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Lost Foilers

Here is how I think the Lost season 3 premiere episode will start:

closeup of someone’s eye
camera zooms out to reveal Michael, looking frantically to his left and right
[Michael] “Walt?!”
no response
Michael runs around the boat, pulling at doorknobs, punching at walls
Michael sinks to his knees and starts crying
[Walt] “I’m in the bathroom, daaad!”
Lost woosh sound effect, cut to logo

Well, it could happen. Actually I think the imprisoned losties will become Others. I think the Others will be the good guys. Us versus them, only who is us? Some losties will be losties and some will be Others and the waters will be muddled. I just really hope we get to see the giant invisible dinosaur again. And it will have four toes.

Also, our front door sounds like a kitten. It squeaks. And everytime I start looking around to see where the cat is at. Then I realise it’s the door. Bitterly disappointed.

New and exciting things tomorrow. New things, at least.

2 Responses to “Lost Foilers”

  1. Desiree Says:

    Plume, my dear friend, I have some video of Raven but I don’t know how to put it somewhere for f.ex. you to see… help?!

  2. hanne Says:

    be on today

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