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Himbær Brus

I promised more geeselings. And I shall stand and deliver.

This time they were not popping up from under mother goose’s wings, this time they just popped up on her back.


What a nice mode of transportation.


Ride the goose!

Also, news on the giant belgian bunny. It’s now living with all the other bunnies and the chickens.


In case you can’t tell that is the giant belgian bunny on the top right. Nose to nose with a bunny that seems almost tiny in comparison. I wonder if it’s a dwarf bunny perhaps?

Other than that there is not a whole lot going on. My mother left early this morning. Gone to Zealand. That is the Danish island Zealand, not the fancy NEW Zealand on the other side of the globe. My mother is off visiting family. She’ll be back on Wednesday. Handily coinciding with my days off. I shall have the house all to myself and no plans at all. Lucky me. Maybe I’ll invite some goats round for a party. I could let Mads, Magnethe and Vanilje stay in the guest room. Granted, we don’t actually have a guest room. But we have an Amiga room, my brother’s old room. And I’m sure the goats would soon be able to annihilate the Amiga and make the room their own. I would have to stock up on nuts and raisins though.

It occurs to me that I dream about busses alot. How’s that for a swift change of subject? But it’s true. I often find myself in busses in my dreams. And more often that not these busses are driving all crazy. Sometimes off the roads and just into hills and countryside. And sometime along deadly small roads with giant holes in them. Dangerous driving, but the driver always seem to find it perfectly normal. It’s not the same dream, it’s not the same bus, the same route, the same driver. The busses are not always the main themes of the dreams. But they are often there. I wonder why. Maybe it’s just because I take the bus almost every day to work? And I don’t like them much. I am forced to be around people, locked in a little metal box with nowhere to hide. One of the worst things I know is when the bus is so crowded that I have to push my way forward to get out. And when I start a new place I always worry about the busses, write down notes to make sure I get off a the right place etc. So maybe that’s why they are prominent in my dreams. Or maybe it’s on a deeper, more metaphorical level. In a bus you are not in control. Maybe the bus is my life and I feel like someone else is steering. In last night’s dream the bus stopped and we all had to get on our bikes. On a bike you are in control. Maybe I was taking control of my life? On the other hand, I had a lot of trouble with a flat tyre on my bike. Who knows. I don’t necessarily think all dreams have deep meanings and need to be interpreted. But still. What’s with all the busses?

The lambs are getting feisty. The boys at least. The biggest one. When feeding them yesterday I caught him pushing away the others several times. Even the grown sheep mamas! And the two boys squared off against each other. That’s the first time I have seen them do that. They were facing each other and then stepped back and rammed their heads forward against each other. It’s amazing they don’t break something when they do that. They don’t even have horns, it’s just skull against skull. Yup, they’re getting all manly.

And that’s all for today. Hats of to the first days of summer.

5 Responses to “Himbær Brus”

  1. Debster Says:

    Watch your e-mail, Plumey. I sent you a picture of a “Big Bunny” that lives in Germany.

    Your Giant B. B. makes the others look tiny. Those geeseling are growing really fast. Must be some good bugs and grain there in the playground.

    Well, if the goats can’t come to your house, you will certainly just have to go to theirs’. Our goat, Frankie was up in the apple tree again tonight. They sure do love to eat the leaves, not to mention the apples when they are ripe.

    I will have to do some “dream research” and find out the hidden meaning of busses for you. Are there clowns on the busses? That would be scary to me!

  2. Luis Lemmings Says:

    You know what would be more scary than clowns on a bus??

    If a clown WAS driving a bus…

    Or the clown was a bus…

    Or the bus was shaped like a clown…

    Or the giant rabbit was the bus that looked like a clown…

    Or the clown was dressed like the giant rabbit that drove the bus…

    Or the bus that was shaped like a giant rabbit that looked like a clown that was driving the bus…

    Or the bus driving itself while dressed like a clown that looked like a giant rabbit…

    Stop me Plume, Debster!!!

  3. Plume Says:

    Debster – Whoah! That was one giant, giant bunny. I think the belgians must be jealous. I think even Æsel might think twice before trying to seduce her!
    I have heard of kids climbing trees and stealing apples from their neighbour’s yards, but I guess goats do that too. Hmm it kinda reminds me of a Monty Python sketch about flying lambs. But anyway.. I don’t recall any clowns on the busses. Unless.. unless they were in disguise as “normal” people! Yikes, that’d be creepy. Do clowns dress up like normal people sometimes? If they do then we’re none of us safe ever. Imagine going down the street, all those seemingly normal people.. any one of them could be a clown.. I’m making myself paranoid now!

    Luis Lemmings – Luis for the love of god! Don’t make me slap you! It always works in the movies, but I’m a very nonviolent man! So snap out of it. There are no clowns here, there are no.. wait.. is that circus music again? Oh god it never ends!

  4. Debster Says:

    Luis Lemmings: Have you been a drinkin’ with them clowns again? And one of them clowns was the designated bus driver, right? Don’t make Plume and me come out there and slap you silly!

    Plume: Monty Python had the movie with the “Killer Rabbit” that attacked people. It was white and went flying through the air. Was that part in the “Search for the Holy Grail”? I cant’ remember.

    Yes, clowns are normal people before they dress up. We saw a clown get into costume at Circus World in Baraboo, Wisconsin. I wasn’t so scared of that clown. I don’t like statues or posters of clowns, they are just tooooo scary and bizarre! Especially when they drive a bus!

    Plume’s to do list: name of Giant BB, names of piglets, names of the geesers, names of the chicks, and for goodness sakes, get some pictures of swimming geesers!

  5. Plume Says:

    Debster – The killer rabbit yes! And the holy handgrenade. Hehe. That’s from the Holy Grail indeed. Maybe we should be scared of rabbits instead of clowns.

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