Smile, And The World Will Smile Back
I am tired. But I must introduce you to the new lamb. Oops, I mean lambs. Another set of twins has arrived.
Although I seem to not have gotten a picture of the two of them together, so you’ll just have to trust me. Anyway, on with some pictures.
Oh well, you can tell them apart I think.
They have the most peculiar spots, don’t they? I have never seen that before. I have seen black lambs and white lambs. These look like someone was going to make them black but then ran out of colour and had to stop after a few blotches. Hehe.
I don’t know what their names are. They probably haven’t been named yet. I don’t know the name of the first new lamb either. But here is some cuteness of that one:
Hehe. For some reason the bunny hopped into the sheep’s booth. I think it liked it in there, it was sleeping on the floor at one point. And of course a bunny is an odd thing for a lamb that is only a few days old. Everything is new.
The new lambs seem more confident than the Prince and the twins were. It took a while before I could get close to them. If you reached out your hand to them then they’d sort of nervously back off. But these new ones don’t back off at all. In fact one of them started licking and nibbling at my finger.
Adorable. Its mouth too small to get my finger inside.
They are so lovely.
They seemed tired. I talked to Bodil. The woman with the royal dog, you remember. Here they are:
She told me that one of the new twins almost died after the birth. It had to be taken to the vet. It’s okay now, but still getting its strength back.
It was nice talking to Bodil again. I like her. She’s easy to talk to. Probably because the playground and the animals are such nice topics. It feels… comfortable. Unlike when talking to other people and I have to be constantly alert and struggle to keep the conversation going. I should put a load of pictures of the animals in my wallet and then when talking to people I could take them out and then I could talk all day about how naughty Mads is and how sweet Mathilde is and how cute Magnethe is. You wouldn’t be able to shut me up.
Speaking of Mathilde, I think she likes buckets a lot. Not only burying her head in them or wearing them around her neck. But also standing in them.
That’s from yesterday. It was raining outside so I went and sat inside with the goats. And Mathilde kept putting her front legs in the bucket and standing like that. Fun.
Cutiepie goats. Click on the last one there so you can see Mathilde’s funny smile up close.
The weather has been diverse. Yesterday morning was glorious, the snow was falling and the world looked so beautiful and peaceful. Then later on in the day it started raining. And then today the sun was shining from a clear sky. Beautiful. Although all the rain and sunshine has done great damage to the snow. Water running everywhere, rain and melted snow.
But back to the lambs.
Wonderful wee ones. I love the lamb smile. There is nothing in the world that can stop them from smiling up at you. And I will conclude the entry with four dazzling smiles. I dare you not to smile back at them. Go on and try.
February 8th, 2006 at 7:53
Those last three photos, wow!
I don’t know if you’ve seen Andy and Lou yet (from Little Britain), but Andy Pipkin smiles just like Mathilde. Just as cute too.
February 8th, 2006 at 13:48
adorable sweeties! keep us posted ;) eye candy!!! :)))))))