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All The Tricks Of The Trade

What have I been doing with my weekend, you ask? Chiefly I have been emulating an Amiga. And by that I don’t mean that I have been standing in the corner and making odd computer noises. No, I mean this:

amiga goal

amiga golden axe
Golden Axe

amiga great gianna sisters
Great Gianna Sisters

amiga ikari warriors
Ikari Warriors

amiga pang

amiga prince of persia
Prince of Persia

amiga project x
Projext X

amiga rick dangerous
Rick Dangerous

amiga superfrog

Ah nostalgia. As a feeling it is rivalled only by melancholy. And maybe happiness.

Superfrog would be my choice for best platform game ever. Although James Pond: Robocod is high on the list too. They don’t make them like that anymore. Quite literally. Everything is 3D these days. Do 2d platform games even exist? I think there was one called Viewtful Joe or something like that. But other than that you probably can’t get real platformers anymore.

Goal is my choice for best soccer game ever. They have all gone 3d too nowadays of course. There’s a Sensible Soccer 2006 being released these days. I bet it isn’t nowhere near as good as the original. Now if only they’d make a Goal!2006.

Prince of Persia. Yet another game that has been turned into 3d in the new century. Haven’t tried the newer version. But without that dab of nostalgia I doubt they could compete with the original.

Gianna Sisters. Best illegal platforme game ever. Better than Mario Brothers.

Golden Axe. Fond, fond memories of 2 player games. Playing it at Pelle’s house. One of the games that made me get an Amiga in the first place.

Project X. Damn hard. Damn, damn hard. The nice thing about playing with an emulator is that I can save the game state. Infinite retries. It’s cheating, but I don’t have the time or energy to play these games for hours and hours. I like putting on a cheat and blazing through the game and just get that high from nostalgia and success. Like a city man who goes for a survival course in the local jungle and forgets that he is and will always be a city man. No, don’t try to make sense of it.

Rick Dangerous. That was so hard too. But one of the best game characters ever. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I think I played it on my old Commodore 64 too. Those were the days.

Pang. What a great concept. The best games are always the simplest. That’s why Tetris and Pac-Man will never die.

Alright. Enough computer games. Some other nostalgia: The Smashing Pumpkins. Pre-Gish songs. Circa ’91. Those are the best when you’re in a self-destructive mood. I am what I am… I am my endYou can watch me bleed. Sometimes I am in that mood.

I realize this entry has been mostly a waste of time for everyone who doesn’t share my memories and experiences. But in another couple of years we can get together and reminisce about this entry. Those will be the days.

3 Responses to “All The Tricks Of The Trade”

  1. Kat Says:

    Yesss Prince Of Persia

  2. fredrik Says:

    which emulator are you using? winuae?

    i’m gearing up to run Amithlon / Amiga OS XL (i think they’re somehow connected, it’s some kind of emulator you run through qnx (www.qnx.org)). http://www.amithlon.com/ I hope that’ll run smooth enough on one of my old p3 500mhzs, if so i’ll have a kick-ass amiga ready to play whenever i feel like it.

    My previous thoughts was to use the amiga emulator for the xbox, so i downloaded 18.4 gigs (20925 pcs) of amiga discs but since Microsoft designed the filesystem for their xbox, most of the discnames are too long. (hey, in 95 you said 255-char filenames was the greatest thing ever, why limit fatx to 42?)…

    Amiga forever… (that’s another winuae-package setup to run a beautiful amiga-desktop without any hassle btw, so is amiga-in-a-box)..
    I wish i had had more friends back in my school days, not sure when my socialphobia started but i was “shy” even back then. I got my amiga when i got (konfirmerad, “you read the bible and get presents”). I only had like 2-3 friends who had amigas and they traded between themselves so i never had anything to give back when they took pity on me and gave me a game or two. Still, i do remember playing a lot of games, i should make some kind of list someday. (Persian gulf inferno and Paradroid ’90 was two of my favourites)..

    if i ever build a timemachine, the 80’s is the only possible destination.. i want my childhood back

  3. Plume-at-work Says:

    Fredrik – Yup, I’m using winuae. I got it along with a zip file containing every Amiga game ever released. Apparently. So I’ll be busy with that until forever. I actually still have my old Amiga, but most of my old disks are broken or scattered or just simply gone.

    I got my Amiga when I was konfirmeret too. I kinda dropped out of the Amiga scene around the time the CD32 was released. I’m kinda sad I missed the last years of the Amiga. But at least I have gotten a second chance.

    If I had a time machine I’d go back and buy Microsoft stock. And then have my childhood again, only rich.

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