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Good goat times today. The weather is getting cooler now. But we got some nice sunshine
Bella’s leg seems to be improving, as far as I can tell. But it’s not back to normal. She seems happy enough, though. Tail up, eating, bleating and pooping. And more mobile than last week. It’s really frustrating that we can’t get the vet to see her, I can tell Jeanette is unhappy about it too. Hopefully we can get a hold of them soon, and hopefully Bella’s leg keeps improving.
As always lately, we had sweet visitors seeing the goats. We didn’t just get visitors today though, but also new permanent residents. I haven’t actually met them yet. But Jeanette went out and got 4 new chickens for us. It has always been the plan to get more, after we lost a couple to the fox. Jeanette just wanted to wait until after summer vacation. Today they arrived, but they were taken straight to the chicken coop. I guess just to make sure they imprint on that as their home? Or something like that. In any case, I should be seeing them soon enough. I wonder what Luna will say, she’s still a bit after Henrietta and Solo. She’ll be vastly outnumbered now! Hah. But hopefully that will all go well, and they will settle ni nicely. I must admit I’m a little conflicted about it, just because I have really enjoyed getting to know Hernietta Solo and Red Sonja more, getting closer with them. I don’t know what the newbies look like, but if we’re going to have a bunch of redshirts running around again I probably won’t be able to recognise Sonja anymore. And if over time they act like she does, well maybe I won’t be able to pick her out of the crowd at all. It’s so funny now with Henrietta going wandering on trips and Sonja running to spend time with us. I hope I will be able to differentiate them from the newbies. Heck, when with Bella and Luna I can b arely tell them apart sometimes… at least until I get a good look. Or they talk, they have quite different voices.
Anyway, hopefully the new Squawk Squad will be a success for all, we’ll see how they adapt.
28/8 2023

Sky and Bella on the platform. I gotta say, I am really happy with how that turned out. Funny how random things just happen sometimes. We had to take the hayholder down. I saw those boards standing against a building, been there the whole time we have been at this place I think. And now it’s just a perfect platform, so much better to be on than the single board on top of the hayholder, and without the safety concerns.
Oh and is Bella bigger than Sky now? She’s taller, right? Sky is still heavier, got a more stocky build. NOBODY SAY THE P WORD!

28/8 2023

Luna that little bug managed to escape not once but twice today. When I opened the gat to get in the goat pen in the morning and when I opened the gate to get out when I was leaving. Both times she squeezed out. And the other day troublemaker Bella didn’t let a borked leg stop her from getting out. They’re like snipers at the gate, ready to pounce when you open it. Thankfully when they do get out they don’t really know what to do, so they’re pretty easy to get scooped back inside.

28/8 2023

Happy 125th to Pepsi, the cause of and cure for all life’s problems.
I will celebrate by drinking Pepsi Max. Skål!
28/8 2023

Good goat times today. No escapes, even though there was an attempt. I got the gate closed fast enough to Luna, I think, only got her snout out.
I met the new feathers too. Jeanette took me into the coop to see them. It’s very dark in there, so I had a hard time seeing anything. I took a flash photo, we’ll see if that turned out useable. Four new hens, apparently four different breeds. Not sure if that will mean I can tell them apart. Time will tell. For now, they are ‘chickens’. Too scared to come out. Jeanette tried hand feeding them some goodies, but I don’t think they took any. They just gotta get used to their new home and life. Meanwhile Henrietta Solo and Red Sonja are running around having fun. Did you know that Sonja is pronounced the same in Danish and English? I think so anyway, pretty much.
Lots of visitors, lots of sitting around relaxing, lots of treats and bleats. I think Bella’s leg continues to improve, but we won’t be able to get a hold of the vet until Monday. Thank goodness it’s not a life threatening emergency is all I can say… Not happy with the situation though.
I was happy with Luna giving me kissies. I manage to sort of get her to do it when I made smoochy noises at her. We’ll see if that sticks and how well she’ll do it if she does, but it did remind me a little of Mia… Sigh.
29/8 2023

No, the picture inside the chicken coop did not turn out well. But here you can see three of the new four feathers. One if white, but I think it looks pretty different from Henrietta Solo so that should be okay. We’ll have to see about the rest, if they ever gather up the courage to go outside and join us.

29/8 2023

Duude., can I have some more peanuts? I got the munchies.
Okay, Bella is just tired, not high. I was also tired today. Didn’t sleep well last night, so I very nearly dozed off sitting on the bench with the kids. Sky was up on her platform, which made Jeanette ask if she was offended about something since she wasn’t sitting with us, haha.

29/8 2023

When you thought you found the food buckets, but what you found was the water buckets.

30/8 2023

Family time.
30/8 2023

Good goat times today. A rain day. Lots of rain, all day. So it was a day inside. No visitors in the rain, and Jeanette’s day off. So we were mostly by ourselves, other than Jesper Handyman saying hi. And of course the feathers joined us. The oldfeathers, the newfeathers are still staying in the chicken coop it seems. Don’t know if they are still getting used to things, or they just didn’t want to come out in the rain. I gave Henrietta a helping hand. I saw her on the floor looking up at the hay shelf. I remember when the food barrel stood under the shelf she’d jump up on it and onwards up on the shelf. And sometimes when my chair stands there she’ll use that. I am not entirely sure if she can flap her way up there without something to help. But I picked her up and lifted her up there. She likes to sit in the hay there. Good little nest i suppose.
Other than that, just relaxing and listening to the rain, handing out goodies and cuddles. I feel like Bella’s leg has continued to improve. She seemed a lot more mobile today. Not back to normal, but hopefully not far off.
Last day of summer in Denmark. The forecast doesn’t look too bad for the first days of fall, though. Hope it stays reasonably warm for a while. I don’t look forward to the cold again…
31/8 2023

The goats inside. You can see my rain coat hanging over the side of the shelf. Because I’m smart and bring appropriate clothing of the weather. Eventually.

31/8 2023

Oh my! Luna has spent so much time with the hens that she has started laying eggs! Alert the media! An egglaying goat!
Ok ok. I may have had a little hand in it. Not the egglaying, but the eggmoving. I found the eggs lying underneath the platform. Looking at my photos from the morning, I can see they were theren’t there when I arrived. So, either Henrietta or Sonja laid them there while I was probably sitting in my chair right next to them. Haha. Well you gotta crack a few jokes when you’re making an omelette.

31/8 2023

This is where I found the eggs originally. At first I thought maybe it was apples or something else that someone had thrown in for the goats, but then i realised that it was a couple of eggs.

31/8 2023

Oh no, giant Luna monster please don’t eat tiny Bella!!

1/9 2023

Aw man, i wish there was a Danish Cheers.
, careful what you wish for..

1/9 2023


1/9 2023

Did someone order a box of Bellas? I forgot to mention, she jumped up on my back yesterday. I think that’s the first time i’ve had a goat standing no my back since.. Nuller? I guess. I was sitting on the floor, and she got up with ther front hooves on my back, which actually felt pretty good. I was just starting to enjoy my goat massage, then she jumped up all the way and stood on my back. Only for about 15-20 seconds probably, then she jumepd off and onto the chair which was standing next to me. I miss having goats standing on my back.. I know I shouldn’t do it, since I have such bad back problems. My back has gotten better, by the way. If i do some exercises and stretches I can function fairly well. But after being out for a few hours it does get pretty bad again often when i’m walking home. Anyway. Maybe Bella’s Back Massage is the solution.
She also made me laugh when she let out a big fart. Not while standing on me, luckily. She was standing on the platform. It made me augh though because it was such a big one. Normally if the goats pass wind it’s a quick little toot. But this sounded like a big fat guy sitting in a comfy chair in front of his computer.. not that I’d known what that sounds like…

1/9 2023

Three if by soup.
2/9 2023

I think we need a new Luna unit, this one has a bad motivator.

2/9 2023

I love sleepy goats.

3/9 2023

Hay tastes better from the top, it seems!
When I fill up the hayrack I always tug as much hay out through the sides of the rack as possible, so it’s easier to get to, especially for the little kids. Luna usually gets up like this when eating hay, though.

3/9 2023

The oldsquawks. Red Sonja and Henrietta Solo. We’ll see if the newfeathers make an appearance next week.

3/9 2023

And a tender moment with Sky and Luna.

3/9 2023


That’s all for now.

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