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If the Fish Have Daddy Issues

I was feeling a little sad today. Which annoys me, because there is no reason to really. I don’t know where it comes from. It’s weekend, I should be enjoying myself. But I’m feeling better now I think. So no worries.

Yesterday it rained a lot. I sat inside with the goats and listened to it. It’s a great place to listen to the rain.




It’s amazing how much easier it is to sit in a room with three goats as compared to sitting in a room with three humans.

Look at Kridte:

kridte firs

Look at her jumping up on the gate there. She is up higher than her mother. She does that now, when she sees me. It’s cute. Especially because she is the shy one. Kulle doesn’t jump up on stuff like that. You can still tell that Kridte is more shy and insecure compared to Kulle. But she’ll still jump up like that. Go figure.

In other, more serious, developments at the playground… there is construction work. And not the nice kind with hammers and saws and handymen. No, the bulldozing kind.

construction work

At the back. Where there was a little patch of grass and small hills. Now there is mud. It is a bit disturbing. I don’t like it. I’m not sure what’s going on. A long time ago, round about the time when I started talking to the people at the playground, Kurt told me that there were plans to take away some of their space. I don’t remember what for. Youth club? Houses? Since then I haven’t heard about it. But I guess this must be it. I hope they won’t be mowing away too much. The playground is right next to the concrete ghetto, I really don’t think paving over the green spots is a good idea.

construction work

I hope they will leave a little space for the animals. Humans, eh? Always destroying.

Well, I don’t know the plans yet. So maybe they’ll be planting trees and grass and clouds and sunshine. We can hope.

7 Responses to “If the Fish Have Daddy Issues”

  1. Deb Says:

    Mads loves Plume! You can see it in his eyes. The bulldozing is awful. I don’t like it when they take out fence rows and mow ditches around here. Where do all the wild animals go? I like weedy ditches and overgrown untidy areas.

    I’m making out some Christmas cards today. Oh, my! What’s this I see? One’s going to an address in Denmark, of all places. Who do I know there?

  2. Luis Says:

    The “xr” part means “extended release.” So I just take one pill a day instead of two. The side effects for the first two weeks were a nightmare: diahrria, headaches, sleeplessness, nightmares.

    But the only side effects I have now a year later are dreams so vivid it’s like being in a movie. So sometimes I’ll wake up not knowing where I’m or feeling the emotion I was having in the dream.

    With how the world is now these days, sometimes it’s nice to have dreams that mirrors the kind of life you’ve always wanted.

    Anyway, I hope the bulldozers will make things better for the animals. They need grass and little hills and trees to be happy in.

    And I’m going to make my Christmas cards soon. I have to go to the store and buy some blank cards. They sell them at craft stores, and I make some very “unique” ones.

  3. Deb Says:

    Oh boy! Looks like I’m in the artistic/crafty people’s blog. I’m sending out already made cards this year. Yes, yes, I have made cards before that probably looked as well as any 4th grader could make.

    I just paint big things, like houses or garages, not pretty pictures. I’m not artistic at all. I know it when I see it, but I sure can’t draw or paint. That part of my brain is missing, along with some other parts. But we won’t get into that!

  4. Luis Says:

    Oh, I can’t draw or paint worth a lick either. But it’s fun and it give a personal touch to the cards. I used to buy them every year for years. Then last year I stood at all these rows of cards in the store and realized that none of them really said how I truly felt. Those cards seemed fake and phony, and I didn’t want that.

    So I bought some blank cards, drew some pictures of Christmas trees, pasted animals all over them, and wrote down how I felt about the person I was sending them to. They were a hit!

    Don’t worry if you can’t draw. It’s the sentiment that counts. And that’s how Christmas should be. I’d rather get a handmade card than a very expensive gift that he or she can’t afford to buy but felt they had to give me one.

  5. Plume Says:

    Deb – Plume loves Mads as well! I am not a fan of bulldozing either. Funny, the name sounds quite nice doesn’t it? A bull dozing off in the shade on a summer day. Yes.. Sort of. Do you have the addresses of the goats? I assume that’s who you’re sending cards to in Denmark! Hehe. I can’t draw or paint, but I can photoshop! That’s handy when you have photos, I guess.

    Luis – Ah okay yes. I am currently taking 3 pills a day. But that’s only cause I was stupid and messed up when I went to the pharmacy. But doesn’t matter, the mg is the same in the end. I didn’t have horrible side effects luckily. Only tiredness. Oh yes I did have diahrrea, come to think of it. Funny times.
    I am looking forward to the card. It will be fun to see what you come up with.
    Christmas is so much nicer when you have nice people to share it with. I used to hate christmas. Now I’m almost looking forward to it!

  6. Deb Says:

    Hey now. Or hay now. You’d better be looking forward to Christmas since “I & Luis” are sending you special Christmas cards. Oops, I mean I’m sending one to the goats!

  7. Plume Says:

    Deb – Okay okay. Or Ok-hay ok-hay. Hmm, yes. I’m looking plenty forward to christmas. And I think the goats are looking forward to your card too. Mads got all excited when I mentioned it. Of course I was also holding a juicy apple slice at the time, but I’m sure that’s just coincidence.

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