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I got some rather bad news yesterday. The playground is selling Mathilde. She will be leaving on Tuesday.

Kurt told me yesterday. He came over to me while I was watching the goats. And said that now some goats would be leaving soon. I knew that the kids would have to leave so I wasn’t surprised. But when he mentioned Mathilde’s name I was shocked. I will be so very sad to see her go. It will be like losing a member of my family.

She will be going with Nougat and Mandela. For breeding. That’s something at least. I know the playground will have found them a nice place. Natal will be leaving for another playground. Vanilje will be staying, the rest of the kids will probably leave when buyers are found. I need to move to a place where you can keep goats. Then I will rescue Mathilde and we will never be apart. Love is selfish. Love is suicide.

I will miss her like crazy. We had a special bond. I helped her become less shy around humans. She helped me to find a great love for goats and to see that I had some qualities and some positive sides that could be appreciated.

Some people might say I’m being silly and that she’s just a goat. But those goats are like pets to me. I may not own them but I see them every day. I would seriously keep them in my back yard if I could. If you have a pet then imagine it being sold off and then being told “it’s just an animal”. I think most of you know that they’re more than just animals to me. But I’ll be okay, I don’t have much choice. I will enjoy my last days with her and I will never forget her.

tear me apart
tear me apart from you
where is your heart?
where has your heart run to

9 Responses to “Tear”

  1. Clare Says:

    I understand.
    Princess Sparkle is my little girl, and if anyone took her away I’d see to it they were horribly murdered, fo’ sure.

  2. Deb Says:

    Me too, I understand. Mathilde being a friendly goat will get along fine in her new home. You helped her get over being shy with people and she helped you. I know you will miss her and the other kids that leave.

    Goats are such sweet animals and are very special. Anyone who has been around them know that. You’ve been very lucky to have a special bond with her, some people never get to that place.

    Enjoy your time with her and take some pictures of her and the others that are leaving. Remember: you still have lots of goats and people that are around who need you.

    PS: Thanks for the rain dance – it worked! We had 1 1/4 inches this morning.

  3. Luis Says:

    I was so sad to read what will happen to her. I feel very sad. But at least you have many wonderful photos of her, and the other goats that will be leaving as well.

    It’s like an era coming to an end. It’s all very sad to me…

  4. Florida Girl Says:

    I’m sorry to hear that Mathilde will be leaving soon.
    That makes me very sad.

  5. Katherine Says:

    That’s terrifically sad. Is the playground where Mathilde is going nearby. Could you visit it? Selling animals seems so wrong but that’s how it goes.

    I will miss Mathilde too. She’s my favourite.

  6. Plume-at-work Says:

    Clare – I probably shouldn’t murder the people at the playground. Although… Nah.

    Deb – I’ll make sure to enjoy my last days with her. I will make the most of it.

    Luis – Yes, end of an era. I didn’t think the 3 M’s would be split up. It’ll be strange to say Mads and Magnethe without saying Mathilde. Very sad.

    Florida Girl – Thank you for the sympathy. I will have to tell Mathilde that she’ll be missed by many. I hope she’ll understand.

    Katherine – I don’t think she’s going to a playground, I think it will be a farm or something like it. Natal is going to a playground so I’ll definitely be able to visit her. I probably won’t be able to visit Mathilde. But I’ll see if I can find out.

  7. Milla Says:

    Yes, there’s nothing silly about this, you guys had a very special and wonderful bond, which is a gift. I wish you strength, saying good-bye is never easy. But the bright side is that Mathilde will definitely be appreciated in her new home, she’s such a lovely goat :)

    Big fuzzy hugs!

  8. hanne Says:

    hey, thats truly sad, i know how much she means to you
    im sure she ll be sad to leave too

    can i talk to you today?

  9. Plume Says:

    Milla – I’m sure Mathilde will be very appreciated! Just look at Magnethe, Mathilde makes beautiful babies! Big fuzzy goat-style hugs to you too :)

    Hanne we’re talking now :-P

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