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Siesta, Olé!

It finally happened. Today I had to set my ventilator thing to full strength. Damn, it’s hot. Beautiful, though. The sun is shining. Almost too much. Sometimes I wish the sun had one of those gradual light switches. So you could just tone it down a little for the siesta. But I shan’t complain, it’s lovely out.

Some good news. Nina the cat showed up again. She’s alright. What a relief.

I went up to the playground yesterday and she came running to the door immediately. I wasn’t on duty though, so I didn’t let her in and feed her. She started rolling around on the ground as if saying “you can’t resist my cutey rolling around, pathetic human”. But I did resist. Jannie and her mother came soon after so she didn’t have to wait long.

My next work day is July 1st. And 2nd. And then 29th+30th. And then August 26th+27th. That’s my schedule. I’m looking forward to it. Looking forward to working, what a novel idea.

The world cup has started. Football. Or soccer as you American nutters like to call it. Denmark didn’t qualify, unfortunately. And unfairly. It was all the fault of the referees. And the pitch. Plus the other teams scored against us which is blatantly unfair. It’s too bad really, the world cup is rather exciting with all the small, exotic teams that you never see round these parts. And it’s in Germany, Denmark’s neighbour. We would have practically had home field advantage. But oh well. World cup fever has been downgraded to a mild flu.

Here are two players who didn’t make the cut.


The little guy is wearing an Argentina shirt and the bigger guy is in a Barcelona shirt I think.


That is the view from the bus stop where I wait for my bus every day after work. My work is right next to the harbour. Literally. The bus comes on the road that lies parallel to the water, a long stretch of coast line. I could go and jump in and swim far, far away. Or sink. Too much junk in my trunk, I’m afraid.

mads watching girl

Another picture from a couple of days ago. The kids were “playing” with Mads. Their game was to go across the street and pick leaves and then go and give them to Mads. I can tell you, Mads LOVED that game. He was walking back and forth along the fence, looking out and waiting for them to bring more leaves. And then chasing away all the other goats of course. Sharing is not a game he likes.

vanilje and boy

Vanilje’s turn to get some eating.

That’s all for now. I need to go get some iced water. With ice cubes. You know, because it’s so hot. You see my point?

Okay then.

2 Responses to “Siesta, Olé!”

  1. Deb Says:

    Farmer Plume:

    So a ventilator is . . . a fan or an air conditioner?? We’ve had our window a/c on several times, but the last two days have been much cooler. Yay!

    Your harbor picture is so pretty with the blue colors. And I laughed at the Mads picture. Looks like he took the picture thru the fence slats. Mmmmm, leaves. Glad Nina showed up. Silly wandering cats, you can’t help but worry when you don’t see them for a day.

    Yes, I’m one of the American nutters who isn’t much into soccer or football. Maybe if goats played soccer I might watch. Did see something on tv about some penguins with little soccer shirts on kicking a soccer ball and hitting it with their beaks or heads. They didn’t use their hands, well because they don’t have hands! It looked sort of mean to me, I don’t think the penguins were enjoying it that much.

    Goat story: John Boy and Billy stood up on their hind legs and danced around a little for peanuts and both shook hands for a peanut. They sure do love their peanuts and crackers. They both got a nice brushing today as well, so they look nice. By the way, they aren’t a bit “spoiled” at all!

  2. Plume Says:

    Deb – It’s a fan yes. I get worried that if I call it a fan then people start thinking of hooligans or something. Harh. I hope I will have cooler days soon, this is too much of a good thing.
    The blueness of the water is soothing.
    Aw poor penguins. I wish I was a penguin. I’d dive into the icy waters… mmm icebergs.

    Peanuts. Maybe I should see if “my” goats like peanuts. I usually bring some raisins for treats. They seem to like them. And when hazelnuts (I think) start falling then they will love those. I love the cracking sound as they chew hehe.

    Tsk, I think they are spoiling *us* by letting us brush them!

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