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Jolly Lagging

It’s been a quite quiet week. Not much going on. At all. Lovely weather. We had some super warm days. It’s been raining tonight and it’s a little cooler, but still nice and summery. I’m enjoying that. Winter is but a distant memory and the woolly socks are packed away, out of sight and out of mind.
Enjoying the company of the goats as well. I had some fun trips around the premises with all of them free. I do like to just stroll around and keep an eye on them as they wander around. I do my best to keep them out of trouble. It’s hard work but someone has to do it. All in a day’s work for a goat herder.

Since there’s nothing really to talk about I’ll just copy another Facebook post. Since my Mia was on my mind.

“Have I mentioned lately how much I love Mia? It could be self evident, I guess. She’s such a wonderful goat princess. Her whole history, how she came along just when I needed her. How confident and wonderful she was and is. How much we bonded. Her Facebook page and the good people I’ve met through it. She’s such a big part of my life. I get so happy every time I see her skipping towards me with a wagging tail and bobbing ears. When she tries to lick my face because she knows it cracks me up and I can’t help giving her raisins. Hey dogs do it, nothing weird about it. Right? Good. People at the playground tells me that she bleats after me long after I’m gone when I leave. And I can hear her hollers echo through apartment blocks as I walk away. The same way she hollers when she’s tied down and Palle goes away. I don’t know if she sees me as family or just a giant raisin dispenser. I don’t care either. She’s my darling. I can’t say no to her, that’s why I still let an almost two year old goat jump up and stand on my back. Explain that to my chiropractor. Worth it, though. She makes me happy. As all the lovely goats we have do. So if you wonder why I’m constantly posting goat stuff, this should go about 1/1000th of explaining it. Plus they fun. They fun a lot.”

And now go go goat photos.

Got my eye on you, Herman.

Kamel’s reaction to me being out of peanuts.

Staring contest with Mia.

Down in front!

I see the light.

And it is good.

Guess who’s got the raisins.

I still don’t know where Waldo is, but I think I spotted Herman.

Busy being Mia.

I’m helping.

And Mio too.

Palle enjoys the leaf.

A lot.

We’re free! Run for the hills! FREEEEDOM!

Watching the goats.

Sitting with Mia in the sun.


Mia and Mio clearing the weeds.

What are you having, partner? Playing bartender with Mio.

And a goatlog. With leaves dropped in the pen and goat adventures into the freedom.

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the next town.

3 Responses to “Jolly Lagging”

  1. Debster Says:

    It has been hot here! The goats spend lots of time on their elevated platform in the shade. We have a fan in their shed for them, too.

    We had to get them another fan this week though as the current one stopped working. Those goats and donkey aren’t spoiled, not one bit.

    We did manage to spend some time with the animals on one of the nicer evenings. Even the cats wanted a cuddle. Nothing like having a large hairy cat want to sit on your lap in the hot summer time.

    Snickers has finally lost all her winter coat and she looks so sleek and shiny now. All that winter fur must be itchy as she even let me comb lots of it from her. Now the goats would let me comb them all day long if I would do it.

    They just smile and turn to the other side when they’ve had enough combing on one side. Silly goatzies.

    John Boy was sleeping on the bench this morning and I hope I took some good pictures of him. He is so cute when he sleeps. And to think we never saw them sleep when they were younger.

  2. Debster Says:

    Hay, hay! Be sure to check your email account. I just sent you some photos of John Boy sleeping and one of him awake.

    Also sent you a picture of our giant volunteer sunflower. One of the wild birds must have dropped a seed in the dirt and up came the sunflower.

  3. Plume Says:

    I love warm days with goats! I don’t think it’s warm enough here to justify a fan, but it’s an adorable idea! Kamel has lost all her wool too now I think. She was hanging on to it for a long time!
    Just saw the pictures! So cute! Aw sleeping goat! What could be better? So peaceful and precious. I just want to lie down and take a nap with him! And that big sunflower is big! I love that colour. Of course, I love the sun so it makes sense I’d love a sunflower!

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