The End Is The Beginning
Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.
25/7 2022
Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.
x26/7 2022
Good goat times today. A bit cold, cold wind and a little rain. But some sun too. Sounds like Danish summer to me. Lots of nice visitors at the fence. One kid exclaimed, upon approaching the goat pen, “ARE THOSE REAL ANIMALS?!”. Haha. Yup. No animatronic goats here. That’s why it’s nice to have playgrounds like ours, gives kids the chance to get out and be around real animals. That’s good for everyone.
Not good for me was sitting next to Nuller and Sassy when they decided to butt heads. I don’t know who hit me, it may have been both. But I got hit right in the arm, and you know a goat heatbutt hits hard. I’m going to be feeling that tomorrow. In fact I’m already feeling it. Feels like i got kicked in the shin, only it’s my arm. Also, I managed to punch myself in the face. Getting greens in the morning. I was breaking off a braench above me and I had to pull hard on it to get it free and then suddenly it broke free and my fist connected with my face as if I was trying to Mike Tyson myself. I’ll be feeling that headache right above.. *checks wristwatch* now. But hey, this pucnhing bag had a good day with the goats anyway.
26/7 2022
Mia hanging out with some of today’s visitors.
26/7 2022
And here’s Mia with another round of visitors. I’m sensing a theme… Mia hanging with her head out of the fence begging for food. Mhm. The kids were getting grass for her and also petting her. A lot. I heard the guy saying something like how impressed he was with how tolerant she was being, haha. He also had to tell one of the kids to go a little easier on her, I think the kid was poking her a lot in the face. But she’s great with that, she never lashes out at the kids even if they’re a little rough.
26/7 2022
Don’t know if it’s because of all the punches I took today, but my hands and legs are cramping like crazy. Maybe it’s because I walked to my parents and then home after the goating, instead of taking the bus. i’ve taken my turmeric and magnesium and done stretches, that usually helps. But not so much today. It’s rare that my hands get like this. Feels like the fingers are clawing together and then cramping. Grumbleth. Maybe I need more hydration. Better get the blender and make a pizza smoothie.
26/7 2022
One.. two.. three… four.. five.. six.. Six goats in the shot! Although Milo is hiding his face. But it counts in my book.
26/7 2022
Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.
27/7 2022
27/7 2022
Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.
28/7 2022
Well I was planning to go see the goats today, but despite sleeping a LONG time I still woke up feeling pretty broken. So no goats today. By now though I feel considerably better, so I should be goating soon. Note to self: Don’t punch yourself in the face.
28/7 2022
For the premium subscribers, a little deleted scene. Me unlocking the gate in the morning. Nothing too interesting, but I like Nuller’s bleating in the background. He’s an impatient and demanding boy.
28/7 2022
Rest in peace Bernard Cribbins. I must admit I did not know him from Doctor Who or any of his other many fine credits. I knew him solely for his absolutely wonderful portrayal of troublesome hotel guest Mr Hutchinson in one of my favourite episodes of one of my favourite TV shows, Fawlty Towers. And absolutely delighful performance. I still often think of his line ‘I’m not a violent man’ after beating Basil to the floor with repeated punches. And Basil croaking up ‘yes you are’ from down below the counter. Unforgettable.
A long and prolific life, we should all be so lucky.
28/7 2022
28/7 2022
No luck today either.
It would be funny if Mia had dragged the tub there herself so she could get up and check if there was anything on the roof, but alas I was the one who put it there. And then turned around and there she was.
28/7 2022
Today will be a good day. Here’s Pong from 2016.
29/7 2022
Good goat times today. A beautiful hot sunny day. Lovely to be out goating. We had some visitors, some goat escapes, I did some construction of platforming, I started feeling woozy and had to eat one of the goats’ apples which Sassy thought was very inappropriate. But hey if I die of sunstroke you won’t be getting anymore treats, Sassy, so fair’s fair.
Unfortunately I have a personal issue weighing heavily on my mind right now. I’ll try to put on a happy face on the facebook, but if I’m even more absent or absentminded than usual that’s why. i’ll try and talk about it when I can. Love you yall..
29/7 2022
Thank you everyone. Here’s a happy goat face. Sassy, before the apple sin.
29/7 2022
Well, on an unrelated personal matter. Just got some good news from dad. His dementia evaluation thing has been moved up. He’s going to be going in about 4 months. So probably December this year. Which is a big improvement from November next year. So that is good news. So we’ll see how that goes and what they’ll be able to do for him to help manage things and such. It’s something. I’m glad we pushed for him to try to get a faster appointment.
29/7 2022
Happy Caturday everyone.
30/7 2022
This is the construction I did yesterday in the goat pen. Hauled in a couple new pallets and then put this old door as a slanted platform. I was hoping to see some jumping off it, but that didn’t really happen. But there was a good deal of goats sliding down it because apparently it’s a bit slippy. It’s a pretty good position for me to lie on on a sunny day, right in the glow. But we’ll see if i change things up.
30/7 2022
Happy Funday everyone
31/7 2022
31/7 2022
Sky is a good girl, she knows she’s not supposed to leave the goat pen. She’d never do that…
or maybe she’s just a thrillseeker, she only likes going out when she’s not supposed to.
31/7 2022
Dreamt last night that my dad bought a new computer for the family, but it was a much worse model than the one we already had.
May have been inspired by the tech support I do for dad.
But I can’t figoure out why my dad was an old asian man in the dream?! I.. I got nothing.
31/7 2022
Goof and the goat
31/7 2022
Rest in peace Nichelle Nichols. For me TNG was my first Star Trek, I only came to the original series later in life, so her history making was already made when I got to know her. But I can’t imagine anyone not loving Lt Uhura.
31/7 2022
Here’s a bit of video from Friday. When I had to eat one of the goats’ apples because I was getting woozy. As you can tell, it was not popular among the goat demographic. If it seems mean of me, remember they get constant treats.
31/7 2022
That’s all for now.