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The Time Waster’s Wife

I have a really funny and sweet Mads update in the works. But here I am at work, having my lunch break. And I figured I’d just copy/paste some livejournal stuff. To pass time. They are mostly small and irrelevant things, but once in a while there is a sentiment hidden in there, that I would like to keep.

[14 Jun 2006|11:01am]
It has been so very hot here in Denmark. Thankfully today was just a little cooler.

I am at work. I was just sent out to buy a fan. An extra fan, we already have one. They were sold out though. Tis the season for trying to cool yourself. The last two days I have not brought a jacket to work. I think that is the first time ever. Certainly in recent history. I use my jacket as protection, a shield, to hide away. It is odd to walk around without one. I feel naked and vulnerable. I am still insecure and self-conscious. But it’s also good, to feel that progress. To be able to walk around like that, with no jacket. It’s priceless in this infernal heat. Past summers have been horrible, walking around with a jacket on even when the sun is blasting. It is much better like this.
I still don’t like the heat though. I find it hard to function when the temperature is around 30 degrees celsius. One upside is that I can’t really take naps when it’s this hot. And taking naps is a bad habit. Always look at the bright side of life.

[12 Jun 2006|04:11pm]
so… hot…

must… shed… fur…

what, I don’t have fur? Guess I’m fucked then.

[12 Jun 2006|09:18am]
Here are some things you might have forgotten: The y2k bug. The thong song. Pirates. Don Johnson. Music on MTV.

Ahh, those were the days.

[10 Jun 2006|11:41am]
Dear Journal,
I have been craving orange juice a lot for the past week or two. Could this mean I’m pregnant?


[09 Jun 2006|11:50am]
So many people have MP3 players these days. I see people with their earphones. Sometimes I wish we were all connected and could listen to the same thing. But then I realize that I don’t like too much of the music that is “up” these days.

Sometimes I want a Cinderella-like story. But instead of looking for the girl who can fit the slippers I would be looking for the girl who could fit the MP3 player full of good music.

And we would dance in the pale moonlight.

It’s always kind of heart-breaking when you realize that fairy tales don’t come true.

[08 Jun 2006|03:53pm]
Here, I made up a joke:

– What did one social phobic guy say to the other social phobic guy?
– Nothing.

It’s funny cause it’s true.

[07 Jun 2006|12:21am]
When I close my eyes and walk under the lamp, it feels like I’m heading into the light.

[28 May 2006|09:08pm]
Since you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged, and list their names. No tag backs. I was tagged by soeren

1. Sometimes when I lie down and close my eyes I can feel the Earth rotating.
2. At work I go to the bath room a lot because I need some alone time. Everyone probably thinks I’m dhiarretic, but I don’t care.
4. I can’t spell dhiarretic.
5. I wish I didn’t know how sausages were made because I love sausages and I have an eternal craving for hot dogs and spaggethi with sausages and french hot dogs. I just can’t eat the damn things anymore. Sometimes I’ll buy a pack of sausages in the supermarket and then I’ll have two for dinner and then I’ll give the rest of the pack to my brother because I was reminded that I just can’t eat the damn things anymore.
6. I was once killed by a gang of inbred hicks.
7. Sometimes I lie and ignore the rules of memes.

I tag everyone who cares enough to do it because no one listens to me anymore you ingrates didn’t I buy you a pack of crisps I’m sure I did I remember it well it was cold and in the morning and you were hungry for crisps and I went out and I bought them for you plus a pack of condoms and you said that it was the gratest thing anyone had ever done for you and I didn’t even comment on the typo because I was so happy and yet you insist on ignoring me.

[09 May 2006|12:36pm]
There are three signs in the bus. The sign with a bottle and a glass covered by a red line. The sign with two sausages covered by a red line. And the picture of an icecream cone covered by a red line. Because you’re not supposed to eat and drink in the bus. But sitting there, right in front of those signs, I just couldn’t help but want to eat sausages and drink cola and have an icecream cone for dessert. Damn you subliminal warning signs.

In other news, I’m thinking of converting. Any religions wanna offer me a good deal?

[06 May 2006|09:41pm]
You take a bowl
You put a bunch of icecubes in it
You put a bunch of strawberries in it
You fill it up with milk
You add a(n) (un)healthy dosage of red soda
You add some strawberry softice
You add some strawberry ice
You add a spoon
You enjoy the ice cold strawberry goodness and wait for your heartattack

The end

[28 Apr 2006|08:51pm]
Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.

My letter is T, so says teenagebunny

Terminator 2: One of the first movies with real cool CGI. Plus Arnie is always good. The Commodore 64 game sucked though.

Trouble: I got troubles Lord, but, not today, cause they gonna wash away, they’re gonna wash away.

Tender: Tender is the touch of someone that you love too much. I am not as macho as I may seem from my rugged exterior. I want a tender touch, not roughn sex.

Tired: I am always tired. I have been tired for the last 15 years, and I think it may just kill me some day.

Tall: I wish I was a little bit taller. A little bit thinner. A little bit smarter. A little bit faster. A little bit better.

Tigger: I didn’t appreciate Tigger before I was a grownup. Go figure.

Time: is never time at all. Time never moves at the right speed. I have so much time but I never have enough to do what I want.

Trains: I don’t like traveling. I am worried that I’ll take the wrong train and end up in Timbuktu. The two times I have taken trains I have always suffered for weeks of some kind of worldshaking. Like the ground was still moving under my feet.

Trust: It takes me a long time to trust people. I am not sure I can be trusted.

Tina Dickow: My old schoolmate who is now a singer superstar. Catch her on tour and buy her albums. She is the sweetest girl who ever sang on Jimmy Kimmel. I think.

[20 Apr 2006|05:17pm]
Hang the bus drivers I say. They were on strike today again so I walked to work. What a foolish thing to do. I had a stomach attack when I was halfway. The runs, you know. Thank god for Kvickly’s customer toilet.
It was all forgotten when I got to the playground and Magnethe had had her kids. How excruciatingly wonderful. Beyond lovely. If you’re a blog subscriber then you can look forward to one million and thirty three pictures. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go and saw my legs off. I really hope the replacements will be here by tomorrow, otherwise I’ll have to rest my body on a skateboard and push my way to work.

I miss frisbees by the way. Playing frisbee. I want to be on a field in the sunshine and throw a frisbee at a cute girl. Well, not AT her persay. I’m not trying to knock her out. Although… no no, I mean throw it TO her. And then she catches it and throws it back and I try to catch it in my mouth like a puppydog but I get knocked out and when I wake up we’re rolling around in the grass and the sun it still shining and somehow, somewhere there’s music from a commercial in the 80s playing.

[09 Apr 2006|11:58pm]
I asked for book recommendations a while ago and now I would like to recommmend one back. Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman. It was used in a shameful act of product placement on the TV show Lost, and thank god for that. It is very possibly the oddest book I have ever read, and that’s quite a compliment. My head was literally spinning on my shoulders during some parts. It’s fascinating and funny and good, clean family entertainment you can trust. Just ask Desmond.

Where is Desmond by the way? I miss him.

[28 Mar 2006|09:21am]
1. What does your Livejournal name mean?
Djaliplume. I wanted Plume, because that is my birthgiven name (no, really. I swear). But it was taken. So I added “djali” from Billy’s DjaliZwan thing. If you don’t know Zwan then you probably don’t understand.

2. Elaborate on your default photo?
It’s General Confusion! The space prince. Etc.

3. Make up a question.
Do you think the pope is wearing that big hat to hide his baldness?

4. What’s your current relationship status?
Desperate houseplume

5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?
Amiga t-shirt and jeans. And socks. And batman wooly socks. And boxers, baby.

6. What is your current problem?
The world in general

7. What do you love most?

8. What makes you most happy?

9. Are you musically inclined?
I wish I wash.

10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
I would go back and kill Hitler. Then I’d kill all the other dictators. Then I would make myself supreme dictator of the universe.

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
A goat. And lemme tell you I’d be one mischievous goat!

12. Ever have a near death experience?
I once almost listened to a Mariah Carey song.

13. Name an obvious quality you have.

14. What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now?
I hope there’s someone who’ll take care of me when I die will I go?

15. Who did you cut and paste this from?

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Almost Billy Corgan. The greatest man in the world of music

17. Have you ever vandalized someone’s private property?
I don’t think so. not on purpose anyway.

18. Have you ever been in a fight?
Nope. I’m a sissy.

19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Oh god no.

20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their lips.

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I’ve never been to a Starbucks either

24. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes, Shrek

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
As much as humanly possible

26. Did you have braces?

27. Are you comfortable with your height?
I wish I was a little bit taller and I wish I had a rabbit in a hat I would call ya

28. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
shhh, there could be kids listening

29. Do you speak any other languages?
English and Danish. And bittles of Norwegian, Swedish, German and French.

30. Do you have a crush on someone on your livejournal?
Let me just say, there’s a lot of fine women on my friendslist. You all everybody is going in my fantasy file tonight.

[24 Mar 2006|09:09am]
I saw an old woman on the bus who looked like Yoda. Well, not really. But I imagined her as Yoda. She was sort of short and had a cane. I wish I looked like Yoda. I think green would be a good colour for me. Plus I would you know be like totally master of the force and I could use it for evil. Yoda would kick ass for the dark side. He’d be all like “Your ass I will kick” and stuff. Totally.


[20 Mar 2006|09:03am]
Monday morning can $5(|{ my P1(|{

I Feel like making mix cds and leaving them around town. Or picking random names in the phone book and sending them postcards. Everyday santa.

[07 Mar 2006|09:02am]
I was sitting in the bus, imagining that it was being hijacked by terrorists. And that I was volunteering to be the first hostage killed to show that they were serious.
I have been to work for 5 minutes and all I can think about is going to bed. I wish everybody would stop staring.
Doncha wish your girlfriend’s depression was hot like me?

[06 Mar 2006|12:46pm]
this is major tom to pest control
please allow myself to introduce myself
I am the hat madder
I am the bedbugs bite
I am the light underneath your door at night
i am the farthest star shining dimly in the dark
I am your mother and father too, I gave birth to you in my mind
you would not exist if I had not invented you
consider this evidence of my importance
not only to you, but to life in general
I am unto you like a god and you should worship me accordingly
by accordion
polka polka, polka polka
Kiss Me Polka, Polka Twist….

There. That should keep you occupied for a while.

4 Responses to “The Time Waster’s Wife”

  1. Milla Says:

    Good stuff! thank you for sharing.


    ‘so… hot…

    must… shed… fur…

    what, I don’t have fur? Guess I’m fucked then. ‘





    and you know what… I think we all wished to be Yoda at some stage in our lives :) and… I used to think that princess Leia’s name was Yoda… don’t ask :D

  2. Plume Says:

    Milla – I don’t think Yoda could pull off that hairdo :)

  3. Milla Says:

    I agree :)

  4. Plume Says:

    maybe I’ll try it on though :)

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