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Hospital Food

Good goat times today. A lovely warm day. Foggy in the morning and overcast a lot of the time, though. But the temperature was good. And judging by the forecast, this might be the last day with summery temperatures for this year. Now it will be 8½ months until we get warm days again. Sigh. I already feel the darkening move in.
…but let’s worry about that later. It was a good day with the goats. And the feathers, and Jeanette and Jespe and some nice visitors in the pen. Treats and veggies for the goats. Smooches for me, from Luna. No berries on me today. Just nice and quiet mostly.
11/9 2023

Sky and Bella together on the platform again. You can see it’s a foggy morning.
I forget to mention in the goat reportt that we had another escapee. And for once it was Sky. Normally it’s the kids that try to snipe an escape when the gate is open. But Jeanette was in the goat pen when I arrived, and as I got in I asked “Do you want to get out” and held the gate slightly open. And Sky ran out. “Not you!” I laughed. Haha. Sky was a little trickier to get in than the kids usually are. But she also didn’t really know where to go once she was outside, so after some finagling to get the kids away from the gate we got her back in.

11/9 2023

Bella relaxing. She seems to like more and more sitting on the platform, instead of the hay box. Today she got in this position several times, sitting there with her legs over the edge.

11/9 2023

Good goat times today. As I said yesterday, the summer weather in fall is probably over. Noticeably cooler today. And a slight rainfall on my walk there. Eventually the rain stopped and later in the day we got some sun, which was nice.
Lots of sweet visitors today. There was one boy who had the energy of a goat kid. He was running around, while his minder tried to keep up with him. He did try to sort of step on Henrietta Solo so we had to tell him that was not okay and show him how to be around the animals. He was very sweet with the goats though. At one point he either kneeled or sat down in front of Luna. Then he leaned over and put both arms around her and gave her a big old hug. While Luna just stood there sweetly and let him. It was about the cutest thing I ever did see. Then he got up and ran around some more. He was a firecracker. There was a sweet girl later, much more calm. Jeanette noticed that she was looking at me I guess. She told her who I was and about my camera. The girl seemed interested in the camera, so Jeanette had me hold it up to show her. I brought up a photo on the screen so she could see. And then she wanted me to take a picture of Sky, who was standing next to us. So I did, and showed her the picture and she was quite thrilled. I’m not sure if she was completely non verbal or something else, but she didn’t say anything. She laughed at the photo of Sky but other than that nothing really. I think a lot of the kids from the new school next door are behaviourably challenged in different ways, that’s probably why there is often small groups, one or two kids with a teacher often. If they were ‘normal’ kids, you wouldn’t have that kind of teacher/kid ratio. But they seem to really enjoy visiting the goats and the playground, so that is good.
Later on, as the sun came in, I had a good long sit down on the bench with my three little ladies. Sky on the tub, Bella to my right, Luna in my lap and later getting up and sitting down to my left. Everyone, including me, just dozing off in the sunshine. I have been very tired the last couple of days. Jeanette said she felt like she might be coming down with something, I wonder if I might too. Well, we’ll see. As long as I can nap in the sun with goats, it’s not too bad. And then come home and eat soup and nap some more. I am one hundred years old, pleasure to meet you, darlings.
12/9 2023

Happy family relaxing time. Now of course when I got up to set the timer on the camera Sky went “Photos? That’s not in my contract!” and stormed off. Such a dive. Just imagine the three of us sitting there, that’s how we spent a good long time.

12/9 2023

Red Sonja is feeling well enough to get in on goat breakfast. And Henrietta is nesting on the hay shelf.
Now, guess who knocked over my tripod today? No. No. No. It was the feathers, for once. They were walking around under the tripod legs, I didn’t think they’d knock it over but I shoulda known. Thankfully my camera survived. Grrurgh, I gotta be more careful.

12/9 2023

Bella with a new variation on her new favourite position.

12/9 2023

Just received my second delivery of Pepsi. I figure doing it once a month is a good schedule. Last time I ordered 25 1½litre bottles, this time I got 30. So that should see me through for a while. And four more bags of flourballs for my soup. And some assorted household things. It went well again, although I did get a txt from them an hour befoer delivery saying they might be up to 30 minutes late. I think they still made it within the hour I had requested for delivery. And a couple of things were unavailable. But those weren’t important. The driver was nice and friendly again. I am happy I got into doing this. So much better than lugging all that weight around myself. Good stuff.
13/9 2023


13/9 2023

Well, my dad is in the hospital. He’s been on a trip to Copenhagen with my brother the last couple of days, and I guess he started feeling worse and worse, and he had to be rushed to the hospital. They have taken a bunch of tests and we’re waiting to find out more. It may be something with the heart. You know his health isn’t the best in general. Peter is on his way home now, dad is still in the hospital. Hoping we can get him transfered to something closer. Copenhagen is on the island of Zealand, we are in Aarhus, on the mainland. Not sure how soon they will will send him home. Not sure what they’ll find out.
13/9 2023

Thank you everyone, for the comments on the previous post. My dad has been admitted to the heart ward, and they are planning to keep him for 3-4 days to run more tests. I am not sure what to expect, but we’ll just have to see. Hopefully he will come home after that. Please send him any good energy that you can.
13/9 2023

Good goat times today. Good to get out to my happy place and not think too much about things. Things tend to find their way into your head anyway. Obviously very concerned about my dad. I will write an update about that situation later.
It’s always good to be with the goats. That unconditional love, although treats help hinthint say the goats. Sweet visitors in the pen too, a couple of mini Keikos delighted at the berryfalls. All sorts of fun. Later on relaxing. Sky went to sit on the platform as she likes. I sat with the kids on the bech, Bella on the tub, Luna in my lap. Both of them sleepily dozing off. Luna with her head rested against my body. Letting out a tiny little baby bleat mewl in her sleep. So precious. She was being good with the kids earlier too. She can be very energetic, even frenetic, when they’re giving out Jeanette’s carrots. But then she stood perfectly still while a couple of kids were cuddling her. Almost like seeing Mia and Mio back in the day. It would be nice if she could turn into such a great petting goat too.
Gonna get some soup cooking now.
14/9 2023

So, news about my dad. It’s not great. Yesterday the plan was him to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days to get tests done and then hopefully be moved to a hospital in our part of the country. That has changed. He has been transferred to Rigshospitalet, which is the biggest hospital in Denmark, and you might know it from Lars von Trier and Stephen King’s Kingdom series. Or you might not. But that’s the main hospital of the country, and also on Zealand. He’s going to be there for a week, at least, I think. And he’s going to be having heart surgery. I am not completely sure if it’s explorative or if they are repairing stuff or what exactly. But I talked to him briefly and he said he’d be having 3 surgeries. And he was probably going to be in Copenhagen for a couple of weeks. As some of you pointed out, he couldn’t be in a better place right now, they are experts at this. Still wish he was closer though. Or you know, home.
So, that’s about all I know right now. Definitely something with the heart. Maybe something about his dementia medication too, he’s had problems before with changing medications that affected him badly. We’ll have to see how it goes. I just hope the surgeries go okay, that he will be able to come home okay. There’s obviously a lot of worry and sadness right now, but I’m trying not to think too much about it all now. Thinking won’t change anything. Have to trust the doctors and hope for the best. Thank you again all for the support. I appreciate it.
14/9 2023

Think goat thoughts. A couple of tired goat kids.
Thank you again everyone for the comments, not quite feeling up to replying to everything, but I am reading and appreciating it all. You are a good help in a hard time. Thank you.
Now I’m sleepy too, time for a goatnap soon.

14/9 2023

An update about my dad again. A better one now. My mom has spoken to him today, and she says he sounded better. He has not been transferred to Rigshospitalet yet, I misuderstood that. He’s waiting for the transfer. And the 3 operations I mentioned, I said I wasn’t sure if it was explorative or what, but it is. It’s not actual heart surgery. They’re just going to go in and.. check? There are some ..mis-sounds? I’m sorry, don’t know all the right words. But they’re going to go in through the veins, possible the legs, and check. And mom said if there are constrictions then they may do some expanding with balloons? Again, all the details are a little fuzzy and the words might be all wrong, but it all sounds like it’s not quite as serious as I was dreading yesterday. But it’s serious enough of course, he’s old and there’s the alzheimer’s and there IS something with the heart. But hopefully it’s going to be okay. Maybe he will be coming home some time next week, or the week after. Maybe transferred to the hospital closer to us. We’ll have to see what all the tests says too. We have family over there who will be visiting and helping with some stuff too.
Hoping for the best now, and thank you all for the encouraging words.
15/9 2023

How the light gets in.

15/9 2023

Rewatching the old Indiana Jones movies, in preparation for watching the new one. Raiders tonight. A couple of things strike me.
1) Raiders Of The Lost Ark just holds. Up. So good. A perfect adventure movie. They don’t make ’em like that anymore. I love the score. The main theme is one of the alltime greats of my childhood. Always loved the ark theme or whatever it’s called too. Harrison Ford, with Indy and Han Solo he played two of the characters I loved most growing up. Marvelous.
2) I feel bad for the monkey, man. That monkey wasn’t evil, man. It fell in with the wrong crowd. Don’t tell me people couldn’t be seduced by nazis and their ideas, just look at the world today… also, feel a little bad for the snakes. I know Indy hates them, but still spraying them with petroleum and ligthing them on fire. I guess it was somewhat self defense, but still. Never used to think about that when I was a kid, hah.
Escapism is good.
16/9 2023

Recently got an email from Facebook with the following:
“(…)your content is getting a lot of attention. As a valued creator on Facebook, you’ve been invited to enrol in the performance bonus. Earn bonuses for the number of views, comments, reactions and shares on your public posts, except for reels and stories. See Terms”
So finally my get rich quick scheme of posting goat content for 11 years has payed off. See you later, suckers. i’ll be in a hammock between to palm trees on a sandy beach somewhere, you can all kiss my grit.
Seriously though, I wish there was a way to tell fb that you are not interested in profiting off of your content and to stop pestering you about it. But I guess because they take a cut of the profits they really want you to monetize your stuff.
16/9 2023

Sleepy Luna.

16/9 2023

Another in the *exasperated sigh* series. Down goes the camera, but for once it was not Bella. Or another goat. It was Henrietta Solo and Red Sonja tripping the tripod. Unless Bella somehow managed to frame them, I wouldn’t put it past her. Thankfully the camera survived this fall.
16/9 2023


17/9 2023

Nope, Sky doesn’t know what happened to your tomatoes. Maybe a squirrel stole ’em.

17/9 2023

Resourceful Luna.

17/9 2023

Speaking of monetizing my goat page… haha. I got a message on the page from someone offering me 500 dollars per day for posting ‘announcements’. Basically ads. Now, I don’t know if this is a scam or it’s real. He said he doesn’t need access to the page, so I guess he’s just send me stuff and i’d post it. But I figure it must be some kind of scam because who in their right mind would pay 500 bucks a day for a post on a little goat page. Haha. I mean we get an okay reach, most of my videos get several thousands of views, but I don’t know if those are real views or just people scrolling past an autoplaying video.
If I could make 500 bucks a day I could get a new camera in no time. Spend the rest on hookers and blow.
I mean. Bibles and.. crosses. Yeah that’s the ticket.
17/9 2023

Sky is surveying her domain.

17/9 2023

Tired Bella. I am tired too. Heading to bed soon. No much news about my dad yet. He was going to be transferred to Rigshospitalet, but plans have changed and he will just go there to have tests taken, tomorrow I beleive, and then go back to the hospital where he is at now. Not completely sure what they’ll be doing, if they’re still doing the veins and balloons and whatnot. But we’ll see how it goes. He’s hanging in there. Thank you all for the continued support, as always.

17/9 2023


That’s all for now.

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