymore. On the upside he’s going to go see the doctor next week and my mom will go with to help. I don’t know if anything can be done to move up the appointment in november 2023, I wish you could use all caps on numbers because ugh. Anyway. I’m glad they’ll go talk to the doctor. I hope something can be done, anything.
so. Hope you’re all doing okay out there. I’m probably missing stuff on the facebox. I’m just feeling pretty defeated. But hey one day a day. Keep on keeping on. apply more iced cream.
8/7 2022

A little goat content to keep the wheels rolling. Looking forward to getting back to The Goat Place soon.

8/7 2022

It’s the Late Late Post with Nuller.

9/7 2022

Ugh, I shouldn’t write this. But I need to vent. It’s infuriating to keep seeing certain Americna pro-gun people commenting on what happened in Denmark and now Japan, asking how stuff like this can happen in countries with such strict gun control. I’m guessing these people aren’t really that stupid, but they’re talking to the large pro-gun masses who are that stupid, or just willfully ignoring sense and facts. The fact that it takes countries like Denmark and Japan years to have the gun deaths that America has in a week, if not a day. The idea that the countries that need to change are US with our strict gun laws, not America where kids are slaughtered in school as a routine. Forkihg hell. Maybe if there had been a good guy with a gun in the Danish mall it could have stopped the shooter. But if the trade-off is everyone having to worry every day because shootings are routine, that’s not a good trade-off for us. The fact that strict gun control doesn’t preven 100% of gun crime doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. You wouldn’t stop bringing an umbrella in a rain season even if it didn’t rain every day. Or. Wait, I don’t know if that metaphor holds up. I’m just forking pissed. If guns aren’t the problem but mental illness is the problem, well that definitely means America needs more gun control cause you’re all batshit crazy. No offense.
The fact of the matter is if you’re pro-gun you’re pro-death. No one is saying take away all the guns. But if you don’t even want a discussion about it that means you’re accepting the slaughter of your people. If you think abortion is murder but you don’t want to do anything about murders done with guns you’re a hyporite. If you care more about gas prices than school shootings you’re a sinner. If Jesus were here he’d turn the other cheek as he walked away in disgust.
Alright, I got that off my chest. Let’s see if i trigger the AI and get myself banned. Next, let me talk to you about Lauren Boebert and Dr Oz…
9/7 2022

Decided to distract myself by watching Labyrinth. I haven’t watched that movie in, I don’t know, 20 years. Or more. I used to love it. I still do! As a grownup I can definitely see a lot of oddities and it’s dated and so on. But I can’t help the great nostalgia. All those memories. I love Ludo and Hoggle and sir Diddymus. The fire gang still creeps me out and I still love the songs. Escapism has always been a big thing for me and I always really wanted to go to that magic realm of the labyrinth.
Ludo frieeend.
9/7 2022

..and, happy Caturday everyone. Hope it’s a good one.

9/7 2022

It Sky.

9/7 2022

Happy Funday everyone.

10/7 2022

Had a nice dreamtrip yesterday and last night. Series of cool dreams. My favourite was soup time! I dreamt of mama’s soup. There were some weird complications, because you know it’s a dream and everything is weird. But it was nice to have dream soup. And there was a dream where I was outside in a big storm and lightning was striking around me. And then somehow a lighnting bolt froze in the air and I was able to pick a part of the lightning up and use it as a light saber. Neat. And there was a dream with my old classmate Tina Dickow who is a famous singer now. And a dream where I was back at the old publishing house where I was an intern many many many years ago, dealing with my old boss. Lots of interesting cool stuff. I love dreaming.
10/7 2022


10/7 2022

I feel that my personal rights are being violated by the fact that one of my favourite pizza places is going to be closed for vacation for a MONTH. Time to hit the road and protest.
10/7 2022

Mia with a spot in the sun.

10/7 2022

Lily and Nuller, always together.

10/7 2022


That’s all for now.

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