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Sell The Kids For Food

I am fighting depression again. Or is depression fighting me? Or are you a cliff, Cliff?

The general sense of drowning persists. I guess there’s not much to do apart from swimming on and hoping to reach the shore. The doctor at the anxiety clinic recommended upping the dosage of my meds if I felt they weren’t working for me. And I feel they aren’t working for me. Guess I should talk to my doc about it.

Kurt was back from vacation today. I talked to him about Springbok and 3B. If it was true that they were going to be slaughtered. Slaughtered. It doesn’t sound right. But it is the right term, right? It sounds like you round them up and fire machine guns at them until there is nothing left but blood. It sounds brutal and evil. But anyway. It is true. However, they are trying to avoid it. They are trying to find someone who’ll buy them instead. Kurt said they had about a couple of months to do it. They’ll place ads in the paper. They’ll look. But if no buyers are found then there’s nothing else to do. Problem is that bucks are not very popular. They are big stinkers. Literally. They smell. And they are more aggressive/territorial or whatever. So there’s not a good chance, really. He said that I could keep a lookout too. I definitely will. Although I don’t think there’s a big chance that I’ll run across someone who’s looking to buy a goat or two. Anyone out there know anyone? I wish I could buy them myself. But I’m not allowed to have animals here. And even if I was to defy that then it would be cruel to keep them all alone in a little back yard like that, I don’t think it would be right to do that when they’re used to the open spaces and animals of the playground.

That is the only positive thing in all this. If they are sold for meat. They have had a nice life. I can’t think of a better life for a goat. Running around, playing, being loved and adored by children as well as adults. Having a crazy, old Plume visiting them daily. I think most goats who are bred for meat will be lucky just to have some nice outside space. I doubt professional meat breeders have an environment like the playground for their goats. So I can take a little comfort in that. But it’s just rough, when you get so attached to them emotionally. In a way it’s my own fault for getting so attached. But it’s not like I had a choice. I knew from the start that there was no way they could keep 9 goats there. Some would have to leave. But that doesn’t make it easier.

I don’t suspect any shady business going on though. Luis and Katherine mentioned that in comments. I’m quite sure that there’s nothing suspect about it. It’s simply a matter of them not having space and resources for so many goats. Last season Magnethe was the only one born, so they could keep her. And that wasn’t even a given. I clearly remember a little girl begging Kurt “do we get to keep her, please, please, please”. And they did keep her. But this year there were 6 kids plus the three adults. That’s just more than they can handle so they had to get rid of some. And they try their best to sell them to other playgrounds (like Natal) or to places where they’re used for milk and breeding. Slaughtering is the last option.

Not that it makes me feel happy about it. Not that it makes it anymore bearable.

Let’s just hope and pray that a buyer will be found.

And if there are any crazy millionaires reading this, now is the time to buy me a farm in the country.

7 Responses to “Sell The Kids For Food”

  1. Debbie Says:

    Plume, It really twisted my heart to hear this news. It never even occurred to me that this could happen to the goats. I only wish you had heard this news a different way other then it being blurted out like it was. Maybe by putting it that way, people will take it with a “Gee I need to find, give these kids a home so they can live.” I just know in my heart that something good will come of this. Springbok and 3B will find new homes. It will be good. Meanwhile enjoy the life these 2 little(they don’t look so little anymore!) fellows have to offer you. I will be thinking of you and hoping for homes for Springbok and 3B. Debbie

  2. Katherine Says:

    Here’s what I don’t understand. Why don’t they neuter these extra males and fix the females (or most of them) so they won’t breed? That would solve the problem. The fact that they deliberately breed the animals creates this situation in the first place. They could separate the females and the males during rutting season and they could spade and neuter the animals. Neutered male cats become quite docile…they lose that competitive fighting streak. I bet the same would happen with the goats.

  3. Luis Says:

    I am absolutely devasted to hear the bad news. So, it is true then. Katherince has a point. When males are neutered, they do become docile because they no longer produce the testosteron they need to reproduce. They just have enough to qualify themselves as a male entity.

    Maybe you can suggest that to them. Any little bit would help. In the mean time, you did the best you could. I admire that very much. So let’s hope a buyer is found within the two months. Maybe somebody who is reading this will have a heart and adopt those two little goats.

    Again, keep us informed. I’m terribly sad. But you have it much worse because it’s happening right in front of you. Just like Debbie said, something positive will happen. I know it, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

    And I’m sorry for my abruptness on my last comment. You can only do the best you can. It came as a terrible shock to all of us. And I tend to get very emotional over certain things. One of them being animals. So please forgive my rudeness.

  4. Deb Says:

    We had our two male pgymy goats banded (neutered) when they were about 12 weeks old. The wethers (neutered males) are very good pets, they don’t smell and aren’t as territorial or aggresive as intact males. I think you said Mads is neutered.

    Our banding wasn’t expensive and perhaps your two goats could find homes easier if they were wethers, just a thought for the playground to consider.

    Lasse, I think Luis’ advice to take action is good. Your expertise is on the computer and with photography. See if the playground would let you make up some “For Sale” fliers with pictures of the goats, how much they want for them, good with children, etc. You could post some at the playground, library, stores, veterinary clinic, or any place that would let you post a flier.

    Taking action will help you with your depression. Whatever the outcome, you will feel you have done your best which is all anyone can do.

    Yes, it is hard to accept that people do raise animals for food. I live in a rural farming community where people routinely raise pigs, cows, and sheep for sale. I’ve never raised an animal to sell and I don’t think I could. But I do understand that’s what happens on a farm.

    I think maybe the playground people didn’t want you to know what happens when they have too many animals and not enough space and resourses. They realize how much you really love all the animals and maybe how upset you’d be. I think they really like you alot and didn’t want to upset you.

    They let the animals breed so there will be babies (which are cute) and to attract visitors and make the playground a success. That’s probably how they stay in business and pay the bills. They are Boer goats and Boer goats are meat goats. And anytime in the future that there are more male baby goats, the playground will have the same problem. I’m not sure you would be able to save them all. It would be too big of a job to find homes for them all. But you can try to help Springbok and 3B.

    Like Luis said, do what you are able to do and we will stand by you. You have made all the animals’ lives at the playground so much better just by visiting them, feeding them, and educating the families who come to visit them. Keep in touch and let us know what happens, good/bad/funny/or sad.

  5. The Fume Says:

    What does it mean, ‘neuter’? …

    If you mean like, cutting the balls of, or otherwise tampering with the primal organs and their capacity, I think that would a very nasty and unpleasant thing to do a male .. If they could choose themselves I think they would like to stay intact .. As would most females .. Also, dont you think its important to
    the overall comfort of beast as well as man, to be able to enjoy a special time together !!!! *fume*

  6. The Fume Says:

    Those animals are not just CUTE THINGS ON DISPLAY !!

  7. Katherine Says:

    The Fume, neutering does not mean deballing. It’s kind of like a vasectomy…preventing sperm. Cats and dogs are routinely spade (females) and neutered (male) to prevent overbreeding which only results in thousands, if not millions of homeless and neglected animals. This is a humane thing to do. Also, there are many humans who arrange to have their ability to breed terminated…without any harm to the sex organs or sexual pleasure. You might want to do some reading up on this. Other alternatives include birth control. Not exactly cost-effective for free petting zoos.

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