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Cherrybomb On The Chocolate Cake

I am quite tired. Still not sick though, just low on energy I guess.

Today I fed the animals. It was a jolly good time. I missed them. I hadn’t been up at the playground since before christmas, mostly because of all this “feeling unwell” business. It made me feel a little guilty too, I don’t want my goats to think that I have abandoned them.

It was good to see them again.


Lovely, little things. And by little, I am speaking relatively of course. I brought them some leftover bread of various types, and they guffed it down like it was a fine meal. Every meal is fine when you’re a goat.

Jannie was there too. The playground is closed for the holidays, so she has been taking care of things. We arrived at the same time this morning and I thought to myself “hmm, has she forgotten that it’s my day to feed the animals?”. But she had not. She just had some other things to do, like change the hay for the horses and stuff. So I took care of the feeding and she did all of that. What an excellent team we make.

Other than that I am just relaxing and watching Lost. Lots of Lost. On new year’s eve I’ll have dinner with the parents. I’m not going to stay till midnight though. Don’t like the idea of leaving the appartment empty. Right after christmas eve, new year’s is the second most burglarized day. Also walking home in the middle of the night in the bad neighbourhood with people throwing bombs (or “fireworks” as they call it) is not my idea of fun. But dinner will be nice enough.

I hope the goats will be alright on new year’s. That no one will try any funny business at the playground. All the noise is probably enough to unsettle them all. Us goats don’t understand you humans’ need to blow up stuff. You puzzle us, muchly.

In other news, the trip to Greenland has been booked. November 7th next year. So that should be interesting. There’s a part of me that was unhappy with it. The social phobic part, the one that says “you can’t do that, you can’t go to a whole other country, with people and traveling and hotels and planes and trains and people and all of that to deal with. Much safer to stick your head in the ground and stick to your routines”. I know I’m going to worry a lot about the trip, but there’s a long time to go yet, so no reason to start worrying already. And I’m sure it will be a good and fascinating trip. With excellent chances of snow, I should think. We did not have a white christmas this year. The weather forecast says we’ll get snow at the end of next week though, so my fingers are crossed.

And that’s about all for now. Coming up: a look back at the year and maybe some resolutions for the new one? Assuming I have the energy to type it all up. Fingers X-ed!

2 Responses to “Cherrybomb On The Chocolate Cake”

  1. Debster Says:

    Have you had your blood sugar tested recently? I am wondering about your symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, & excessive thirst. Do you ever have blurred vision or tingling in your hands or feet? Those might be signs of diabetes. Just wondering if you’d had any blood tests lately?

    Could also be that you just have a touch of whatever is going round Denmark, but I thought I’d ask.

  2. Plume Says:

    Well all of these symptoms have been going on for a long, long time for me. Apparent from the recent weight loss of course. But I think that can be explained by some habitual changes when I moved out. I was tested for diabetes a couple of years ago and there wasn’t nothing there. I’m sure I’ll be fine and soon back to my low levels of energy, instead of this here level of no energy at all.

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