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Ack. Oh no. I had another blackout. I thought I was over that. The last one was in.. May, I believe. I had 4-5 months where I had one a month. Then nothing. But today. A dramatic one.
I came to, sitting on the toilet. Smeared in blood. A pool of blood on the bathroom floor.
Yeah, I looked like I’d been roughed up good. Felt like I had been punched in the face by Mike Tyson. Or headbutted by grandma.
A big lump on my forehead. Swelling. There’s a bit of a cut on it too. And I got a bit of a cut on my knee. And my nose is sore, not too bad. But again it sort of feels like I was punched in the face. My tongue is a little chopped up. I think when I had the big blackout in Januare that started my shoulder and back problems, that time my tongue was totally messed up. Like I had chewed it to pieces. This time it’s not so bad, just a bit on one side. I think I may have bruised a rib too, some movements hurt in my right rib cage.
I also have a hard time lifting my legs much, I am not sure if it’s due to the blackout/fall or if it’s because I didn’t get to stretch after coming home. I need to stretch when I have been out walking or my legs get bad. Not sure if this is because I didn’t get stretch.
I don’t feel too horrible, but I don’t feel good. As long as I sit still it’s not too bad. I think I’m going to be a wreck tomorrow. But I guess I’m lucky. Best I can figure I fell head first on the bathroom floor. And that can be pretty dangerous I guess.
I vaguely remember sitting on the toilet and starting to get that feeling, deja vue I call it, it’s hard to explain, but I’ve gotten it previously before blacking out. I remember when it started happening now I wondered if I was going to black out and if I should turn off my mp3 player and… cut to later. How long was I out? It might have been an hour. I’m not sure. It was kind of weird that I was still sitting on the toilet when I started coming back to my conscious mind. Because I must have gotten up from the toilet when it happened. Or maybe I fell over. My shower is right next to the toilet and the shampoo bottles I have on the floor in the shower where pushed away from their normal position. Maybe I toppled over and fell into my shower. And then… I guess I got up.. and stepped out of the shower. And then fell. The pool of blood was next to the bathroom door, which is the other side of the bathroom from the shower. It’s only a few steps away. Imust have layed there with my head at the door, bleeding. And then got up and sat on the toilet again. My memories started coming back. I had a good day with the goats. Went shopping. Came home. I was going to get ready to stretch and peel vegetables for soup later. I got undressed, I like to take a shower when I get home. So I saw on the toilet naked other than boxers. When I came back I had dried blood all over my arms and legs and face. Looked pretty dramatic.
Didn’t realise how bloodied my face was until just now when I looked at some pictures I took. Wanted to get some pics to better see the damage to my head. Can’t see so well in the mirror, easier when I get it on the pc and can enlarge and enhance. Turns out one side of my face had dried blood on it too. Not sure if that’s from laying in the blood or running bloodied hands on my face. The lump/swelling is on the right side of my forehead, the blood was mostly on the left side..
I guess you guys don’t want to see the picture of my face all messed up? Or the picture of the pool of blood on the bathroom floor that I took too? Haha. Pretty grim.
Well, i’m not feeling too bad right now. As long as I don’t touch the places I’m hurt. I guess I will have to stay home for a few days, I am pretty sure I will be in pain tomorrow. At least there doesn’t seem to be any serious damage. Could have gone a lot worse.
Not gonna spellcheck this. Need soup.
6/11 2023

Thank you everyone for all the comments. The kind and sympathetic ones and the kind and ash-kicking ones.
Feeling fairly okay. Tired and achey. I know I should go to the doctor. But it is difficult for me, and I’m struggling to just get through the days. I appreciate you all care about me, even when I don’t care about myself.
I’ll try to convince myself.
6/11 2023

Did someone get the number of that donkey cart?
Oh man. My whole body feels like it’s been under a steam roller. All my muscles are aching. Other than that I’m not too bad. The swelling on my head has gone down.
Just gonna sit here and do as little as possible and rest up. I know I’m not a smart one, sorry everyone for causing all the concern.
7/11 2023

A Sky pic to distract and lighten the mood.
Thank you all, I know you care about me, more than I do myself unfortunately.

7/11 2023

Phew. Got my Pepsi delivery this morning. Not the best time for it, since I’m still pretty wrecked. My legs especially are hurting. Just the muscles. Other than I’m feeling fairly okay. And now I got Pepsi and flourballs for ages. I’m going to take a few days and then decide what my next move is.
Sorry everyone that I’m such a nutcase, but I can’t think of a nut pun to finish this sentence.
8/11 2023

In hindsight, perhaps I shouldn’t have written about what happened Monday. It’s not really nice or fair of me to put that on you all when I’m not doing what needs to be done about it. I understand that. I am just so used to writing down everything that happens. But it might have been easier for everyone if I hadn’t.
I understand that I need to talk my doctor about these episodes. And I am not sure when I will do that. I know I should have already, I should right now. But I don’t know when.
There are a lot of factors, in my head. My depression, my anxiety, my difficulty with people, my blindness. And, I don’t know if I should even write about it either, maybe it’s another thing better kept to myself, but when I saw that pool of blood on the bathroom floor I thought “I could have died”. And I thought “and that would have solved it all”. There is a part of me that doesn’t want to be part of this world anymore, and that makes it hard to fight to be a part of this world. You know? It’s like two opposing forces dragging me in two opposite directions. I am trying to hang in there and do my best. I am not necessarily winning because of the right reasons right now, and not by much.
It’s not really fair to put that on you all either, and I completely understand and respect if some of you may feel like you have to extract yourself from this mess and feel like you can’t stay involved. Just like I understand those of you being tough in the comments. I get it and I appreciate it.
I know at the end of the day it’s just more excuses. I am not fishing for pity, I am just trying to explain. Why I’m not just doing what evidently should be done. I hope I can get there. I am not there right now.
One day a day.
8/11 2023

Thank you everyone for all the comments, supportive and asskicking alike, public and private. I appreciate it I am not doing great, but hanging in there.
I got on the exercise bike fot a bit today. Not to do real exercise, just 10 minutes light treading. Trying to get my legs going again. Warming up and stretching. My legs aren’t doing so well, the right one especially. My thigh muscles hurt a lot. I can barely lift my right leg.
I would much rather be with the goats. I don’t think I’ll make it in until next week. I tld Jeanette to take extra good care of them.
Gotta get my body halfway working again, the mental state is a mucher longer term project. But one day a day. Gonna have me some soup now. Soup there it is.
9/11 2023

Good day hello good day. Here is a picture of Luna. I am slowly starting to get better so that’s something. Still not great, and missing the goats. But one day a day.

10/11 2023

Hi hello hi. Just checking in. I guess I should make sure to check in so I don’t worry you all. Thank you for worrying, though.
I am still getting better. Not great, not good, but better. Got on the exercise bike for a light tread and lots of stretching. Need to be able to walk to the goats very soon, missing them like crazy.
Also preparing a rewatch of Twin Peaks. The original run, the movie, the missing pieces, the return. Going to invite the nightmares back in, hooray.
Mentally not so good, but one day a day, who wants to eat hooray.
11/11 2023

In case you’re missing the goats half as much as I am, here’s a photo. Bella and the human. I have been editing video from Monday, and it’s getting harder and harder to tell Luna and Bella apart. Because Luna is getting bigger. Who knows if I will even be able to tell tehm apart when I see them again. Or if they’ll recognise me. Well, I’m pretty sure they’ll recognise the treatbag.

11/11 2023

Sunday checkin. My face is still sore, but my legs are getting better. Hope you are well out there. Here’s a goatlog.

12/11 2023

Not a great day. Been feeling cold, sad and tired. Slept in front of the computer too much. Feeling like a waste of space. Still not physically back to normal either. But I am looking foward to seeing the goats again, a reason to get up and out. Try to find a way back to some kind of normal. I wish hibernation was an option.
One day a day.
12/11 2023


That’s all for now.

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