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The Old Man And The Snowflake

Somewhat of a quieter week. After last week’s reading glasses and Bodil present successes. Not so much has happened this week. We did get a nice visit from Sigrid at the playground. I haven’t seen her for ages. Since she stopped. She’s very busy with the vegan place. But it sounds like it’s going well. Hard work is better than no work. It was nice getting to say hello to her. I miss having her around. I’m glad she still follows the goats through my Facebooking too. We are not forgotten!

Had kid visitors too. Several boys enjoyed feeding the goats. Sitting under the apple tree. The apples aren’t very big yet. But they are perfectly sized for a goat mouth. There was one boy who told me he could never remember my name and would it be okay if he called me Ali? Haha. I said sure. I should have suggested he call me Goatman, like some of the other kids do. I wouldn’t mind that catching on. Just put up the goatsignal if you need me.

Fun times.

It’s been a warm weekend. And by weekend I includ Friday. The sun is back, at least for now. It has made for good exercise. Effective, exhausting, exhilarating excercise. I really need to buckle up and make July and August count. Hard work and discipline. Yup, that sounds like me alright. We shall see.

Let me quote my Facebook post.
“I am a snowflake. I cannot change the direction of the storm. I can just do my best to land gently on the ground. I am a snowflake.”
This is my new mantra. Snow is calming. Snow is soothing. I like imagining myself as a falling snowflake. When the storm makes me sad or upset. Just gently fall. Let it fall through you. I am a snowflake. I am doing my best and I will be okay.

And now for something completely different.

Herman in the grass.

Kamel in the grass too.

I like that spot. Mia with the sun and the shade.

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s tasty leaves!

The goat princess.

I wonder if the grass is greener…

Mia close.

Mama Mio.

I think Palle wants to stand on my head.

Maybe they just want the leaves.

A little mix of the goats in the sun and shade.

Peekaboo, Herman!

Trying to trick Palle into thinking I’m not taking a photo. Don’t think he’s buying it.

The boy who wanted to call me Ali. Getting apples for the goats. Kamel would rather try on her own.

And a #Palleface to round things up.

And the goatlog. With Mia and Palle trying to ruin my neck. And Kamel terrorizing the picnic table repeatedly. Mia eating apples. Herman trying to undo Mia’s leash. And other fun goat adventures.

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the next fun.

2 Responses to “The Old Man And The Snowflake”

  1. Debster Says:

    So your new name is: Ali Snowflake! Hmmm . . . might take some getting used to. Hee, hee.

    We got home from work later tonight and you should have heard the upset baa’s! Baaaaaa, baaaa. Don’t go in the house – feed us, NOW!

    Their little tummies must have been rumbling even though they have plenty of grass to eat before it’s hay time.

    One of the community bands that my husband plays trombone in plays the song: Liberty Bell. It’s also known as the theme song from Monty Python. And now for something completely different.

    I always think of the Monty Python show when they play that march.

  2. Plume Says:

    A Lasse by any other name! I think the goats just prefer to call me BAAH! I think the Monty Python theme is quite fitting for goats. It’s a bit of a circus sometimes. Although they don’t fly. Yet. I am sure they are working on it.

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