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Ladies And Gentlemen… Without Safety Net

I walked like a zombie today. Not for fun, unfortunately. For feeling. I was lightheaded, but not for fun. Sometimes it feels like I am floating through the streets. Floating through life.

I don’t want you to think that I have turned into an obsessed nut who posts millions of pictures from Oblivion. I want you to rest assured that I am still a nut who posts millions of pictures of animals.

So be it. Pictures and anecdotes from the playground.


3B. He is so cute, so cute. Head-butting everything he can get his head close to. And you can really tell that 3B and Springbok are the two young males, they are butting heads more and more. Yesterday a family came by and one of the little girls asked if the goats were dangerous. And the father said “well you have to be careful, those animals don’t have brains”. Gah. I wanted to tell him off. He said it in such a condescending way. Goats are some of the smartest animals around. If they got any smarter they’d start building bombs and killing each other, like all the other intelligent species. Too bad that I am still too meek to stand up and say my opinion. Maybe when I inherit the world I will tell people a truth or two.

Oh well, at least I hope I showed his daughters that the goats aren’t dangerous. Showed by example. It is always one of my favourite things, when I can help kids get to know the goats. If they haven’t been around goats before then they are usually a bit scared. And who wouldn’t be scared of Mads if you are a kid and he is actually bigger than you are? He can be quite intimidating if you don’t know his softer side. So it’s always good to show kids that the goats are nothing to be afraid of.

Anyway. Where was I? Oh yes, 3B. He is so cute, so cute, when he’s tired. He sort of stares off into the distance. But not like Mads. When Mads stares off into the distance it seems like he’s watching something. He sees something. When 3B gets tired then it seems like he isn’t really looking at anything. It looks like he is looking inside himself. If you know what I mean? Like he is thinking. His eyes drift off, whereas Mads’s eyes seem to fix on something in the distance.

3b & vanilje

As I have mentioned, another one of my favourite things is when the goats sit down next to me. There you have both 3B and Vanilje sitting right up against me. 3B got up and walked away…


… but Vanilje stayed. Does it look like I have her head in a headlock? I don’t, I swear. She just sat up against me and rested her head on my leg like that. So sweet.

The kids are running around freely. Magnethe and Mads are tied down, they went jaywalking again. Up on the hill and into the appartment complex beyond. You can’t have that. But it’s fun to see the three kids running around. It reminds me of when Magnethe was a kid and she’d run around with Black and White, the two lambs. Roaming the premises, exploring the playground.

There’s a new woman who has been working at the playground. I have talked to her a few times. Haven’t gotten her name though, and don’t know if she’s working there permanently or just an internship or something. But anyway, she told me that in the morning when the kids are let out they have flat tummies and then in the evening when they have been running around and eating grass and leaves and everything they can get at then their tummies are round and full. Hehe. Cute. Goat kid tummies are very cute. When they sit down and their skin tightens, their bellies are like little drums. I like to drum on them. Well, softly. More like pat them. But they are adorably sweet and softly furred.

They are the lights of my life. I don’t know what I would do without them. I have had a rough time getting back to work. I feel inadequate. I feel like I’m drowning. Half sick, sneezing and runny tummy. Without anyone drumming on it even.

On the bright side, it has been fairly cool weather with some rain now and then. And my computer is still working like it should. And every time 3B headbutts me in the side I burst out laughing.

And I bought Star Wars Droids comics 1-4.

And the girl in the bar at work is really cute. Which makes me dislike myself even more. Inadequate inadequate inadequate.

I need a vacation.

Current Music: Radihoead – Wolf at the Door (060506)

3 Responses to “Ladies And Gentlemen… Without Safety Net”

  1. Katherine Says:

    There’s only one problem with 3B and that’s the resemblance to Mathilde…*sniff*. I wish she were still around.

    In Africa there’s a study group of wild elephants the scientists call the EBs.. prouounced Eee Bees. Funny that.

  2. Florida Girl Says:

    Just got back from a wonderful vacation to Denmark to visit some family.
    We rented a “summer hus” in blokhus and also went to loekken, skagen and grenen.
    I thought about you!

  3. Deb Says:

    Such sweet pictures of 3B and Vanilje, they look very comfortable with you.

    So, Landor, if we ever meet up in Greenland, we’ll recognize each other since I look like Umbra and you like Landor! Glad we’ve got that settled!

    My husband & I went to a zoo on Friday and saw flamingos, monkeys, sloths, jellyfish, sea lions, bongos, swans, lions, and tigers, (no bears), and GOATS! All colors of goats, most were pygmy goats. The kids weren’t scared of them and the goats were very polite, no pushing or shoving to get the grain treats the kids were giving them. Of course, I thought our two goats at home were the cutest goats of all.

    The koi pond was a whole other thing! Those fish were just in a feeding frenzy to get the fish food. Hundreds of them would come up to the feeding area and stick their heads up for food. Some of the kids were even petting the fish.

    The penguins were fun to watch swimming underwater in their pool. They make funny little noises and were enjoying splashing around. It was so hot, I wish I could have joined them. The lions and tigers were laying in the shade yawning and napping. The sloths were moving very, very sloooowly . . . maybe a bit faster than the big tortises, but not much.

    Hope you are feeling better. I wasn’t feeling so great today either. Must be an accumulation of hot weather building up in me. Don’t think I ever will get acclimated to this heat. Possibility of rain on Sunday. Hooray!

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