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Newt Year

Well here we are. 2024. Let’s see how this goes.
Hope you all got through the night okay. I really hate it. There was a time when I would get up on January 1st every year to check on the goats, but that night of anxiety and worry and little sleep, it messes me up even more than usual. Hopefully the goats got through the night okay. They always do, I always worry needlessly. I’ll check on them as soon as I can. I hope I can make it a good year for them too.
Best wishes for you all, may the year bring you good stuff, pretty pretty good stuff. Thank you for your friendship, hope it neer sinks.
1/1 2024

Good goat times today. Good to get goating again, a new year, same great goats.
And just good to see that they are okay. Got through the fireworks night okay.
Although, they seemed pretty shook when I got there in the morning. Especially Sky. I thought it was all the fireworks the last few days that had gotten them on edge. But it turns out that might not be it. Jeanette came and asked me if I’d seen all 6 hens. There had been 6 when she let them out in the morning, but now she could only find 5. And there was a big pile of feathers on the ground… uh oh. Damnit. We had not found the last one when it was time for me to head home. I hope hope hope it will turn up, but it doesn’t look good. And I guess that would explain why Sky was so on guard, even more than usual. It was raining a bit, but she still refused to come inside when I got there. She was staring out at the bigger goat pen. I even did a round, looking through the pen to see if I could see anything. I couldn’t. I may have missed the feathers if they were already there by then. I thought it was all the fireworks that had her so upset, but it would make sense that she was that much on guard because of a predator in the goat pen. Even when I put breakfast out in their bowls she would not come in and out of the rain for a while.
I’m guessing the fox came and took one of the hens. I am pretty sure I had eyes on Red Sonja and the two whites, Henrietta and Susie. Henrietta is the only one I think that really goes wandering on her own at times. The newbies always seem to be together. So for one of them to be missing… dang. That would be sad.
It was raining more or less the whole day, and a cold cold wind. so we sat inside. And Sky loosened up after a bunch of cuddles and treats. I dragged the remains of the christmas tree they got last week into their bedroom. And Jeanette brought a bag of fresh pine from home that we hung on the tree. So they had that to munch on. So good to see Jeanette too, I feel much better when I know she’s around to take care of the goats.
So. Great to be with the goats again. But sad that we have probably lost a hen. Crossing my fingers for a miracle.
2/1 2024

Sky on her guard post. Poor girl was really rattled, she goat pretty soaked standing there in the rain. She’s a good protector.

2/1 2024

The goats and the christmas tree, with fresh pine on the side.

2/1 2024

Huge snowstorm hitting Denmark right now. Apparently the most snowfall in 25 years. Trains and busses in my region are all cancelled. Police say don’t go out unless you have to. My mom even called me this morning telling me not to go out. So no goating today! Hopefully the goats are okay. And hopefully the storm will pass soon. I think it’s going to be snowing all day. There’s a part of me that wants to go out and be in the snow. But then there’s a part that wants to snuggle up and sleep under my blanket. And that part is a lot more sensible.
3/1 2024

I don’t care what the weatherman is saying, cause the last time that I saw him he was on his knees he was praying

3/1 2024


3/1 2024

Double goat butt salute, from yesterday.

3/1 2024

Look at this moe from Bella! How can she do that and not get dizzy and fall over like a fainting goat…. full video of silly running goats is up on the goat page now. Use promo code Lasse Needs a Pizza Plan for eleventy percent off, act now! Shakespeare if you can.
3/1 2024

Good goat times today. Phew. It was a tough one.
Might not have been smart for me to go out. The biggest snowfall in 25 years in our region, possibly. I checked the forecast in the morning and it said the ‘snowstorm advisory warning’ was ending right around the time I would be leaving the house. The police was still advising against any unneccessary driving. But hey, I’m not driving! So I got out the door.
The first one anyway. I started wondering if I’d made a mistake when I tried to open the front door of my apartment building and.. couldn’t. A big pile of snow, frozen solid, right in front of it. Whelp. I went down to the basement level, which is also sort of ground floor because well we have two levels of ground here. Anyway, I could open the door and get out there. And proceeded on my way to the goats. I remember when my back was better and I could make that walk in 20ish minutes if I hurried. After my back problems got worse it typically takes me 30ish minutes. Today? At least 45, if not more. It was a tough walk. I started wondering if I’d even be able to get into the goat house, I might not. And there might not be any staff able to come at all. But I figured I’d make my way there and see what I could do.
Thankfully the goat house was not completely snowed in. Being up on a hill probably helps. most of the snow got stormed to the side. But it wasn’t easy getting in. First i had to force open the gate in the fence, clear some now and brute force it open. Then I got up to the goat house. Cleared a bit more snow. Had to hit the padlock with a wooden board a few times to be able to unlock it. Then with all my might I pried the sliding door open a bit. Curious goat noses poking out. I got it open enough that I could get my body into the gap and bodycheck it open almost completely. Phew!
So that all took some effort. But it was nice to be there with the goats. The wind wasn’t too horrible, no more snow coming down. I do love a snow day with goats. Very cold though. And in places the snow was really high. Like knee high, for me. Or belly high for goats. In places it was high enough to reach up past my waist probably, where the storm had piled it up.
The goats were fine, thankfully. No problems. We spent some time out in the snow. Sky mostly staying on the hill and complaining about the snow. The kids a little more adventurous. Got them both out in the pen for a few walks and runs. Seeing them wading through snow was kinda funny. A couple of times they did those corkscrew jumps they normally do when they’re going to start running, but here it was just to get out of piles of snow haha.
Well, I’m tired and hungy. Need soup. I’ll come back later and talk more snow. The important thing is the goats are fine. It’s been a couple of tough days for my region, but hopefully it’s easing up now.
4/1 2024

Obligatory snow pic. I am not sure you can really tell how bad it was on here. But the fact that this road usually has long lines of traffic is an indication…
This particular road was fairly cleared, but lots of places in the region were not. I got up in the rmorning and looked at the news, and one of the big stories was lots of people having to spend the night in their cars on the big roads. Just stuck. They interviewed a mother who’d spend the night in her car with her 8 year old son, no food or drink. I believe the emergency services were starting to bring out food and drink, and I read something about evacuation centers that some drivers could go to stay overnight. But yeah, it was a big mess. I read yesterday that it might be the most stnowfall we’ve had in 25 years, not sure if that came to fruition or not. But we got a lot. And with a heavy storm that made it really hard to clear.
I figured I wouldn’t be seeing Jeanette today, since she has a long drive to the playground. I don’t think she would have made it here. I didn’t see her while I was there, I assume she stayed home. As the police had directed drivers to do.
On my outing I saw several cars strandeed at the side of the road. Some with emergency lights blinking, some just abandoned. At one traffic crossing there was a car abandoned right in the crossing, so I had to walk around it to get across the road.
I was happy though that there were people working today. I was a little worried if the goats would just be completely stuck for a couple of days without food or care. But after a couple of hours, a couple of people turned up. Andrea the boss and a male worker, not sure who that was, I’m terrible with names because I can’t see faces, they just don’t stick. But I heard the guy say something about it being nice to have a boss who was so hands on, not someone who just sits at a desk. I am really happy that Andrea takes an active part in the care of the animals. So far she has been great. She thanked me for coming in and letting the goats out early. I’d taken care of their food and hay, and Andrea came with a couple of buckets of fresh water. To replace the frozen blocks. And she was there yesterday too, when apparently the goats had refused to come out of the house. Which I don’t blame them for, since that was the height of the storm and the giant snowfall. But I am just glad that even during a couple of days with really hard conditions, the goats still got their needs met and got cared for. That’s a relief, I did wonder if I was going to be the only one there and if the goats wouldn’t be fed if I hadn’t been there. But thankfully that’s not the case.
My legs are going to be hurting tomorrow after all that walking in the snow. Because of the stormy winds it was all very uneven, and with my bad eyesight it was hard to see sometimes where the snow was deep or not. I did fall a couple of times, but not the bad kind of falls where you slip and hurt yourself. More like.. walking into a pile of snow and my feet getting stuck and falling forward into a big pile of soft snow. Not hurt at all, just covered in snow.
I was kind of stumbling along, zig zagging between the walkways and the bicycle paths, which were often more easy to walk on, no cyclists to be seen. A guy was walking in my direction and he stopped me and said “it’s dangerous weather, huh?” and I laughed and agreed. And he asked if I was managing okay, and I told him I’d manage okay and thanked him. But I thought that was nice. He saw me with the blind badges and walking unsteadily and checked to see if I was ok. That’s the kind of that almost gives you a little hope for humanity. For a second, until you remember… everything else. But that was nice.
I was relieved that the grocery store was open. I had worried a little about it. When I got there a couple of people were standing outside talking and I walked to the sliding door and.. it didn’t open. And I thought ohnooo. But then I walked around the side and the sliding door there opened. Phew. There were some empty shelves, no fresh bread for example. But I got veggies for my soup, so that was a relief. Outside a couple of kids were laughing because they saw people walking out on the road, because the sidewalk was just.. a pile of snow. And one kid said “Denmark has become Snowland” and the other replied “Denmark has become Greenland!”. Hah yeah, today it was pretty Greenlandish out. I don’t know if the schools were open today, but I’m sure some kids have had fun sledding. Maybe I should get some skis.
Well that was quite a snowday. I’m glad it all went okay in the end. The morning wasn’t easy, streets almost completely empty, dark and freezing and hard to see where you could walk. By the time I went home there were a lot more people out and efforts underway to clear the roads. All public transportation was cancelled. But I imagine things are getting better now. The storm has died down which makes it easier to deal with the snow. I have a postal package scheduled to arrive today. “Estimated delivery: Today”. Hah, that’d be a neat trick. It was actually originally scheduled to arrive Tuesday, but I wasn’t surprised it didn’t get here due to the holidays and all. Then the storm hit yesterday and there were no updates to the tracking at all. Now it’s almost 8 pm and I’d be shocked if it gets here tonight. I’d rather the tracking just said “Are you nuts? We’re not going out in this weather, if you’re lucky we’ll show up tomorrow”.
Anyway. Sorry bout all the rambling. But it really was quite the ado about snowstuffing. I have been out in some snowstorms, but I can’t remember the region being hit this hard in many years. This was one of the hardest treks to the goats I can remember. If I had known for a fact that there was staff coming to take care of them and how bad the conditions were, I might have stayed in. But I’m glad I didn’t. Now that I’m full of soup and cozy.
Ready for spring tho.

4/1 2024

Another snowpic. From the playground. Not sure if you can get a good impression of how high the snow piled up in places.

4/1 2024

Oh boy. I just walked in from Greenland, and boy are my legs tired.
Yeah, my body is quite quashed. My thigs feel like I, no nevermind. They’re hurting. My back is a pretty sore too. And I feel like I’m getting a bit of a scratch in my throat, but I hope that’s just the hypochondria talking and not the start of getting sick. Getting cold feet about having had cold feet for so long yesterday.
But otherwise I’m fine. Just going to need to take it easy for a couple of days probably. Intereted to see if my package will arrive today, the postal service tracker says it will. Maybe this time it will be correct. Wonder if there will be pizza delivery possible today too. We’ll see later.
5/1 2024

Hey, I got my package! Shoutout to the postal service, which is something you don’t hear often in Denmark.
Let’s celebrate with a picture of Bella, goat deep in the snow.

5/1 2024

For youknowho, here’s a musical berry interlude.
6/1 2024

One more snow pic from my trek on Thursday. The snow in the hood.

6/1 2024

Currently editing footage from the big snow day. For the premium subscribers, here’s a little preview. Bella in deep snow.
6/1 2024

Halp! It snow!

6/1 2024


7/1 2024

Lots of photos like this when I come home from a cold day. My camera fogs up when it’s turned off, epecially if I put it in my pocket. When it has been turned on for a bit it’ll start to clear. Really annoying if the goats are doing something cute and I want to film immediately. I get a minute of two of fog before I can see anything.
Anyway, I believe this is a photo of the new king of Denmark and his royal goat. Either that or it’s me and Luna.

7/1 2024

I thought about spending some time with the goats on the bench, but… like the weather in general right now, it’s very pretty but way too cold.

7/1 2024


That’s all for now.

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