É Estranho
What have I been doing?
On Friday I slept a lot. Too much. As I sometimes do. On the plus side I had a nice dream wherein I was in love with a sweet girl. What the heart is full of. It had a funny ending too. In the dream I was still living with my parents. My dad had turned on the water and was getting ready to take a shower. I said “I have to use the bath room”. He said “but I’m going to take a shower now” and I said “but I REALLY have to use the bath room”. Then I woke up. And I REALLY had to use the bath room. I always find it interesting when real life infects the dream like that. Like the time I dreamt of the ocean and woke up to the sound of the wind moving the leaves in the tree outside my window. It sounded like waves against the shore.
On Saturday I fed the animals. Nice as always. There were several visitors there. A woman asked me “are you always open in the weekend?” and I said “no, only for the feeding of the animals, otherwise it’s closed” and she said to her little girl “oh we were lucky then”. That happens regularly. People coming to see the animals and just happening to be there when I’m there. It’s nice when people feel lucky because you’re there. Well, I know they don’t feel lucky because it’s ME who’s there. But still.
The mother and girl watched me feed the goats as well. Thor was burying his head in the trough and the girl asked her mother what that goat was called. I turned around and said that it was Thor. And then she asked what the other goats were called. And I told her. I like when I get to introduce or talk about the goats.
Thor himself. It almost looks like we’re embracing, maybe dancing. But there is a door between us.
Also on Saturday I bought a lamp. And then I returned it. There were several parts missing. Instead of getting it exchanged I decided to get my money back. Which turned out to be a good idea since later that day my dad was visiting and casually mentioned that my brother had a surplus lamp that he was getting rid off. Exactly what I was needing. And free is the best price there is.
Today has been quite quiet. The Euro 2008 final was the highlight. Spain beat Germany 1-0 to take the title. Well deserved and long overdue. Spain always has an exciting team but it’s been a long time since they got any results for it. But tonight they are campeones.
I have been watching a fair bit of the footie with my dad. The evening games. He’ll come around and we’ll watch the first half. Then he catches a bus at half time and watches the second half at home. It’s been nice watching some games with him. Football is a shared interest.
And that’s about it. I have a funny craving for omelette. And baked potatoes. And pork roast. It’s the middle of the night now, but I feel like having dinner. I’lll have to go shopping tomorrow. Since I currently have no eggs, no bakey potaties and no pork.
Dinner will have to wait.
June 30th, 2008 at 4:10
Hay, hay! Of course they are glad to see YOU. You’re the “goats’ spokesperson”. How would the people of Denmark know how sweet, cute, brilliant, and lovable goats really are without you?
I’ll just bet those visitors talk later about how much fun they had and how lucky they were to have been there when you were there. You may not think you have much of an impact on people, but you just never know.
That lady and her little girl may not have been having a good day until they showed up at the playground.
About dreams: I had a dream I was skiing and I fell and broke my leg. The thing is, I don’t know how to ski! When I woke up, I was laying funny on my leg and it was asleep and was all “pins and needles” until it woke up!
I think Thor “adores” you (if you didn’t already know that).
I like cheese omelettes. (That looks funny, did I spell omelettes right?)
June 30th, 2008 at 5:29
I get those kind of dreams, too, where they seem so real that when you wake up you wonder if it really happened.
Thank goodness they’re only dreams. Can you imagine having to go shopping with a giant lobster and he’s a darn cheap one, too, since he refuses to buy you a diet coke because you’re really thirsty and he’s the only one with cash in his wallet?
June 30th, 2008 at 23:27
Debster – Official spokesperson for the olympics! I mean.. the goats! I’ll talk their ears off if they ask about the goats. You know me, never shutting up!
Maybe you should try to dream about getting skiing lessons. Less dangerous then.
Thor is extremely friendly. I think he adores pretty much everyone!
Omelette does look funny. I’m never sure how to spell that. Just like spaghetti. I’m never sure where the H goes.
LuisLemmings – A cheap lobster? That’s not what my restaurant says!
Hmm, that joke didn’t quite work out. Oh well.