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Merry thanksgiving, to whom it may apply. In Denmark, of course, we do not have thanksgiving. But I thought I would take the opportunity to say what I am thankful for anyway. In in the spirit of positivity.

Here goes.

I am thankful for my family, friends and goats. My family for being so supportive in the hard times I’ve been through. My online friends for putting up with my crap and being nice and supportive as well. And the goats for being, well for being goats. What more could I ask for?

I am thankful for the little improvements here and there. Since the last eye surgery. That I can walk around outside without using my cane. That I can sitll operate my computer and do most of the things I need to do in my everyday life. I am thankful that I have gotten the CCTV and other devices to help me.

I am thankful that I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night to pee anymore. I used to have to do that for as long as I can remember, but now that my diabetes is in check I don’t have to anymore. And I am thankful that the antihistamines have helped unblock my nose at night. Thankful that my financial situation is good and that I have most everything I need. Thankful that I have gotten so much help from doctors and nurses and foor therapists and just the health care in general. I am thankful that my back has gotten a little better with the exercises I have been doing. That I can now walk all he way to the playground without hurting.

Most of all I am thankful that I am not completely blind.

Yup, that’s about all I can think of right now. I’m sure there are some I have missed. But it’s always better to try to think of the good things, and not the negatives. That’s what I like about Thanksgiving, compared to so many other holidays.

Sucks for the turkeys though.

4 Responses to “Turkleton”

  1. Clare Says:

    This is very nice, stay positive <3

  2. Plume Says:

    Clare – I’ll do my best!

  3. Debster Says:

    Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes! We had a very nice one with turkey, dressing, cranberries, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, carrots, rolls, and pumpkin or apple pie.

    Crap? Crap? What kind of crap do we have to put up with you? Doesn’t everyone like to see beautiful goatzies eating hay and doing silly things?

    I listened to our landlord’s cows and bull eating grass the other evening. They make much louder crunching noises than the goatzies do.

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – Sounds like a great thanksgiving. Why was I not invited?! Maybe next year I’ll get lucky.
    Although I should warn you, I chew rather loudly too.

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