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First Snow

Well, whaddaya know.


Snow, baby, snow, baby, snow.

I love snow everso much. I want to marry it and live with it for the rest of my life. And when it dies I will make a shrine and never forget our wonderful life together.

Snow makes me happy. It almost makes me happy to get up and out of bed in the morning. Like a child on christmas.


And walking to work in snow. That’s the best way. Although I didn’t think to bring gloves and a scarf. So it was quite cold for me. Still, I shan’t complain. Rather cold than hot, that’s my philosophy.

It wasn’t a huge snowstorm or anything. Wasn’t perfect snow either. Wet, slushy sleet. But it’s only November 1st, so I’m happy that we have already gotten anything at all.

By the time I got to the playground it was no longer snowing. But the goats were still inside. They don’t like all the muddy wetness.


Mads chased the two others out. Heh. I guess he wanted to have some alone time with old Plumey.


And he still remembers his old trick. He has also learnt to operate the hatch door. When it isn’t locked. He can open and close it. Which lead to a funny situation where Magnethe was outside, looking in. And then Mads pushed the door close right in her face. Like he was saying “no, you DON’T get to come in. I am the master of this domain”. Yeah, he likes to be in control of everything.



Bodil came by while I was there. For once without her dog Lulu. We had a nice talk. A pretty long one really. One of the longest I have had in recent history. That was very nice. We talked a little about the playground’s christmas party. She is going to be there. As one of the few “non-workers” who are invited. And she actually reassured me a bit about the whole thing. She said that she didn’t like big, loud parties with lots of people either. But that it was just a small, cosy thing. Not too many people, and just sitting around eating good food. Apparently Pernille is quite the chef. So that’s quite good. It’s December 1st. I know I’m going to get nervous and I’m going to want to not go. But I will try not to listen to the bad thoughts.

My general mood is still not too good. Sadness and hopelessness lurking. But as long as there is snow and goats then it’s not all bad. Huzzah.

3 Responses to “First Snow”

  1. Deb Says:

    Your snow pictures are always so great. We haven’t had snow here yet in Iowa (where we live anyway). Has looked like snow and has been cold enough. Hasn’t smelled like snow either.

    Oh, Plumey, you musn’t be nervous about the Christmas party. We want you to go and have fun, take pictures of the people, the food, the decorations . . . We all would love to be invited to the party, but since we can’t be there, you will be our “party ambassador”. That way we can feel like we were there with you and the playground people thru your photos.

    Ask if you can help set up for the party. Sometimes doing something takes my mind off being nervous, thinking of something to say, or trying to make a good impression. You’ll do just fine. Just be your old sweet Plumey self. Think of it as another giant step in the right direction.

  2. Plume Says:

    Deb – I love taking pictures of snow. Almost as much as taking pictures of goats! I hope you’ll get some snow soon. That is, if you like snow. If you don’t then send it my way. I’ll take it all.
    I’ll try not to be too nervous. There is always some nervousness, but it’s worst before I go. Then when I’m there it’ll be much nicer. Had a good talk to my therapist about it all too. It’ll be fine. And I’ll tell you all about it when its’ done!

  3. Deb Says:

    Yes, I like snow – in moderation. When it buries my car and all I can see is a big mound of snow, I don’t appreciate it as much. Usually we have some snow, it stays around a little while, then melts. It does this most of the winter season

    Our goats do not like snow and were quite afraid of it the first time it snowed. They had gone to bed with no snow and woke up to 4 or 5 inches of snow and didn’t want to come out of the barn at all. I had to pull them out and they were less than happy about it. We’ll have to see if they remember that snow will not hurt them. Snow is our friend, we love snow, we can eat snow, we can play in it . . . Positive affirmations for goats with a snow phobia.

    Good! I want to hear & see all about the party. You will be so busy taking pictures and speaking charming banter you will not have time to be nervous. Then you will become a great party personality and will be invited to all the top parties in Denmark and be on the cover of People magazine! (Not putting too much pressure on you, am I????) ha, ha!

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