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Older In More Ways

My birthday is almost over. Although I take comfort in the fact that it will go on for a while in other timezones. The wonders of the world.

It’s been a generally okay day. A big bus strike sort of shot down my plans. But the busses started going later in the day and I managed to go to the library and give back the overdue video. And then I picked up my new 19 inch flatscreen monitor. And let me tell you, it’s a thing of beauty. Going from a 15 inch to a 19 inch monitor is like going from a… hmm I was going to make a penis analogy, but I better not. Suffice it to say that I’m loving my new monitor.

Had a little cake with mother and brother. That was nice. Nice chicken dinner too. And Daddy called from Greenland and we had a nice chat.

So that was okay, you can’t expect much more when you’re a social phobic shut-in. I have had worse birthdays, and I’m sure I’ll have better. But I’m feeling okay and that’s the main thing. My favourite parts of the day were two birthday visits from Moomincat though. Both times I walked into my room and found him sitting on my bed.


Almost like he was waiting for me to come.

He was a tired little kitty.


Snuggled up between my legs.


Are these pictures freaky? I promise I’m wearing pants. And I’m sorry for all the flabby, white flesh. But I just found it so sweet, to have him sleeping up against me like that.



So precious. When he got up he jumped down on the floor and stretched out. And I mean streeeeetched. His legs in front of him. It reminded me of Hobbes from Calvin & Hobbes. It looked so cute. Sleepy kitty stretching after the nap.


I’m glad he dropped by and helped me celebrate. And a big thank you also to everyone who has wished me a happy birthday on livejournal or here. Or by card. I am happy that I am not alone in the world.

Goodnight but not goodbye.

PS. It’s snowing. Maybe I have been a good boy?

6 Responses to “Older In More Ways”

  1. Anne Says:

    Jeg kom selvfølgelig for sent med kortet, men det skulle dukke op, om Gud, Mohammed eller posten vil det. I hvert fald stort tillykke. Faktisk skrev jeg igår, men du kender mine computerevner – mangel på samme. Dejligt, at Mumin huskede dagen. Go’ vind og alt gode ønsker.

  2. unique colletion of stories that explore the manifestations of Says:

    ummm, not to rain on your parade but did you ever think about how that is really unsanitary and it’s how diseases (esp. disgusting ones like crabs) are transmitted? indirect skin on skin contact. i read about someone who had scabbies (or whatever they’re called), little microscopic organisms that latch onto your skin when you sit on the potty because they’ve been waiting there since they got off the last person who had it. then they crawl underneath your skin and breed and send their kids to private schools, underneaht your skin. and you scratch and scratch and go “wtf?” and think it’s a rash but it just gets worse and worse and you have to go to the doctor and they tell you it’s an STD. Herpes simplex I is transmitted via skin (ie including nongenital) contact as well, so all those people who have cold sore flare ups when they’re overexposed to the sun, they have fucking herpes, just not the bad simplex ii one, but it’s herpes nonetheless. so what i’m getting is that people often don’t think about these things, but i happens a lot.

  3. Plume Says:

    I’lls take my chances.

  4. Milla Says:

    Plume, let’s just be glad we ain’t got no germo phobia :D i’ve never heard of cats havin herpes, but then, maybe there’s a flaw somewhere in my education :D and what was a thinking by giving my dog a big smooch on the nose in the morning and eating pizza wit my hands on the swings! haha.

    great pics of Moomincat! ;) precious kitty :)))

  5. Anne Says:

    Milla har ret. Askese kan bli’ en sygdom i sig selv, så nus du bare videre. I gamle dage sagde de, at gravide kvinder kunne smittes med et eller andet, men var de bare i god foderstand, var der ingen risiko. Og gode oplevelser bygger på imunforsvaret, så Mumin er mest sund for dig. Men derfor skulle du overveje det helt store eftersyn – måske er det en lille ting, som lægen ved alt om, hvordan det kan kureres. Og du skal ikke blive væk fra gederne, fordi du er lidt sløj – imunforsvaropbygning igen. Og er hende den brune skønhed ikke ved at lægge sig lidt ud?

  6. grant Says:

    You know i could insert an obvious joke about a pussy between your legs…thats a pussy cat silly…=)

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