The Early Hurley Bird
It’s good to be king. But more importantly, it’s good to be online again.
I picked up the package on Friday. It was, as I had suspected and hoped, a new router. Not a Cisco 677 but a Zyxel 660. Sexier looking and so much easier to configure. And not wireless at all. So that was just pretty much perfect. I was a little worried when I unpacked it. The documentation said there should be two black network cables in the pack. There was one. And it said there should be a splitter. There was none. But I just removed the Cisco router and hooked up the Zyxel router with the cables and splitter I already had. And it worked like a charm. Never have I been so relieved to see google load up when I opened my browser.
It was like stepping out of the shadows. Like swimming across a giant ocean and finally seeing the shore.
Or something like that. You never really appreciate something until you have lost it. When you get it back then you appreciate it on a whole new level. I feel like starting a religion based on depriving yourself of things. But that has probably already been done.
I must extend my thanks to my ISP. Cybercity. Not too long ago they were bought up by another company and I had heard rumours of their support department suffering from it. So I was sort of dreading that. But nope. I talked to them Monday evening and the mailman tried to deliver the router on Wednesday. So they sent it on Tuesday. Not too shabby. Sort of ironic (or just annoying) that my holiday Thursday became a bad thing. I had been excited about having the day off and downloading the season finale of Lost and enjoying myself. Instead the holiday meant that the post office was closed so alls I got was an extra day without internet. But I somehow survived. And omglostwtfetc. My head is still spinning.
I think I’m just about caught up on everything. I hope I didn’t miss anything while I was offline. Thank god the internet is still there. And thank you all who commented during the outage. It really helped me when I got to work and read your messages. A life less alone.
I promised pictures of Vanilje on my back. And here you go:
I wonder if there’s a market for goat massages. There must be some rich wackos who would pay to have goat kids walking on their backs. I’m lucky though, I get it for free.
The lambs still crack me up. They are just so silly. That’s Fine. He doesn’t quite have the afro of Flotte.
The goat kids are growing. Slowly but so fast. They all have little horns now. Funnily enough it seems to me that Magnethe’s kids have the biggest horns even though they are youngest. I think Mandela has the biggest of all.
He is beautifully brown.
3B for comparison.
And Springbok. Ah it feels good to upload way too many pictures again.
Other than that a whole lot has in fact not really happened at all. As it were. Hope ya’ll has had a nice weekend. And may the sun shine on your pretty little heads.
May 28th, 2006 at 21:53
Hey, you’re really back. And with a goat on your back to boot! What an entrance you make.
Has been HOT & WINDY here this weekend. The flea market was fun and the flower garden was beautiful. Lots of roses and irises of all sizes and colors. Little colorful goldfishes in the water garden and a robin stopped in for a drink and a little bath while we were there.
Plume, do you garden or plant flowers? I planted some pansies and marigolds last week and my husband planted some tomato and pepper plants yesterday as well as some sweet corn and green beans. Didn’t know if gardening was big in Denmark or not. Just about everyone around here likes to plant a few annual flowers and have some perenials, too. Geraniums and petunias are popular flowers to plant also.
Glad you’re back, say hi to the goats for me.
May 29th, 2006 at 20:29
Deb – I always try to make a grand entrance! It has been cold and rainy here. The flea market and flower garden sounds rather lovely. Nature is grand too. I don’t garden myself. We used to have strawberries in our little, tiny back yard. And there is a bare spot of ground where I used to dig myself silly when I was a kid. Maybe I should try planting some flowers.
The goats say hi.