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People From The Past Alive

I fell into nostalgia today. Digged out my old class lists. And loaded up google. Google is an excellent tool for invading other people’s privacy. Shall we take a look at what some of my former classmates have been doing?

Well, there’s Tina Dickow Danielsen of course. I might have mentioned her. International superstar.

Somewhat to my surprise I found that she isn’t the only one of my former classmates who is doing well in music. Dea Sølbæk Lillelund, keyboard player in the death metal band Fairytale Abuse. According to Soundvenue they are “the uncrowned kings of Danish melodic black/death metal”! I was like woah. According to their news section she is also playing keyboard in panzerchrist. That site isn’t working for me though. But how about that? Keyboardist in a black/death metal band. They have a record deal with a Japanese record label too, so it’s not just some hobby. I never would have guessed. Dea Lillelund and death metal.

They have even played at Kulturgyngen’s stage. Where I work. Maybe I could see them sometime. And get Dea’s autograph. Like I got Tina’s. Haha. You can download some of their songs on their site by the way. If you’re into death metal. I have downloaded a few of their tracks, but I haven’t listened to them yet. I’m going to wait till my parents have gone to bed. I don’t want to scare them.

Oh that reminds me. If you’re in Denmark you should pick up the latest issue of Gaffa. It’s free. And it has Tina Dickow on the front page. And a big 3-4 page article inside. I asked my dad to pick it up for me. And we got to talking about Tina. I told him the whole story. About how I went to school with her, the concert, the autograph. And he even wanted to hear her CD. So I put on Notes for him. I don’t think he was much into it. He said “I think it’s the kind of album you have to listen to more, because it’s so quiet”. But he seemed quite interested in the whole story. He actually knew her name, maybe from when she won the Danish grammy last year. Or maybe he just remembers Karrusel. Haha.

Anyway. Other classmates. Remember I met Klaus at the Tina concert? Klaus Dreyer. Nice guy. He takes pictures. Pictures of ducks. They could be pictures I would take. Only his are better I’m sure. I take pictures of ducks! And look: Sun through trees Plume-style and sun through trees Klaus style. Wow. Also he was president of an Amiga club. I still use my Amiga to this date. No wonder he was the one I related to most in high school. And I remember him drawing all the time. Which is connected to the bodypaint jealousy thing. Remember that? Mhm. Good old Klaus.

Så er der Sabine Freund-Andersen. Med en fjer på. Danish website. Also doing drawings and posting about ferrets on usenet. Working with animals. Cool. She’s one of the few girls that I have slept with. I mean, we slept in the same tent in our intro-trip to Sweden. Calm down. There was no naughty business.

No naughty business with Laila Dalgaard Andersen either. She’s doing movie stuff. Made her own documentary or two. I wonder if I can get them at the library. Would be fun to see.

I also wonder if this Sureka Dullay is the one I went to school with? How many Sureka Dullays can there be? But a model on an international site? Hmm. Judging from the pictures it could be her. I’m just not sure. It’s so long ago. And Sureka isn’t on our class photo so it’s all left to my hazy memory. If only there was more information there, like nationality and age. But I think it’s her. Probably. Maybe. If it is then she sure has grown up pretty. She was my secret santa. And I guessed her. I was Laila’s secret santa. She didn’t guess me. I rock at secret santa!

Gitte Stenbroen Winter. Published a book. “Become your own stockbroker!!”. The double exclamation marks seems a little much. It looks like it might be a university paper actually. Or something like that.

That’s most of what turned up on google about my high school mates. Also Quynh Tu Duong works at my local Favorit. Which is funny because I didn’t ever realize it was her until I heard someone else call her by name and then it dawned on me: “Hey, that’s Quynh.. I went to school with her”. Odd. I wonder if she recognises me.

I found Rikke too, at least an email address for her. I wasn’t sure if it was her because it didn’t list her full name and there were no pictures or anything. So I emailed her, and not long after I got a reply. It is her. That’s nice. She was my “Sara” of highschool. The sweet crush from afar. Like Tina, she was nice to me despite all my shortcomings and problems. One of the good memories.

It’s fascinating to see all these people. I wish I could find out more. Where everybody is, what everyone is doing. Are they married with kids? Did anyone fuck up as much as me or would I win an award at the reunion? It should be mandatory for everyone to keep a blog or a website, so others could check up on you. Haha.

There’s even less to be found about my older school mates. The ones I went to school with for 9-10 years. The ones that are still in my dreams, stuck as 14 year olds. There’s nothing at all about Sara. Sara Damgård Stevens. I think she still lives close by here, but no idea other than that. I thought she was my true love, but when I met Skye I learned what love really was. Still, she has a big place in my heart. Memories.

Stefan Mylleager Frederiksen, the closest thing I had to a best friend I guess. A demo coder (Byter of Blasphemy), a record label, a font creator, a music reviewer. Busy guy.

Kasper Kjær Sørensen. Research assistant, institute for molecular biology. I can’t even translate it properly. I’m not surprised, he was a smart kid. Very smart. Just like Morten Høgsbro Larsen, who is probably a rocket scientist by now. His bachelor thesis. I thought he would be married by now. ROFLETC. “Spin dependent transport phenomena in nanometer-sized heterostructures”. I always was jealous of his brains.

Birgitte Gabrielsen, freelance photographer? At least travel agent and travelling. On that first page there is a list of countries she’s been to. Maybe I should contact her if I ever want to do some travelling. She sounds like she’s got it down.

Apart from being a medal winning swimmer, Annemarie Malchow-Møkker has also done a study on internet dating. That’s funny. She could have used Skye and I in her research.

That’s about all I could find, apart from small mentions here and there. Isn’t it fascinating? All these lives. Destinies, successes and failures. Drifting apart. We are all so different. And most of us are so different from how we were back then. It’s odd to think they are all grown up. Adults. And here I am, practically still an angsty teenage loser. At least I’m progressing. Slowly. Some day soon I may be grown up. Some day.

I hope no one is offended by my stalking. This is just what 5 minutes on google turns up, it’s not like I hired a private detective to find anything. Also, if any of my old classmates or colleagues or tormentors should find me, drop me a note. We don’t have to make up for lost time, I’d just like to know where you are and what you’ve been doing. That’s all. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.

After all that, let’s finish up with a visit to the playground. It was raining today but I still went up for a short while.


Aw, poor Black. All wet. Hehe. The sheep are still tied, so there’s no escape for them.


While the goats can hide inside.


And I have discovered that Mathilde loves apples. A lot. Happened sort of by coincidence. I heard Kurt saying that the best thing to give the sheep was apples. So I figured I’d bring some apple slices for the sheepies, to give them a treat. But I happened to give a slice to Mathilde. And she loved it. I gave her some today too. And you can really tell. Once she’s had a bite of apple she gets all lively, trying to get into my pocket, looking expectantly up at me. Normally she’s quite shy of course. She’ll come up to me and sniff my hands, and if there’s no food then she’ll probably back off a little and go sniff somewhere else for food. But if she’s had apple, then she doesn’t back down. No she becomes much more insistant. Almost like Mads. If Mads sniffs your fingers and finds no food then he just keeps sniffing all over you and rubbing against you and trying to chew your jacket to pieces. He never backs off. Mathilde would never be as aggresive as Mads of course. But still, it’s obvious she really, really, really wants more apple. It’s cute.

Even in the rain the playground still makes me happy.

Also, must thank Winnie. I received a wonderful postcard from Mexico. Goes beautifully in my collection. She is one of “Dunkelfolket”, she sent a hello from Anne too. Very sweet.

Finally, in case you wondered, I’m ignoring the fact that George Bush is visiting Denmark today. I have no comment on that. Nope. Well just one comment then: I have lost further respect for my country today. At least parts of it. That is all. Life goes on.

11 Responses to “People From The Past Alive”

  1. Anne Says:

    Jeg har været i Sverige en uge, men glemteat sende postkort….Ingen undskyldning, som rigtig holder. Det skulle da lige være det dicibel-tal, fire børnebørn af hankøn kan komme op på. Så det er godt, Winnie husker aftalen – jeg har faktisk stukket din adresse til alle dunkler, som skal ud at rejse. Det er tak for det fine parade-indlæg.

  2. Sureka Dullay Says:


    Jeg ved ik’ hvem der har skrevet det her men det er TOTALT FEDT!!!! Jeg fandt det ved at google mig selv. Det lyder lidt skort! Og jo det er mig fra statsgymnasiet. Hvor vildt og hvor sjovt at laese om alle de folk!
    Jeg bor i Sydafrika for tiden hvor jeg studere film. Hvor pudsigt at Laila ogsaa gaar. Jeg har vaeret her i 4 aar og har ik’ vaeret hjem til danmark i alle de aar. Puh! Saa faar man hjemve! Isaer efter din hjemside!
    Bare rolig hvis du ikke er blevet voksen og folsom- det er jeg heller ik’! Jeg er nu 29 aar ( hvordan det er sket ved jeg ikke!). Naar folk sporger hvor gammel jeg er, er jeg lige ved at sige 19, men saa slaar det mig som et lyn at jeg fand’me naesten er 30! Shit! men det er ok. Man er jo kun saa gammel som man foler, og jeg er 19 og rigtig umoden!
    Ok nok sludder. Jeg har ik’ en e-mail men vil gerne holde kontakt hvis du har lyst. Min addresse er
    Sureka Dullay
    260 Cowey Road
    62 Modayan
    4001 Greyville
    Durban, KZN
    South Africa

    Hvad laver du og hvem er du?
    Ok jeg vil slutte af for denne gang, haaber at horer fra dig. Jeg blev helt skor da jeg laeste alt det her! Hej-hej!!

  3. Plume Says:

    Hej Sureka! Det er sjovt at blive fundet. Jeg skriver til dig snart :)

  4. Uffe Says:

    Hej Plume,

    Jeg fandt din blog gennem en google-søgning på nogle navne fra statsgymnasiet.

    hvor er det sjovt at se hvad de andre fra vores klasse laver. ærgeligt at der ikke er mere.

    Men tusind tak fordi du har samlet, det du ku finde.

    Jeg husker dig, men kun svagt (gad vide om du kan huske mig..)

    Nå men i hvert fald, har browset lidt rundt i din blog og det var spændende og meget rørende at læse.

    Håber alt peger i den rigtige retning!

    mange hilsner

  5. Plume » Blog Archive » Off To See The Tina Says:

    […] is fear etcetera. Speaking of Tina, I got a comment from Uffe. From our old class. On the googling old classmates post. I think he and Tina were something of an item back then. Thanks for the comment, Uffe! I […]

  6. sureka Says:


    jeg vil sige at jeg har faaet dit bre! jeg er bare rigtig daarlig til at skrive tilbage. jeg gaar hjem lige nu og finder dit brev og skriver til dig!!! og jeg har e-mail nu som du kan se, saa skriv til mig! hey hvis du kan saa send et billede over nettet for jeg har ikke rigtig noen billeder fra dengang. ha’ det godt!!!

    sureka i syden1

  7. Laila Says:

    Hej ukendte,
    For mig står det endnu uklart hvis blog det er jeg er inde på?
    En der stod Klavs nær. Hmmm..

    Jeg er Laila, og kom også til at google mig selv. Det er en skøn skrivelse du har lavet over dine minder. Ganske sentimental og sødmefuld. Det er dejligt at læse opsamlinger og få serveret links på den gymnasietid, jeg deler med dig. Jeg deler også pludselig din nysgerrighed: Hvor mon alle de andre er og hvad laver de? Jeg vil gerne høre mere. Der var Uffe fx. Og hvem er det, der skriver? Jeg kan ikke huske, at jeg var din nisse, jeg kan faktisk kun meget svagt huske nisseriet. Og Sureka i Sydafrika, også hej med dig.
    Jeg kan fortælle til den fælles information, at Karin bliver 30 lige nu og Anna sidder i et tog på vej til Århus.

    Gode hilsner fra Laila

  8. Plume Says:

    Hej Laila. Jeg har sendt en mail. Hyggeligt at høre fra dig!

  9. Klaus "Stald" Dreyer Says:

    Sikke en fin side du har fået dig her! Jeg fandt den i forsøg på at opspore gamle gymnasiefolk fra dengang – og det ser ud til at det er lykkedes at opspore en nu. Men det er nu ikke kun for sjov jeg gør det, for der er optræk til en reunion. Interesseret eller bare nysgerrig? Så kan du jo lige skrive.

    Ha’ det godt!

    Herlig hilsen
    Klaus med tegningerne :)

  10. Plume Says:

    Klaus – You’ve got mail!

  11. vokale_r_r_u Says:

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